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Everything posted by zekes

  1. Ok we did a quick shakedown flight of the ZoPL Endeavour, and it still needs some debugging... but here's the flight. The primary problem was Lack of RCS and not enough Oxidizer. The lack of RCS made re-entry... interesting... and the range is limited to Minmus (for now). Also a problem are lack of landing legs, making (survivable) touchdown on minmus impossible. ALso interesting was that the ship was launched in 0.19.1 but landed in .20.0.... so not sure where that fits. Also it landed with plenty of jet fuel to spare so it can be easily flown to KSC. It also has two refueling ports on the sides for land based refueling ships.
  2. Say hello to the new Stowable Mini Rover Mk III! Now with a seat and RTG!
  3. I say! Top 'O the mornin' to you all!
  4. Title says it- cant find subassembly loader for .20. Help!
  5. That's not the Mun behind him.. that's Tylo... uh oh.
  6. There will be no sacrifices today! Unless they are Kerbals. That's fine.
  7. But its murderous against bombers. When these came into night fighter service, the Luftwaffe abandoned raids on England...
  8. Hahaha what am i saying? this is the best fighter.... 4 20mm cannon, 6 machine guns, 1 tail gun, 8 rockets, and torpedo...
  9. Everyone's going to comPLAIN about this joke (I capitalized it cause i don't want to exPLAIN the pun).....
  10. No one's noticed the poles have been updated... and it's beautiful... Time lapse of Ice: Knots what planets are those? They look so different....
  11. 1001!!!!!!! If you ask me what I do all day, this picture pretty much sums it up.... Build weird things.
  12. I make so many puns at school its not even funny... Most people don't get them, but a few witty souls do....
  13. The gentle side of Kerbal.... Flies at 60 m/s and with 15N of thrust...
  14. thank you, thank you. Ill be here all week.
  15. Can you do this? I like this flag. Just white background with Blue circle and white upside down triangle.
  16. I sent bill, jeb, and bob to a station for 25 years, and as soon as i deorbited it they were back again in the roster....
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