Well, the Kingdon of Zokesia has achieved its first community launch since the Great Chaos. Barmand, Camdrin, and Gregmund launched at 0:600 in their K2-STK Lander after a hearty breakfast of steak and solid rocket propellant. T-7 mnutes begere landing, Zokesian mission control (3 dudes drinking gentlemen conversing about the mission in a white room) decided to alter the landing position to 4.5 km to the east of the base, to provide the base the ability to expand without becoming too 'lagg-tastic.' The first steps for a Zokesian kerbonaut in over 2 kears was made by Cadmin. He planted the Zokesian Flag in front of the K2-STK and then headed to the main base. After some conversing, Cadmin relaxed and was soon joined by Gregmund. img upload We want to keep Barmand from going insane by himself in the ship, so I am signing up for another flight to the same base, to give him company and resupply the base (yes, in a K2-STK...) Cheers!