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Everything posted by NeoAcario

  1. 12 days into a new campaign... stock science tree completely unlocked. Hell, I haven't even gone to Minmus yet... Ok, guess I'll re-install KSP Interstellar and see what I come up with for balanced costs. Where do we edit cost per unit of the fuels? And don't forget the refinery materials need prices too! You know, in case we sell one back. ~Steve NVM... found the resource costs page... just have to edit it in. So... do we have any opinions yet on costs? Should start with the actual cost of H2, compare it to the cost of Liquid in the game and use that ratio for everything?
  2. Has anyone started a public spreadsheet or anything so that we can work towards a consensus of part and fuel costs? ~Steve
  3. I actually love the 2.5m inline refinery. It has a permanent place on my LKO station. This is a refueling station... I use it to reprocess all of my nuke fuels and what not. Better to use this than an actual science lab. ~Steve
  4. I'm intensely interested in what we, as a community, decide to be balanced for all of our part costs and fuel costs. I fully intend to re-set up my Antimatter infrastructure. I was pulling down about 1m per 2 Kerbin Months. That's a lot of cheddar. I'm just rebuilding my Space Program as I wait for you all to design what we think a balanced list of costs is... I love new, heavy, KSP updates. Gives me an excuse to start a new campaign. ~Steve Hurry up with that list!
  5. #1 culprit of this happening is hitting the 4gb memory limit inherent with 32bit systems / applications / games. Just manage your load better. Remove mods, lower settings, use a memory manager mod, etc.. ~Steve EDIT: 0.24 is bringing 64bit version! WOOT!
  6. I'm loving this station... took me weeks to get inspired into a design. It's the perfect place to fully resupply my 'tugs' between missions. ~Steve ...0.24 needs to hurry up. Getting the very last drop of science in the Kerbolar system tomorrow
  7. This is exactly why I only ever make AM Farm Stations that are 100% stack mounted. Here's an example of my old, obsolete model... but it shows it best. ~Steve IS 0.24 out yet? *twitch*
  8. In case you folks are like me and don't often read the rest of the forums.... check this official KSP Video: 0.24 can't come fast enough ~Steve EDIT: I've sudden lost all urge to play until 0.24 releases....
  9. Uhmm... just build it in the spaceplane hangar... flat. Drive it up the cost 2.5km and go slowly into the water. Kick off the wheels... done. This took forever though... took me a long time to design an orbital station that could fuel everything, wasn't TOO big, and was way low on part count. Down to only 58 parts (before fuel tank I need to design for delivery to and from Minmus). I tossed on a few more mods right before I built it. FAR doesn't mess around... and TACLS should make things a bit more interesting. Not really having any problems with DRE. I can easily brute force land with my intense Antimatter Infrastructure. After I build my new Minmus Mining Base with TAC... I think I'll try and build a new space plane to work with KSP Interstellar and FAR. It was a fun diversion having to rescue my 20 Moho Science Base Kerbals before they starved... At least now I know what to spend this 100k science on: Upgrade CPU Cores for new science base(s) on Moho/Eeloo. ~Steve EDIT: CRAP! It just occurred to me... I'm going to have to stop using disposable AM reactors + Thermal Nozzles as lifters! Ugh! Bring it on, 0.24!!
  10. Do what I do. Float one just off the coast of KSC. I mean JUST off the coast. Like 1m. All I do is occasionally deliver Lithium with a rover and KAS. I've got a 5 cluster with the bare minimum part count that never stops. 2 great things about floating a power station: -Can reduce part count by launching wheels off with radial decouplers -Can spin your own heavy water with Sci Labs (or not, if you want to reduce part count / cost even more) ~Steve
  11. Dumb and Awesome all at the same time. Dumb: excessive time warp with actual warp? People do this? (Obviously I know you mean for more rare resource harvesting like H3 or AM) Awesome: I never even considered FAR. Absolutely perfect combination for DRE. And yeah, I really didn't want B9 anyways... so much bloat. FAR+DRE seem like no brainers to me. Honestly, the only problem I have with TACLS is that the moddles are just horrible. Guess I can always grab a re-skin... or something. But yeah, this sounds good. I won't even have to make any big changes. Hell, my warp tugs are only out on missions for up to a week at a time (Kerbin time). Usually only 3-5 Kdays. Only thing I'll really have to work with is an AM shuttle/Launch Pad fueler... Minmus mining/fueling base (which is pretty darn pointless at this point, I'll probably decomission it entirely) and Moho/Eeloo science base. Well, and an LKO station that I've yet to build. Probably have make a 99% Super Computer science base with only 1 science module... with like a year of resources. Heck, should I even bother? I've got over 100k science now... Sounds fun. Now to search for that re-skined TACLS ~Steve EDIT: Having a hard time finding a nice texture for TACLS. Looking for something that fits in well with KSP + KSPI. Something stock/Futuristic looking. Most of them are just full of colors and cartoonish. EDIT2: This one looks promising: http://beta.kerbalstuff.com/mod/28/TMS_TAC_Life_Support_Retexture
