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Everything posted by Morrigi

  1. Smoke would work on the ground, though blinding light in the visible spectrum would likely be an issue. In space, ablative armor, chaff, or a bigger laser would probably be your best bet. On the subject of nukes, they have a minimal shockwave in space and the EMP effects outside altitudes equivalent to low earth orbit are unknown. That said, they do cause EMPs and create areas contaminated by radiation at those altitudes. Sub-orbital nuclear testing by both the U.S. and Russia during the Cold War has been documented to cause general mayhem with electronics, frying sensitive equipment including satellites. The most famous test with these effects is probably Starfish Prime
  2. That's what happens when gigantic rocks hit planets. Bits and pieces go everywhere.
  3. Well yes. Point is, it would have no effect on anything, really.
  4. Mars is better. More resources, an atmosphere, potential for life, etc. etc.
  5. Can we stop mutilating physics, please? No, you cannot initiate nuclear fusion by detonating a nuclear weapon in Jupiter's atmosphere. Reality Does Not Work That Way.
  6. I want the Kraken back. Things are too easy without it...
  7. Build mode as it is on the ground could work if it was done properly. First, getting the parts or representations of the parts (a resource called "Rocket Parts" or somesuch) into orbit would be required. Second, perhaps some kind of shipyard-like module would be needed. If possible, perhaps it would take time to complete as well.
  8. Your example is also flawed due to the fact that with an Alcubierre drive, the spacecraft does not move and thus the limits of relativity do not apply. A bubble, for lack of a better term, of space-time moves around it which drags the spacecraft along by way of artificial fluctuations in the fabric of the universe itself. The major things required are antimatter and negative energy, which means that the quantum physicists need to get busy. That said, they may be one and the same. Experiments are being conducted at CERN to find out how antimatter is affected by gravity, and it might be the opposite of normal matter. That much is entirely untested. That said, NASA is looking into it, and looking back at our history it may be quite possible. The discovery of radioactivity and the creation of the first nuclear weapon were less than fifty years apart. There were many who said that heavier-than-air flying machines would never work. That automobiles would never catch on.
  9. What the "general public" thinks is the worst possible basis for just about everything.
  10. I just want to reiterate a few points. First of all, you cannot accelerate to c by conventional means. This would require infinite thrust applied to an infinite mass. Second, black holes are a very well-known phenomenon. There is no question that they exist, only what happens inside them. Third, it is absolutely impossible for anything to pass the event horizon and come out again without breaking the laws of physics as we know them without getting into quantum effects like Hawking radiation.
  11. ....The devs have repeatedly said that this will not be a thing, ever. Go look at the suggestion forum.
  12. ....What? Why do you need heavy water to make hydrogen/oxygen? That makes no sense whatsoever.
  13. Could someone consolidate the various fixes and edits, please? It would be quite helpful.
  14. Warsoul, how many times have you posted stuff like this, and how often have you gotten a positive response? All I see in the history of your started threads are some variation of "I need..." and trying to get people to do work for you in the mod forums. And now you're posting it in the official suggestions forum? Really? No one is interested. Accept defeat and move on.
  15. For those saying FTL travel is unrealistic, you are simply incorrect. There are already two real-world theories showing that it is possible - wormholes and the Alcubierre drive. Both, given sufficient technological development, may take us to the stars. And if you haven't noticed, this is not a game focused entirely on realism. Your astronauts are little green men.
  16. Might not have to be on BeamNG's level, but I would like to see a system that doesn't involve things ceasing to exist when they get wrecked.
  17. Shiny. Very shiny. Good sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
  18. Well damn, thanks Nova. Now I'm going to have to get back into KSP and play with them
  19. 559. Space dolphins! http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/5//3970/3970474_sprite238.swf
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