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Everything posted by zekes

  1. zekes


    wow very ambitious! i look foreward to playing it!
  2. Cool thread, im gonna post here later! (can't right now or i would) but spoiler!
  3. This is the iconic picture of Zokesia Space Program. The upper stage of our Laythe Lander, after rendezvousing with the mothership.
  4. 8 FPS is not lag, especially on a 900 part ship. I get 3 FPS on a 300 part ship so your computer is NEIN times better than mine!
  5. this is great, except you should retexture some of the SRB parts to look like they fit with an SRB.
  6. SAS is finally fixed! Ive been waiting since 13.0 to have it fixed... thank you Squad
  7. pff. who needs treaties when we have missile ships?
  8. i FORKget the whole thing beFORK i get mad. or i call the inFORKmation hotline to find a store which sells more. Or i won't use a fork because i don't want to conFORK with society. Ok i'm done
  9. Looks! It's a Sherman (or on kerbin, an M4 Kerman)
  10. A hit from a heavy space missile destroys all....
  11. yeah it looks like this has lost interest from almost everyone.....
  12. well, i managed to strand 5 people at Moho. fun. At least the base is done.
  13. hello, we accept your partnership request.
  14. Ok so i was flying low when i hit the ground, and wow... it lost the whole right wing and engine assembly. But it was stable, and i actuallly managed to turn around and land safely.
  15. I like that idea. like show the stats at the end of the video.
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