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Everything posted by zekes

  1. Hey guys, what's this? I took them when ascenting in my spaceplane......
  2. Okay, landed by the face..... Jeb did a good job, so he got to stand on it....
  3. Ill be down in a sec.... landing spot's on the dark side! BTW im landing near The face
  4. No, its curiosity all right http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02300/rover_2300144b.jpg
  5. I love duna, I want to found a base next to the face!
  6. Actually, sorry, I want to go to duna, its easier
  7. We don't need new planets, we need a mechjeb-like assist to help us get to the planets without wasting time and fuel!
  8. SIgn me up! for EVE btw, does anyone else's planets have water ? eve and the ocean moon of jool have water collision mesh, but no texture
  9. Its been less than a day! LET ME ENJOY THE MOMENT!
  10. Ive been experimenting with this and found a way to protect the plane.... ill post when I get home.
  11. well, in 17.0 ill be able to becasue right nao my mod KSP is broken. Count me in for 17.0!
  12. I pass this time. My KSP is crashing like crazy, and I dont have enought time to re-download everything. Mabye next time...
  13. Official rover should be this: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/20286-PLUGIN-PART-DEMV-1-0-Duna-Exploration-Manned-Vechicle its awesome
  14. I have found that it helps to understand CG, and build off of that. Remember the engines are heavy, so the space plane almost always starts nose heavy and lands tail heavy (as fuel weight goes away) also if you have a ship that comes in with fuel to spare, keep it form draining from the front tank until the very end, so you have some nose weight on landing. RCS tanks also add weight, but i find the best way to build it is to build it with the landing CG in mind- i.e. without fuel weight. Then build the plane so when on the ground it is sitting on the gear with pitch up attitude (slightly) or take off vertically. Also adding lots of corntrol surfaces helps add lift so the SAS can hold the ship steady on reentry. Also reference this: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/11214-The-K-Prize-100-reusable-spaceplane-to-orbit-and-back Best of luck!
  15. Could we use jet engines in planets with atmosphere?
  16. To right all my half-right flying, I've made the Zokesia Precision Lifter 1. I think I get the "precision pilot" award as I managed to land on the KSP runway without damage..... Awesome flyer! This plane is my first without chutes! EDIT: One needs to deny fuel drain from the forward tank to keep it form draining first (or the plane is tail heavy on landing) I normally use it only for retrograde burn for reentry, or emergencies..... in all an efficient flyer! Actually later im ging to post the .craft, but only with a complete manual of how to fly it..... It is a B**CH if you didn't design it..... Tail heavy all the time if you don't know how to fix it.
  17. I only lost a jet intake becasue the wheels failed to stop at the ground and went through it.... as you can see in the picture.... It was a GAME flaw, not a ship flaw. I can easily land this ship on wheels, parachutes, or even crash into the water, but the ground mesh screwed up this time. I launched again and made a fully successfull laning (no damage) because the wheels actually hit the ground that time! So no, the ship did not lose parts on the second landing, and on the first only becasue the Wheel parts need work.....
  18. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pull me off the "Party Crashers" list, cause I made it! The Mexdool 1 (don't ask why I named it this, I make names up when I feel like it won't work, but this time it did!) Only difficuly was to copensate for the heavy rudder in space and landing (the damage you see here is due to the gear falling into the ground on laning, not a design flaw. Perfect flare, and chutes to stop (even though it lands at 30m/s) Next I will build bigger.... EDIT: I did put Mechjeb on the ship in case I screwed up too badly but I SWEAR ON MY LIFE i never used it, not even once, during the flight....
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