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Everything posted by Corona688

  1. Touching down by the KSC like a boss. I'd be more proud if it wasn't purely an accident.
  2. I'm in a somewhat similar situation actually, though I've only been gone two years. B The dev team has seen big changes lately. Particularly, HarvestR has left. They've got the talent to keep going, but he was kind of the game's soul. Also, Dan, who did their videos. And now KSP's prepping for launch into the console market. Right now I have no idea what this means, and will wait and see, but suspect the game isn't about to see any giant changes. Then again, they could surprise me and do things HarvestR never thought of.
  3. For a revolutionary idea, maybe they're not mustache-twirling villains who've taken the money and ran. Maybe it's a lot easier to complain about bugs than fix them. And maybe it's not something that absolutely needs to infect every single topic.
  4. Yeah. The Thud would be a lot more useful if it was a little stronger -- for thrust augmentation -- or a lot weaker/lighter, for landers. There's a big engine gap between the spark and the big boys which the spark used to fill until they nerfed it. I wish they'd just made it heavier, instead of cutting its thrust in half
  5. You can timewarp from the tracking station. Also, rescue contracts get harder the more of them you do. I took a contract for $160,000 and didn't stop to wonder why it paid so well, turns out, he was beyond the moon's orbit.
  6. I'm a sloppy enough pilot that if I encountered this bug I'd never know it. That it doesn't hurt things on rails, that my stations aren't going to burn up when I'm not watching them, makes me quite happy.
  7. As a very, very, very rough estimate by comparing the energy produced by a rocket to the energy produced by fuel cells for an equivalent amount of fuel... One unit of charge would be approx. 40 joules. Batteries that last a tenth what they should, and charge at ridiculous speeds, might just be capacitors.
  8. Do the LV-N fairings still break in half symmetrically? I haven't used them for a few versions, but making room for that big fairing was a pain and led to some interesting upside-down top stages.
  9. In CPU terms, it's the same "fan" with a bigger "heatsink", I guess. All else being equal, a bigger radiator ought to radiate faster and more efficiently. So, I'm not sure this is really wrong.
  10. When you throttle up for a planned maneuver and the delta-V counter goes up instead of down. When you realize your carefully-planned maneuver takes a shortcut through the inside of the moon.
  11. Difficult to screenshot for obvious reasons, but a long complicated docking which involved holding apogee through a high-atmosphere periapsis just to get the encounter closer, ditching the booster unit which brought the lander to the mun and back into the atmosphere, and an arduous night spacewalk to get the data to Station B and my scientist finally into the return vehicle. This makes two musem ships (mun landers) docked to space stations now. I wonder if I can find a use for them, maybe training, they're just a mk1 pod with the 90 tank and terrier engine.
  12. They've completely transformed career mode for me. Suddenly I've got a reason to relax, stop forcing myself to do every little mission,a good reason to bother training my crew, and incentive to timewarp. If I'd known about the exponential decay, though, I might have brought it all to one lab instead of splitting it into two Oh well, there'll be data aplenty when the multilander returns.
  13. I hate the necroposts which just pointlessly complain about bugs.
  14. The imaginatively named "Station B", which unlike Station A and The Station I Pretend Never Existed has plenty of batteries, a big mess of solar panels, and amenities for... For... Oh, for REDACTED's sake. I forgot the stowaway compartment...! Close enough,
  15. When the 'yaw' indicator is half-pinned, while landed.
  16. Re-using my tiny mun lander design as a rescue contract robot, not to mention pulling several hundred science and an $80,000 "plant flag on the mun" contract with it. How's 363m for a purely eyeballed landing onto a 30 degree slope with no landing gear?
  17. When physwarp starts your craft sliding downhill
  18. The traditional first thing to do with rover wheels is attach 8 of them to a command pod radially, hit w, and watch it spin You were a bit smarter.
  19. Spaceplanes: Afterburners Re-entry: Destruction By Fire Designing Strange Things - Wily Redux Takeoff - Lightspeed
  20. When you try and shift-zoom for a closer look during a delicate docking maneuver.
  21. If it's your first rover ever, why isn't it helplessly spinning in circles?
  22. Shift change at Station A today. They just invented monopropellant, which made a 3-man craft finally practical. The stubby wings allow the relief pod to re-enter heat shield down.
  23. When you decide to be all 'fancy' and use something besides 'stability assist' during a gravity turn... And hit retrograde instead of prograde.
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