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Everything posted by zekes

  1. It has a docking port! You can redock with it! Also, Jeb drives too fast.....
  2. You've Arrived at PANIC STATION! (Muse refrence)
  3. The Orbiter Mk IV is capable of Jool (and laythe and goes beyond my call of duty. In the first flight alone it went to Laythe, rendezvoused with a manned lander, went back to kerbin, crew splashed down, and had enough fuel to send the unmanned section into munar orbit! http://www./?dh04cpaqca896ez
  4. I say, that's some real high quality stuff there! Nice! I like the hopper, very clean lines....
  5. Well, we had a safe re entry where the Capsule deorbited, but the transfer stage made a perfect aerobrake and came out in a 53x20 orbit. I saw it and I was like "I can save it, I can save it!" It had a control pod on it so i could boost it to orbit, and, in a stroke of luck, i had put RTGs on it! I now have a new station!
  6. Testing began on the Laythe lander in 2236, with mission requirements stating the ship had to achieve LKO and stay under 40 tonnes. This was a difficult challenge, but Zokesian Engineers were able to come up with a hybrid rocket/jet ship which could get to LKO with fuel to spare. It was two man, which was perfect as the Lee (the new name for the Laythe Exploration Expedition mother ship) was going to carry five men. However, the first test flight resulted in landing of the upper stage (Which was never designed to land) which broke it. It was also found that because the fuel was above the cockpit it made the ship top-heavy on landing, which could be a problem on Laythe, but engineers went with it, saying that the engines could slow the decent enough (with parachutes) to make a safe touchdown. It was about to be launched when at the last minute an intern remembered there were no NERVAs on the Lee, so they threw together a Tow stage with two NERVAS to power the craft. Both went up together, but docked separately. The finished product was a monster, and an under-powered one at that. it squirmed and wiggled, and the Fuel had to be pulled out of the lander to achieve stability. But it was too late to redesign now, the mission must go on! The ship made a two hour burn, pulling it out of LKO and into a Jool-encounter trajectory. Stay tuned for more!
  7. After five years of the project laying fallow, funding was restored to the Laythe Exploration Expedition. But it was still a difficult year; the life support in the Mothership had gone out and the Stuka's fuel supply had frozen solid. The engineers were able to unfreeze the Stuka's Fuel by rotating it into the sun, but the Laythe Exploration Expedition Mothership was really going to need that Habitation Module. The thirty ton section was added with ease, and the ship began looking very massive. The crew stayed for a week and really liked the habitats, claiming they could "finally get peace and quiet up here." After they left the ship was now with a home but no engines. Also important would be the lander which would be able to land at Laythe safely and return to orbit.
  8. The year was 2230. Kerbals of Zokesia have colonized Minmus and Duna, but they have never set foot on Laythe. The few probes sent showed a watery world with rocky terrain and high gravity. Getting there would not be easy. The first Manned expedition to return was the Cruiser Mk IV Claudia. The ship landed two probes on the surface, and gained valuable data on the dangers of landing on Laythe. Laythe Rover "Dolly" touched down hard and at night; engineers thought they had broken a wheel. However it was able to move and determine the soil on Laythe is Primarily rocky and sand, with small hinds of mossy growth, and a breathable oxygen atmosphere. The other rover, "Teal" missed its projected landing spot and was on decent into the ocean when communications were lost. Some seawater had entered the soil collector, but the rover sank before it could be analyzed. The crew of the Claudia couldn't stick around. They had only just enough fuel to return to Kerbin, and their two transfer burns were hair raising, however, everyone made it home. Zokesia High Command gave the go-ahead for construction of a supership to visit Laythe. The next ship to be launched at Laythe was the Orbiter Mk IV Stuka, a radical departure form the previous Cruisers in that it had only two NERVA engines, and lacked the radial hard points. It did however have a better RCS system, more balanced controls, and a better docking cone at the front. It also had an unmanned guidance unit, and was launched empty in preperation for the Landing at Laythe (The mothership was already overloaded and didn't carry its own Return Vehicle). The Automatic cameras took these photos of the wildlife: TYLO: BOP: Aditionally, the Mothership Core was launched. It consisted of x32 tanks and full RCS capability, but lacked NERVAS to carry it to Laythe. It already was massive, and the two crew checking it out said it was cramped and the heaters didn't work properly. So plans were made to send up a 30 ton Habitation Core. But now it seemed the project was in Jeopardy. Funding was cut suddenly in favor of the ZoPL Kiwi Mk II Long range SSTO development, and the project was put on hold for five years.
  9. OK link works now! RedDwarf you can go now. http://www./download/7plqy4ogfu95cpq/persistent.sfs
  10. Turn off Liquid fuel and leave the LFEs on. It will drain Oxidizer.
  11. Our latest landing was a success, built a base at the mun arch. Return was nominal.
  12. It might just be that you can't see any engines on it... but that's cause the wing hangs over a lot... EDIT: might be the Port tail fin has no shadow, but the starboard one does (mabye). I like it
  13. Oh my god i love you that pic is so beautiful!!!!!!!
  14. no problem hotmail.. ok RedDwarf IV you are up! EDIT: It seems your link isnt working...
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