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Everything posted by TG_bigboss

  1. Gameplay is defiantly smoother for me but like everyone else said that transitions are really slow and causes the audio to make annoying sounds which are really loud in headphone mode. I feel like the Pstate is dumped from the memory and then reloaded when transitioning from VAB, SPH, Launching, and even the space center all slow transitions. Having mods installed effects it even more =/ I hope the devs see this thread and are aware of it that maybe something is out of place with the new system.
  2. It might be the mods. But just wanted to see other peoples results. Only have three mod packs. B9,KW, and Bobcats American pack installed. Going to try stock ksp because i jusrt had my first crash of ksp in a long time! All I was doing was taking off and it crashed.
  3. The game loads fine for me with the American pack installed.
  4. I tried using the save converter and it wouldn't let me leave my probe to go back to the space center! I had to alt-f4! lol Lucky you that it survived
  5. Ive noticed that going from the tracking station back to the main screen to select VAB or SPH is a good 35-85sec long. Its short sometimes and longer other times. Doesn't seem long but I feel as if it is lol.. Same goes for launching. The audio screeches as well which is horrible when you have headphones on like me. Doesn't seem long but I feel as if it is lol. The whole point of the new Pstate system was to help with load times and remove the need to reload everything everytime right? Wrong? I know the Pstate is still new and needs further work but just though i post something about it. Anyone else have this? I just feel as if maybe there was some way to improve it somehow? Just a discussion is all. Not really worthy for a bug report if its meant to be like this. I know there is a lot of information the game has to load for the scene which would explain the load times. Anyone esle having this?
  6. Love you guys! Off to finish my Ares mission to the mun! Gotta fix my sas though cause i still not use to the new system.
  7. They are working on the new version for 0.21! =) im happy! http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/71/ Changelog: Disabling SAS use, no longer needed Preparing 2.0.9 release
  8. Beautiful GenX Engine my friend! I created one a while back for personal use because I'm obsessed with that engine and i was sharping my 3D skills. It is not an easy engine to create. I had to keep Poly count in mind as well. Yours blows mine out the water lol! I created this engine all from hand with no training or tools. Just lots and lots of real life reference pictures. I cant wait to use that one. Custom engine sounds as well?
  9. I had this issue with my space capsule im working on. Found out that it was trying to animate to many parts at once. I had a hatch door with all separate parts on it like handles moving and gears and it became to complex for ksp and ended up just lagging. Moral of the stories is to combine parts so its just one solid part moving and not a parent with a bunch of children following it. If you need a picture for better explanation i will do so. Just fix your hierarchy.
  10. cool but enb series always lowers fps by a lot! i already have issue with frames sometimes so adding more to the problem is bad lol. It looks pretty cool though if you edited it to your liking! Glad you could find a way to make ENB work with ksp
  11. I....AMMMMM GURDDDDD!!!! xD whats the next planet on my list...
  12. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/22934-0-17-twin-seat-space-plane-pod-working-internal%28unity-project-INCLUDED%29 Check out this mod. He made an internal cockpit and includes the unity project file which might help crack the code on making internals. Thought you might want to check it out for the USTS
  13. Awesome! makes it look that much better! will we see a version for the bigger DEMV?
  14. I don't know if anyone has had this already but it seems Mechjeb is lagging when im close to orbit with duna. I turn it off and the frames go back to normal. Its weird. I never have had this issue before. It is random too and not always. I guess Mechjeb is spamming all the math equations causing issues maybe?
  15. Its nice! it adds that special color pop! makes the forums a bit better to read!
  16. Hows progress? your mod would be awesome to use now that there are new planets!
  17. I just saw the developmental thread get some fancy colors for the titles! I....LIKE....IT!!! =)
  18. The ion engines are weak for a good size probe which is why i cgf edited them for myself. I kept it balanced and only use it for my Probes. I also made a 2m ion engines that can fit under the huge fuel tanks. That way i have a nice refueling probe as well in case i run out of fuel because i was stupid when it came to planning out my flight. Ion small - 15 thrust boosted up to 60 and increased heat production a bit Ion large - 15 to 190 and increased heat production to a bit smaller than the Nerva engines. It seemed fit and far for me at least. I want fun yet still a challenge which is why i opted not to OP them. I have to say the 2m Ion engine rescaled looks sick lol. Its awesome for a huge refueling probe. I will take a picture and show you later. I love the Ion engine model <3
  19. I have a question. I was just testing out on Kerbal since its my first time using the cart mod and urs as well and well when i launch the wheels are stuck in the ground and then boom i go flying in the air and all of it breaks apart! When i bump into things as well it just breaks. I have a feeling the strengths need to be bumped up a little =)
  20. This mod is awesome! it would be nice to see a shell type hull for when on launch. Bobcat in a egg sort of thing. It will look nicer. I forget which mod did this for there rover type mod but it was nice. It had a build in engine for landing and taking off again.
  21. but...i don't want to use kethane.....i wanna use satellite parts! lol
  22. why are you not planning to update the satellite pack!? it was one of the main reasons i loved your mod because no one else has awesome satellite pack as yours. That and the payload pack! as a suggestion i think you should add a 3m part for the payload pack as well! will help make those 2m lander more aerodynamic during launch. Plus it looks nice as well! =)
  23. How about lets wait till 0.18 comes out and then we will see what 0.18 is all about =) best answer right here lol. I'm still enjoying 0.17! Go play the game and enjoy it instead of thinking of what is next.
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