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    Space pickles grower

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  1. Salut et bienvenue sur les forums, Alors, effectivement, il n'y a pas de configuration automatique dans KSP, il faut les rentrer toi-même dans les paramètres du jeu. Dans contrôles, dans la colonne de droite (Analogue input sur l'image), y a ces boutons avec le signe "<". Après avoir correctement connecté ton joystick, tu clique sur un de ces boutons et le fais bouger dans la direction qui t'intéresse, ce qui devrait assigner la commande (comme pour une touche de clavier, en fait). Fais des tests en jeu pour voir si il ne faut pas inverser le sens et s'il faut bidouiller la sensibilité et la dead zone (zone morte?). Si ça ne marche pas (aha...), vérifie qu'il n'y a pas de souci au niveau de ton matériel. Est-ce que tes axes marchent sur d'autres jeux? Est-ce qu'il y a un driver particulier pour ton joystick si c'est un truc un peu avancé? Si oui, est-ce qu'il est à jour? Sinon (?), tu ne perds rien à aller faire une petite calibration dans ton Panneau de configuration/Matériel et son/Appareils et imprimantes (bêtement traduit de l'anglais, je me goure peut-être, mais tu trouveras bien), tu trouves ton joystick (icône de manette), clique droit, Propriétés, Paramètres de la manette, Propriétés, Paramètres et calibration. Et tu fais la petite gymnastique comme on te le demande. Essaye déjà tout ça, si ça ne marche pas, reviens ici, on essaiera de creuser un peu.
  2. Don't know if it already is the case, but you should lower the thrust to close to the minimum. Btw it would indeed help @Triop sticking to the ground and avoid flipping...
  3. Absolument. En termes de trajectoires orbitales, tu rencontres les mêmes problèmes dans la réalité que dans le jeu (avec quelques bonus), et les solutions sont les mêmes. Comme le transfert d'Hohmann est la façon de faire la plus économique, c'est celle que l'on rencontre le plus souvent. Mais si tu veux aller plus vite, comme ça a été le cas pour Pathfinder ou plus lentement, comme Mars Global Surveyor, il te faudra plus de carburant (tu t'éloigne de la zone bleue sur l'axe vertical dans le graphe du calculateur; voir mon post au dessus). Si tu veux un peu plus de détail sur la théorie de ce qui est fait dans la réalité, je te conseille cette page assez facile à lire d'un chercheur de l'IPGP (en français). Et si tu ne me crois qu'à moitié, voici un calculateur de la NASA pour Mars sur le modèle duquel celui que je t'ai donné plus tôt a été fait.
  4. I don't have much credit; the picture is on the wikipedia page of Curiosity. I don't really see races being that exiting due to the difference in top speed, endurance contests, however...
  5. Yes, if your controller works through Directinput, which is likely the case if you can play other games, KSP will work. You just have to map your controls. Check if it shows as a game controller in Control Panel\Hardware and sound\Devices and Printers. (While you are here, you might want to calibrate it : right click and Properties, Game controller settings, Properties, Settings and Calibrate.) Then just launch KSP and set your controls in the settings. About Linux, Taniwha just released an apparently (didn't test, don't run linux) rather decent input API.
  6. The Easter egg definitely belongs to Curiosity (the distinctly shaped "ChemCam", see below) and I didn't know that "late" could refer to someone no longer alive and thus interpreted it as "the latest rover" or something like that. So my bad on this end. Regarding a precisely recreated model mod, I am afraid I don't have anything up my sleeve for you, but there are a couple of what looks like a really decent stock recreations on KerbalX : https://kerbalx.com/CoyoteFoxtrot/SpiritOpportunity-Rover-+-Delta-II.
  7. If we ever engineer a new vehicle for that trip again, we should remember when setting the center of mass etc to consider that most of the distance covered would be with about half of the parts left.
  8. The easter egg is Curiosity's ChemCam instrument. If that is the rover you are referring to ("late Oppy"), there is this one that you find quite easily on google : If you seek a bit of fun beyond accurate recreation, there is a really well made and fun to play ChemCam within in Tarsier Space Technology. It adds experiment and you get to actually aim the cam. (And there also are decently awesome telescopes, btw)
  9. Well, according to the wiki (the biology section is particularly hilarious, btw), a Kerbal is 0,75 m tall and Curiosity is around the size of a car : Wikipedia : So that's actually rather close to reality : Standard height for the other stuff measured in the picture.
  10. Is that supposed to be a choreography or is it having a stroke and begging for help?
  11. You have the version (most likely). The VERSION file meant for AVC to do its job was not updated for that version, but it will be in the next one. Source : Paul Kingtiger As for why it didn't show before, that is likely related to your use of either CKAN or AVC, as USii wasn't modified last week as far as I know.
  12. The use of Trajectories is quite limited in my experience. It takes into account the shape of your craft, so the prediction is only accurate after you decouple that last stage, and thus don't have much control to actually modify your trajectory anymore... There is an option to set your incidence factor, by the way, but the trick is to actually maintain it thorough your flight... That said, you can indeed use it to practice and figure out empirical rules.
  13. Landed my tiny early career lander on the Mun running out of fuel exactly 5 meters above the ground! Why is the FAR window open? Just like that, I forgot, nothing to do with a staged landing on Kerbin, trust me. Oh, and by the way, [x]Science "log visual observation from the Mun Highlands" is a lie. Don't bother bringing a telescope up there.
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