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Everything posted by peter1981

  1. I kind of guessed that was the situation. Have you contacted support? -- I think you'd get a quicker result though that channel. Sorry not to be more helpful. For clarification Soontufu did you also buy a direct copy of the base game in the KSP store and/or transferred it to steam or did you buy it outright on steam? I wish you good luck with this and hope you enjoy the DLC eventually.
  2. Hello soontufu, I'm sorry to here you are experiencing issues. from https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ select "Account" [top right corner]. Enter "email" and "password" to login. this should take you to the User Profile page there are 2 sections, Account Info [where you can edit your profile] and Your Orders [where you should have listed all your purchases & orders] to make a direct download simply click the blue DOWNLOAD button. I have assumed you are making a direct download purchase and not a steam purchase. If you still are not able to find your download I suggest you read the FAQ's at https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/support/ or contact support at support@kerbalspaceprogram.com
  3. Downloading.... 5mins 5secs... ...puts kettle on 6mins 11 secs... what?!? okay, okay, 5mins 47secs ..phew... EDIT: Now 2 mins 24 secs... Faster... Faster FASTER!
  4. Love the idea -- once played a career with just 20% science return an that was brutal enough for me But why not increase the gravity to 1.5G say, that would be even more Brutal!! I do love reading peoples exploits but I find the science dries up in the Kerbol SoI and then I can't wait for the Labs to do there thing...
  5. I have only one little gripe about KSP development; and it is this: please, please, please, can we have something to do when we get to a planet run a Kerbal's gloved fingers through the dust of Duna or leave boot prints behind and blast-off scatter when we leave a moon or planet. Hell! just if I could wave the flag like a marching band that would be something. I don't just want the intellectual challenge of rocket design and the skill challenge of flying a spaceplane: What I want is to feel truly immersed in the landscape.
  6. Didn't get the chance to test land at target feature but I'll leave that as an exercise for you If I may as you'll know what you want to check. I used the cheat menu on an sandbox new save to test.
  7. Did you try to land using MJ on bop or Gilly? I just did using Landing guidance and it seems to work OK? I used latest MJ Dev #801.
  8. I'm thinking they'll launch the Making History Rocket at the end of the live stream with Squad Cast Launch Party with Scott Manley so maybe 2 more hours?
  9. I am willing to pay for DLC and extra content but SQUAD in the past has made commitments to keeping a lot of things free in terms of the game. When I think of DLC Tropico 4 & 5 always springs to mind as you pay £4.99-ish for 1 or 2 new building, a new map, and maybe a couple of scenarios to play. And you can buy 8ish DLC, Sellaris is similar with DLC and expansions. But are the naysayers above really saying they would rather have SQUAD stop working on KSP and leave the project? I wonder why if SQUAD is struggling for cash they don't do a donation request like Wikipedia does or a kick-starter or some other voluntary fundraising the community certainly has enough supporters who would probably give a couple of quid to keep the project going.
  10. I wasn't dismissing the work - I get that its a big update and its great news if your not a native English speaker but I just think its hard to Hype something that doesn't change your Kerbin. agree roll on the DLC - endless small packets at $14.99 like the Tropico series.
  11. not if your a native English speaker -- guess most of the new content will be in making history anyway.
  12. Is there a PI day thing in the code or have my planets become named 3.1415 (Sun), 92653 (Moho), 58979 (Eve), 32384 (Duna), 62643 (Dres), 38327 (Jool), 95028 (Sarnus), 84197 (Urlum), 16939(Nedion), 93751(Plock). for some other reason; and more importantly will they change back?
  13. squishy squelchy mud fine lose powder snow anything that you have to design a solution to a specific situation or you sink or get stuck etc. but then this wouldn't just apply to new moon, KSP need terrain texture, muds and dusts etc...
  14. I have same problem and it must be KIS as far as I can see
  15. Kerbin orbit, Mun orbit, Minmus Flag planting, & Sun (Kerbol) orbit == Level 3 training IIRC this requires a craft with 6500 d-V
  16. I had this once a couple of months ago hang up followed by CTD. When I inspected the persistent save file it was 0k's and blank nothing else there so you may have lost the data before the choice anyway. I don't think you'll be able to recover the data through KSP If you have a back-up system then try that. I had to restart my career completely -- just leaving the Kerbin SOI now >:-|
  17. I do think the devs need to sort the science experiment transfer out. While the real Apollo crew had to do the transfer manually from LEM to CSM it is a little tedious in game. The same with having to reset the materials bay & mystery goo by EVA'ing a scientist.