  12. So I'm stagnating a bit as I wait for 0.24. I don't really run any other complex mods... I'm strongly considering picking up ONE or maybe TWO more. What would you guys recommend? What works flawlessly with KSPI? Obviously not Kethane. I loved Kethane, that is until KSPI became the beast it is today. Kethane is now totally obsolete. I'm considering things like TAC Life Support or even B9 aerospace.... maybe even deadly re-entry. Hell, with max out tech trees and AM + Plasma... I don't HAVE to use aerobraking at 100Gs. I just do it because it's fun, fast, and easier. Which would you all suggest I consider adding to my KSP for fun, complexity, and possibly difficulty? ~Steve
  13. Obsolete Antimatter Farm Station? Just turn off the power and wait! Problem solved! (make sure you vacate all other vessels from physical render range) ~Steve
  14. I can't wait until this mod is fully functional. I'm dying to use this with some of my larger creations. Such as massive antimatter collection arrays via KSP Interstellar Mod. ~Steve
  15. Impactor Science Bug? So I've started collecting the last science I have left in the Kerbolar system: Impact Science. I have 5 tiny lander probes with an RTG and 2 Seismic Sensors each. For the final lander I use my warp tug with a couple Seismic Sensors and 88-88 transmitters out of the KAS box. The 'problem' is that I was able to get 3 readings per impact. I'm going to assume this isn't normal or intended? Made me able to clear out Moho with only 5 impacts. Ideas? Known issue? Exploit with multiple seismic sensors? ~Steve
  16. You obviously didn't have tritium breeding turned on... easy to tell by the fact you still have a full supply of Lithium. No Tritium, no fusion... no fusion, no power for generator to make EC... etc. ~Steve
  17. Yeah yeah, I know.. wrong forum... but I love you guys! So.. when is 0.24 going to drop? ~Steve
  18. So no one knows the number of impacts required for 'complete' science gathering? (assuming optimal sensor placement on the key 6 points.) No one? ~Steve
  19. So I now have all science gathered in the Kerbolar system besides one: Impactor Science. I haven't tried it since it was new and a little buggy... Question: How many impacts, roughly, to achieve 99.99% of the science for this experiment? 4? 10? I honestly don't know. Someone help me out here, ~Steve EDIT: This question assumes, naturally, that I will have sensors placed at 0, 90, 180, 270, and the north and south poles.
  20. I know I'm not looking forward to it... I might have to cave and make a solar farm with a system of sats. Thankfully I don't use a whole lot of beamed power. Only thing I currently use it for is my Asteroid Capture probe and to charge exotic matter for ships still on the launch pad. Ugh, those 1800 ton asteroids take so much power to put into a perfect equatorial orbit. I'm actually quite curious how feasible it will be to get an AM farm back in orbit around Jool. Hell, my Warp Tugs can do anything. Only takes one and then it's basically EZMOAD. I might have to break down and design a bigger one for heavy lifts. ~Steve
  21. No problem what so ever. Each turbojet has its own AM reactor and air intake. Perfectly balanced and no issues with any flame out spinning nonsense. Kinda how I designed my Warp Tug way back when. Two completely independent fuel sources, engines, and thrusters. ~Steve
  22. Ayulp... 1/3 fuel to 100km orbit on EVE SSTO Warp Tug. It now really can land and take off from every planet. No clue why I didn't think of this sooner. On the up-side, air intakes weigh almost nothing. Now I guess I just need to practice one of the few things I can't do well in KSP: Vertically land with jet engines... If all else fails, I can always make the final few meter touchdown in LFO mode. 41 part + 10 struts, 11.5 tons... 9500 dV vac when full.. etc etc etc. Really can do basically anything. ~Steve EDIT: FYI... I really love the turbojet nozzle animation. EDIT: But I hate how it always makes the jet sounds... no matter which fuel mode it's in.
  23. Yeah, I was just re-taught that. Tried to make a very minor adjustment as I burnt into the atmo of Eve. Instant explosion of Turbojets. But that really does look to be the only danger of using turbojets over thermal rocket nozzles. Curious to see if this can make my warptug SSTO from Splashdown on Eve without any additional fuel tanks... as it sits now I need a 1/4 rockomax drop tank to get my warptug ssto. ~Steve EDIT: Forgot how much I sucked at vertical landing with jet engines... sheesh. Guess now is as good a time as any to learn.
  24. I honestly only use the ISRUs in 2 cases... orbital refueling station and mining bases. I may work the 3.75m into my orbital station design.. but I doubt it. I find the 2.5m pretty convenient. Also, I think I may just be an idiot. Why the heck have I not been using the Thermal Turbojet in my Warptug design instead of the Thermal Rocket Nozzle? Toss on an intake and it makes Jool + Eve ascents a joke. Makes Duna, Kerbin, Laythe a tad easier too... Can anyone think of a reason why I SHOULDN'T use the Thermal Turbojet? Looks like the same ISP, same Thrust, same mass.. everything. Just swap it out on my 1.25m AM reactors and slap an intake on the thing. Done. Anyone find any fault in this plan? ~Steve EDIT: Upon further testing, looks like it might even be about the same efficiency with AM... not quite, but close enough to make it worth while.
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