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Everything posted by Corona688

  1. NAILED A DOCKING STRAIGHT FROM ORBIT I SWEAR no mechjeb, no nothing just navball and quicksave. Took three tries, primarily due to my own stupidity. In tries 1 and 2, I forgot to "control from" the bottom docking port and ended up off by a meter or so
  2. Another spacex-style landing. Also, a spaceY style landing. Y, Y indeed. Y? Because our favorite engineer Bill didn't have enough RCS to do a proper, upside-down landing, and had to headbutt the side instead. Or alternately, if you insist. His presence has smoothed production dramatically, to the point that when the solar panels arrived, Banana Tank 1 was already full! I think I'm getting a better handle on these spacex landings. If you tune your engines to close enough to 1:1 T/W ratio, you can point STRAIGHT up and use RCS to bobble you around as if you were in zero-G. There's a larger amount of error, so be prepared to shove yourself down OR up. [edit] Also, Val returned home from Minmus with 2150 science points! Majority of the tree unlocked now.
  3. It'd be nice if you could add a custom text tag to an action group, so that when you hit '5', it flashes 'Docking Mode' on the screen, the way it does with data transmissions etc.
  4. Landed spacex-style. The main problem is hovering, or at least descending at a constant rate. If I could do that it'd be just like docking.
  5. Gave my kerbals a festive shower of space debris by deorbiting a good dozen obsolete relay satellites.
  6. The big wheels are supposed to turn with differential braking. The unique way you built and attached them may have made them confused about which way to differential brake. Try various 'control from here's to see if your wheels get with the program. Try reversing the steering on one set, the other, then both of them to see if this resolves it. Then try various combinations of the above. There's surely a 'right' combination somewhere, I hope.
  7. My miner landed. Surprisingly it generates enough electricity for itself, even without the upgrade I've been planning, though I may send it some fuel cells. Also, I apparently shipped it with 300 ore. I probably shouldn't have done that.
  8. That they could charge less than they spent to make it hardly means that it's reasonable to do so.
  9. So you want to use the mun to change the angle you leave Kerbin's SOI? That is an Oberth. And the mun isn't large enough to give you much of one.
  10. I think it would be geologically "somewhat recent". Earth's own megacraters blend well enough with the landscape by now that we needed mass spectrometers to make the mental leap from "round landform" to "oh, its a crater". Maybe 1 million years, tops.
  11. That indeed sounds like a problem. Stopping the loading process halfway through to display a UI may not be possible, but making an autobackup probably is...
  12. What mods do you use? Some of them do that intentionally as a realism things. Most real-life liquid fuel engines aren't restartable.
  13. Your "do you now understand why your assertion is wrong" kind of reply to it is hard to read as anything but argument. Which is cool, except, I don't understand why you'd argue against it. By and large it agrees with you. "The probes aren't working as intended". Flip that around 180 would just be saying "yes they are!" So I think we've gone off on a tangent and are arguing about literally nothing now. Can we call that one "lost in translation"?
  14. If I had a recent quicksave, I'd load it and stage again. If I didn't - or it just blew up again - I'd have no choice but strategy 4, if it occurred to me. That's a little too far away to start over and I wouldn't risk that kind of save-surgery. That's smart thinking on your part by the way. They do that in real life, for big cluster boosters - if one engine fails there's enough redundancy they can shut down its opposite and boost the rest.
  15. I wasn't even arguing with you there, so turning it 180 doesn't really help you
  16. With something screaming by at 25km/s, I don't think a "fast catch" is practical, but a slow catch can be done. You can get 25km/s delta-v on a two-stage ion probe. It would carry 10,500 units of xenon, and have a dry weight of 1.2 tons. One tank would be ejected midway. Assuming most of the burn happens near enough to the sun for full power, it can accomplish the entire burn in 6 hours realtime, 1.5 hours physwarp. Another 9,700m/s would be added with a 30-ton nuclear engine stage. So: Surprisingly doable. Communication will be a problem, leave relays on every stage you drop. Slowing down may be slower than speeding up, out where sunlight can't be relied on.
  17. The craft is equally nonfunctional either way. If you want to share craft, don't use mods...
  18. Thanks for publishing your controller layout! There's not enough information on this stuff. I think my controller has buttons yours doesn't - each analog stick is also a button, B11 and B12. I don't actually use the axes for translation, or use docking mode in game. Ohhhohoho. Mapping "brakes" and "cut engines" to the same button is very clever! I'll have to steal that. What use is "precision controls" with a controller? It seems to get ignored for axes, at least for me.
  19. Killed my first pilot this save with a far-too-hot re-entry. Some quick thinking saved the passengers, but they'll have to bail out at apostasis and circulatrize their orbits with spacesuit RCS. Ignominious.
  20. Depends where you start from, of course, and where you're going. Many of my smallest interplanetary probes are ant-powered. It's the poor-man's ion drive.
  21. I prefix them with a number 0-9 just for sorting order, with craft I use most often having the lowest numbers. Then one or more letters defining its class, and finally, a decorative name. The classes: A: Super-long-range craft for outside Kerbal SOI. H: Heavy-Lifting craft L: Landers / Rovers M: Mining craft S: Science craft or Satellites T: Transport craft, primarily carrying passengers. R: Rescue / Utility craft for intercepting and moving things in space. X: Experimental craft with no role as of yet. Any brand-new craft is an X until its proved itself. So if I made an interplanetary science satellite on a heavy-lifter, incorporating a space to return interplanetary travellers, it would be ASSHAT class. But I haven't ever assigned a craft more than three classes at once before - The 0LMR MinMaxer, for a craft designed to land, grab an orphaned command pod, mine fuel, and carry the rescued command pod home. Research into further vowels is ongoing.
  22. Most of us play very conservatively by habit, quietly encouraged by the order in the tech tree. We could budget every erg and land on the mun some tiers before solar panels, but why? We could extend probe missions to the very limits of our radio envelope, but why? Unlock the almighty electronics branch first and you get better rewards in every way. Even the exorbatant price of the L3 science building won't deter me from maxing out the electronics tree. Why do things badly for meager rewards? So you never really need to use these features the way they were intended, which is a shame.
  23. Which is why I said "HECS can land", and "HECS2 can rendezvous". That is the features they possess. I agree those should be bigger, but they're bigger than basic at least.
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