  18. I accepted and completed a 'Mun flyby contract' in the save file the fly-by has a reached Pol entry -- it is the only entry for pol other than pole in the save file.
  19. Thanks everyone for the responses - to the best of my knowledge in stock KSP 0.90.0 'chutes can only be deployed by staging once. (RealChutes may mod this.) I've am aware that you can deploy parachutes using Action Groups and activate them after repacking as many times as you repack them but, in career mode action groups are limited to none, basic, and full for each of the three VAB upgrade levels, respectively. Yet parachutes are a 0 level technology and require level 1 engineers to repack. So maybe this is a broken feature that was intended but (AFAIK) has never worked. This is further complicated by the fact that the icons for parachutes gets reset after a repack and reload of a vessel. The icons are (IIRC): White - packed ready for staging Cyan - staged but not deployed Yellow - semi-deployed Green - deployed Red - unpacked If you repack a unpacked parachute, red icon, it turns into a green icon, deployed, but it is in fact packed ready for staging. However if you've returned to the KSC and go back to the vessel you'll find that you have a white icon (which is correct) but if you move it to a new or un-staged stage you cannot deploy it using staging. (@Devs fix this pretty please.) I have had another thought on this after reading the previous posts: When you accept a contract to test an engine under specific conditions if you miss the conditions can't re-stage the engine activation after manual deactivation (or action group shutdown) and then perform the staging test -- you either have to revert the flight to launch and try again or launch another attempt. So in summary staging need a overhaul SQUAD
  20. My issue is that when you've landed on say Duna and used parachutes you will inevitably repack them for the return to Kerbin. Why not make repacked parachutes able to be redeploy by staging? So all you have to do is move the parachute icons up the staging or create a new stage for them to be in. Then stage them as new. Any thoughts on this?
  21. Great Idea I think that this could hinge on resolution: Initially the out line and general features of Kerbin are given as is the Kerbin facing side of Mun. But, as Kerbals rove, walk, fly and orbit around a planet, moon, or asteroid the areas in their line of sight would be filled in. The trick is to make distance from surface reduce the resolution of the mapping. Its tricky to get this right -- the simple approach would be to have a line of sight circle around a Kerbal and reduce the mapping resolution with distance: But, when a Kerbal is stood on the ground or in a rover then they should get fantastic resolution of where they are but the resolution should drop away from the Kerbal towards the horizon. Also form the ground you get a good sense of the elevation of hills and mountains and of the areas topography. If the Kerbal is flying or orbiting then the sense of the height of hills and mountains is reduced also the resolution of the image is much lower. Another thing is mapping should be much lower resolution at twilight and nearly impossible at night. But, again if the Kerbal has a light illuminating some part of the ground then that should be mapped. What I'm trying to say is if you look at Venus with the naked eye all you'll see is a bright white-yellow dot and you'd conclude that that is all there is -- further because of the clouds you'd not be able to see the ground anyway. With a telescope you can make out the Great Red Spot on Jupiter and the ice caps on Mars and the rings of Saturn. I think initially the planets of the system are known but there surfaces just an average colour. Of the moons of the planets only Mun, Minmus, Ike, and the 3 largest moons of Jool, (Tylo, Vall, & Laythe) are know again surface just an average colour except Mun's Kerbin-facing-side which has low resolution detail, large craters can be seen and changes in surface colour (mare), the non-Kerbin-facing-side is again average blurred colour (gray). The way to discover other moons would be to upgrade the tracking station to level 2 giving Gilly around Eve, and Bop and Pol around Jool. again with average colour surfaces. Or entering the parent planet's SOI would reveal It's moons. A Tracking Station upgraded to level 2 should be treated as ground based telescopes so show ice caps on Duna but average and blurred, flats on Minmus, low resolution detail, large craters can be seen and changes in surface colour like the seas of Laythe and Eve. (Eve may be obscured by clouds though?) A tracking Station upgraded to level 3 should be treated as better telescopes asteroids are visible again blurred average colour surfaces and treated as spheres. New items to improve mapping (some mods do this already an maybe could be included.) Altitude scans from orbit, Hi-res terrain scans from orbit, satellite based camera - give line of sight to unmanned craft, Biome scan from orbit, Anomaly detection, and Space telescope - improves distant plant and moon surface mapping. Well that's my two-pence worth -- what do you guys think?
  22. Dowload link to https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/152/kethane IE cannot display however just tryed chrome and works fine sorry for the bother but thanks for the responce. Not sure why Kerbalstuff won't open in IE but IE's so old I don't think it'll bother anyone.
  23. Link in first post not working where can i get kethane 0.9.2? Github doesn't have the DLL files or parts?
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