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Everything posted by darqen27

  1. Lol, Another mod that was missed and I could have used this long long ago. So much time wasted. Great stuff!
  2. Yeah, I have as much information on the problem as you. Unfortunately the log file was not showing anything wrong with KIS. This was actually confirmed on 2 seperate fresh installs of the same mods. I suspect tweakable everything. Will update you as I learn the culprit.
  3. Installed this and KAS, tweakscale and tweakable everything. Also RCS Build aid Only KIS containers were the radial ones. Something was bugged on the pods then. Log files didn't show anything useful. perplexed. Deleted the save
  4. Does this play well with KCT. It seems like an amazing choice to add to my game
  5. I tried to install this mod, but it has particular issues with KCT apparently. KCT complains of corruption and KSC is completely upgraded from a new save
  6. So my observations about how the sfs file was being handled were like 90% correct?
  7. Technically it should be the UKSR, otherwise the third word makes no sense United Kerbal ?(Socialist) Republic
  8. Regarding disappearing ribbons(Yes, in 1.0) I've noticed, when certain mods are added(IE ones that make immediate changes to the sfs file) final frontier gets wiped. So I'm guessing it has something to do with how FF data is placed in the sfs file and its inability to find it again after small changes are made to the sfs file
  9. Still wondering why the only KIS container is the radial one, there used to be the ability to add stuff to the command pods
  10. Is it just me, or are there no seat inventorys to fill on any of the capsules in this version.
  11. I'm looking for a CCCP Soviet era flag, sickle and hammer. would love that for my missions
  12. There is a 64 bit version for Linux that works perfectly. You could always partition off a drive for linux if you want more mods.
  13. Might I add that FF adds ribbons as your kerbal does things as well, it just doesnt have a popup to tell you.. I just landed on Gilly and looked at ff at their ribbons and they are all there.. They seem to be added as soon as something noteworthy happens
  14. Any news on the ribbons disappearing? If there was a clue maybe I could fix it. I have minor code ability
  15. Each time they disappeared, the game had glitched in some way or another(usually couldn't click anything to get out) so alt-f4 was used, basically the same happened when the game random quit I think one other time I noticed it when running a simulation to eve with KCT, not only did it wipe out all my transfer windows in KAC but I noticed Jeb had no ribbons afterwards EDIT: Also, this didn't happen, "every" time the game crashed in one way or another(force-quit) It seems more random, and thus hard to pin down
  16. Leaving SAS off when launching *should* fix the computer fighting itself. Engage @ 32k for best results(Reduction of Aero forces)
  17. KJR(Kerbal Joint Reinforcement) would be a way to go, it is updated for 1.0
  18. LOL Finally some sympathy!
  19. 0.90 Still exists and properly run on linux has more features, better stability and much more fun
  20. Looks like 0.90 will be getting some use for quite some time, I hope mod developers dont give up on 0.90 +1 for any continued development EDIT: Sorry for being vague, I guess in my mind I was connecting the posts about exploding wings and other aero/heat problems
  21. This is a great mod, I keep having the issue of all my ribbons getting reset. Quite far into the game now and none of the kerbals have any ribbons. Unfortunatly this is very frustrating and seeing as 0.90 probably wont be supported anymore. I regret I must uninstall it
  22. SLT DOES mean Sea Level Thrust, its the figure you need to look at when your launching, this should be about 1.25
  23. Was this ever made to be compatible with tweakscale in 0.90? I ask because I think 0.90 will still be used for a while.
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