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Everything posted by Fox62

  1. I think of the Pheonix from Star Trek when I look at that thing. Will it be launched on top of a surplus launch vehicle?
  2. Hell, just make a formation of space fighters and you have a potential Macross Missile Massacre if staging works. Possibly with kOS timing missile launches?
  3. What about doing a Constellation-esque Eeloo mission?
  4. .... Was this at all inspired by Alien Planet? Because this is exactly how they deployed probes in that movie.
  5. Couldn't you just make the struts procedural bits? I mean, you could possibly modify some of the code from StretchySRB.
  6. Yup. I basically wanted to be able to attach the engines manually, as not only would it allow for the same G-force management solution used by the REAL Saturn V, but would also allow us to modify the S-IC stage.
  7. I've applied to join the alliance as Altairva, but I can't build jack in the only city I have. EDIT: Nevermind. Hadn't read all the instructions yet.
  8. Flamethrower tank, awaiting further orders!
  9. This thread has been lacking some Doctor Who for some time. This will be rectified. DELETE!
  10. Please tell me that the first and second stage fueltanks and engines are going to be separate parts. That way, we can recreate versions of the Saturn V that had upgrades like the addition of external boosters and stretched fuel tanks. Oh, and NERVAs.
  11. So a little visual shaking would be fairly realistic without screwing us over too much. I honestly like this, as it would make cinematic videos much prettier. And with an autopilot, I could appreciate the beauty of the launch from within the flight area.
  12. Try using it when I've blasted it with an EMP.
  13. Try shooting this down. (For those of you who don't know, that's a picture of the direct successor of the SR-71 Blackbird. It can fly just as high and twice as fast)
  14. Will there be Railguns (as in, the electro-magnetic kind)?
  15. Most KEKV (Kinetic Energy Kill Vehicles) designs are intended to be made of tungsten and are narrow rods around 0.3m across. If you looked up the "**** Space Program" recreation (were he built in RSS with full realism the entirety of the Aggregate series from the A-4 to the A-12), you would see that V2s regularly hit the ground at speeds well over mach 4, at least using FAR and Deadly Reentry to simulate it. Keep in mind that V2s were not made from tungsten, and had much more area to generate drag. EDIT: Apparently the name of the political party that lead Germany through WW2 is censored on this site.
  16. So, parallel universe Kerbals? Or parallel universe SWARM?
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