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Everything posted by zekes

  1. Sometimes exploration isn't glorious... Kerham Kerman driving the portable tractor pulling a roller in preparation for the Dally Munar Habitation Lander.
  2. Stay tuned, the next part is coming soon!
  3. ITs part of a series i was doing, ill psot all craft at the end of the series. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/34991-Zokesia-Laythe-Expedition
  4. "We were low on fuel so we got the astronaut to push the capsule back home."
  5. Bioman, Ill kill you with a Big Daddy suit. And ill stab you 222 times.
  6. Im good at launching massive ships cause i hate lag (which would interrupt docking) that probably doesnt make much sense...
  7. wel duh they're gonna test for five years, it's a low thrust engine, therefore it needs to stand up to long durations of power.
  8. Supervising extraction from the safety of the capsule
  9. Then ill post my old 18.0 shuttle. Its fun to fly, hard, keep RCS on after SRBs disconnect. When it starts to tip jetteson the Main tank. http://www./download/u634bcqexh8ibuy/ZSTS_Mk_V.craft
  10. Zekes' guide to killing a computer. -Stick a CD in wrong -Duck Tape the Fan shut -Children+Paints (need i say more) -Known malware site -Open every game you own at the same time, duck tape fan shut.
  11. this is the video that got me into KSP.... over a year ago I saw it and became hooked. <sniff>
  12. Its more of an Armored Cruiser but..... -2 long range guided missiles -12 light caliber projectiles Could have more armament but i havent gotten around to it. center is open so 30+ torpedoes could be stored there.
  13. Very timely.... http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/02/world/europe/russia-rocket-explosion/?hpt=hp_t2
  14. nice story! but you should have just sent up a ship, nudged it, and it would have rotated into the sunlight!
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