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Everything posted by Alephzorg

  1. No denying the awesomeness of this video. Please keep up the good work.
  2. Here comes the time... Version 15.2 and the parts and the plugin have stopped working. So, is it just me or do we have to go back to version 15.0 ?
  3. Please do ! I\'d really like to give it a try.
  4. I can\'t wait to get back from work to try it. To Gallifrey !!
  5. I just found out about this thread. And I have to say... ME WANT ! ME WANT IT BAD !! It looks great and it will be awesome to fly it. Can\'t wait to have it (but will...).
  6. Hello, I received the confirmation email on august 29th after donating 7$ but I don\'t see a store button in the forum. And when I use the link found in the forum, I get the following message : 'An Error Has Occurred! You are not allowed to view the Store' How come ?
  7. It\'s been about a month and I only received 1 email, the 'Thank you for pre-ordering Kerbal Space Program' one. I\'ll wait.
  8. I'm adding my voice to the crowd. Nothing yet, neither the 1st nor the 2nd email. :'(
  9. Perso, francophone de France. Une question à ceux présents. Quelle est la durée de votre plus long vol ? Pour le moment, le mien est de 2 jours et une 20aine d'heures, toujours en cours. Je suis à environ 39000km et je redescends doucement sur une orbite basse. Mon objectif, une orbite stable à 200km avant la réentrée dans l'atmosphère. PS : le moteur à ion, c'est génial !!
  10. Présent ! J'ai commencé ce weekend et... Je suis parti me coucher après avoir ajusté la vitesse de ma capsule par rapport à son orbite. Lundi improductif au boulot à venir.
  11. Just enjoying my 42000k (and still climbing), thanks to you. Great look.
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