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Everything posted by darqen27

  1. Did you change any mods, this is common when mods get changed, it corrupts the save file.
  2. This is only a Steam Windows thing from what I can see, making a small linux partition will get you your 64 bit back(As Linux 64 bit wasn't removed for extreme instability)
  3. If your using 32 bit Windows, you should download ATM http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-90-Release-4-3-Dec-16-2014-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM!
  4. When Attached to a ship it will make the camera un-moveable with the game lagging as you try to scroll around. If you place it in a KAS container it disappears. I do have Dmagic installed. But I dont think it modifies the stock stuff
  5. Does intergration with CRP mean regolith as well, I know I'd love to have real fuels along with the ability to mine REAL materials like water etc.
  6. I'm missing Hydroponics, Recycling just ends, and then Short term Habitations says it needs it but it doesnt exist
  7. Yes, it it very awesome, my record is 13.1GB used by KSP(AS Listed in the System Monitor)
  8. Those folders are files it needs to work properly. make sure you install all of them properly.
  9. If you know what your doing you can remove the offending code from the persistence file. I have certainly done it a few times with no corrupted saves.
  10. Let it be known, this mod is incompatible with OKS/MKS because of how the station handles its IVA's Any parts with kerbals in them WILL be broken after, thankfully removing this mod fixes the problem
  11. I installed this mod and now the space station I have in orbit around the mun throws crew member errors [LOG 20:06:56.357] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Training Station [EXC 20:06:56.359] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[internalSeat].get_Item (Int32 index) KnowledgeBase.CreateVesselCrewList (.Vessel v) KnowledgeBase.OnMapFocusChange (.MapObject target) EventData`1[MapObject].Fire (.MapObject data) PlanetariumCamera.SetTarget (.MapObject tgt) SpaceTracking.SetVessel (.Vessel v, Boolean keepFocus) SpaceTracking+ .MoveNext () [LOG 20:06:57.383] Flight State Captured [WRN 20:06:57.383] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Rayby Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Rayby Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Geneman Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Geneman Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Burwell Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Burwell Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Philkin Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Philkin Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Lansel Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Lansel Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Bilby Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Bilby Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Lanbald Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Lanbald Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Dorick Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Dorick Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Alby Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Alby Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Richcal Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Richcal Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Tanzon Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Tanzon Kerman) [WRN 20:06:57.384] [Protocrewmember]: Instance of crewmember ProtoCrewMember in part MK3.Akademy on Training Station did not match instance of Bobfal Kerman on crew roster. (Stored index: Bobfal Kerman)
  12. EDIT: This has been solved Unlike I originally thought this was not caused by crew manifest. Since he never listed his mods I won't know if his problem is the same, but I am guessing he had probe control room installed, it causes errors because it thinks the station parts are unmanned probes, I think mainly because IVA stuff isnt implemented in OKS/MKS, it needs an update.
  13. Lol Pentaborane is so toxic that 1 part per million would kill you(Thats smaller then you can see), it acts like a nerve agent on you The exhaust is also highly toxic. Funny the game talks about the russians possibly using this for an engine, but the US was the largest holder of this toxic chemical until 2004 when a way to destroy it was found. THOSE BIG EVIL RUSSIANS, haha, j/k IN RUSSIA, ROCKET FLY YOU!
  14. I added the module heat shield to the Apollo heat shield file and now everything is peachy Thanks!
  15. I run on Linux 64 bit, I have no need for any of the memory tricks or FPS problems OPenGL will just make my FPS rate crappy, right now even with lots of parts and all the mods I have installed I get no fps lag, so why mess with it
  16. Astronomers visual Pack is not compatible with OPM I wanted both as well and debugged proved it was AVP causing the problems I got past the crashes and ended up with beautiful inner planets and no outer ones, so even if you get it working there will be no OPM
  17. Updated and now when reentering using the apollo modules the heatshield explodes on re-entry and everyone dies
  18. Bug with Salyut 1, from what I can see, it is impossible to grab the hatch and enter the station. Every time the kerbal tries to grab it he is ejected away from the station spinning, one time very forcefully I might add, as in cya at duna
  19. I got a weird bug after installing this mod. all my Stayputnik Sats got bigger and swallowed the parts that were around them. Using Realism overhaul with RSS Not sure what happened this problem went away on its own
  20. Question, When on RSS mode in DRE, my reentry barely uses any shielding, but if i set it on normal mode, i get exploding launches at 1.25 twr. Is this normal behavior?
  21. Install KOSMOS Electrical components will fix it - - - Updated - - - I installed this mod with the KOSMOS solar arrars and now I get this weird bug where the game zooms to some indescribable level and then turns black
  22. I apoligize for the comment, I am actively working with the program still, to help find answers for the .mimeapps.list problem
  23. I recently had an issue with KSP and has to reinstall everything and did so with ckan, now the game freezes when loading the apollo modules This is on real solar system and realism overhaul
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