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Everything posted by Corona688

  1. I'm playing stock. I've seen oddities in the astronaut complex, too, but nothing game breaking, as you say, save/reload fixes it.
  2. I had a kerbal instantly die upon hitting the EVA button.
  3. I've made a few things lately which change their plane of symmetry as they fly. The Flying Burger refueling module: Minmus Base aka The Fairing From Hell:
  4. A contract wanted me to put a station in orbit of Minmus. I thought that was a bit unambitious. At $75,000, easily the most expensive single rocket launched so far in this save.
  5. Today was a part retrieval job. I counted on two things, 1) If you can force a part to come down sideways, it generates a ton of drag (to the point I've had entire space stations emerge from re-entry unburned). 2) If you can prevent speed from increasing on the way in, this reduces heat a lot. After a number of false starts, I managed to grab the part in question in this phage-looking thing: Behind the heat shield is my usual case/probe stack plus a Klaw and a few oscar-B tanks. Lastly, a pair of forward-facing Ant engines. Not completely forward-facing, more of a 45-degree angle, so I can keep them behind the shield and still produce forward thrust. Not as efficient, but plenty efficient enough for manuevering and deorbiting, and kept things slow-enough on re-entry I saw no thermometer popups on the way down.
  6. The space station needed refueling, and you know how annoying it is to put little engines on big cans. So I put a hamburger in orbit. At the core is a rover drone, cheaper than adding a decent battery and looks less ridiculous when stacked between big tanks. It made a nice base for the resulting cruciform of fuel tanks, sufficient for circularizing its own orbit and numerous manuevers. Probably more RCS than needed but its refueling that too. It manuevers very well.
  7. When your rocket runs out of power halfway up due to rover motors running amok
  8. OK. Well, since I have time, I'm gonna try both My little craft is enroute already, and should have plenty of dv to spare -- though that's when driving its OWN mass, not a 10m asteroid. We will see.
  9. I've got an asteroid in a rather awkward orbit. ...specifically, an impact orbit. It's coming in from an orbit outside Kerbin coming in and seems really hard to get to. Every time I think I've found a good intercept, refining it ends up becoming "wait for it to hit". How can I get there usefully early? How close can a class C get before it's too late to divert it?
  10. overloaded just a teensy little bit?
  11. Oh, absolutely. At that range and with that little time I can't wait for one mission to end before sending another though, unless I feel like savescumming.
  12. I upgraded my tracking station and tracked my first asteroid: Uh... That's... Not good. Then I tracked a bunch more to make sure it wasn't a mistake or misunderstanding. Nope. Sucker goes straight INTO the planet in less than a year. A nice class-C, too. This could be awesome or hilarious.
  13. So, last night I was working out the numbers on a partially recoverable launcher. I'd found a "sweet spot" where a single poodle could lift a lot more cargo than I expected it to be able to, and tried to optimize it. Before I knew it, it was 4am, my eyes were burning, and I had a monstrosity which had to be flown backwards above 20km and couldn't make orbit anyway. All I had for my hours of work was a novel method of spinning a spacecraft involving a matched pair of "Thud" engines so high on the center of gravity that SAS gets confused. Ever see a 30 ton midstage spinning 300rpm end over end? Although humorous at first, the spectacle lost its novelty halfway into its third hour. Anyway, it totally didn't work so you get the non-recoverable version: The Adequate. The Adequate is a very simple beast: 1080 fuel units and three guidance fins slapped atop a Poodle engine, jacked up on a trio of Kickback boosters. The poodle does not fire until the solids are discarded, as it'd be a waste to use it below 10,000m anyway. At about $1000 per ton to LKO, it's not amazing. Its capacity of 10-15 tons or so isn't incredible either. It is nonetheless quite Adequate for many needs, 15 tons is an entire small space station and change after all. How I fly it: Tip over to 45 degrees by 10,000m. Continue following prograde until 40km, then discard all fairings and burn at 95 degrees (5 degrees below horizon) until apogee reaches 100km. Cut off engines and wait until you're closer to apogee to circularize.
  14. When you're desperately TRYING to make KSP crash before it can autosave.
  15. Some of my rockets have ridiculously low TWR upper stages. If I'm not careful I end up circularizing into a 50km orbit.
  16. I think I can see what they were trying to do with the snap.... If you're close to the very center of something, the snap will put it dead-center. I find it very useful for perfectly centering command seats, etc. The sucking-things-below-the-surface bug is unfortunate.
  17. Then what's this about? Are you afraid they'll enjoy it?
  18. Discovering backwards values in the configs sounds very important. Kudos to digging into this and figuring out which does what.
  19. I have an ancient memory from a televised space shuttle launch where I overheard them set main engines to over 100% and someone explained how the engines were rated for that for a short period of time. I also noticed the KSP throttle has markings over 100%, potentially up to 125%. Is it possible to have engines that go up to 125%, or is this purely decorative? Or has this been made redundant now by the 'thrust limiter' setting on engines?
  20. You know SOMETHING's in for a short flight when: ...Something disappears from the Tracking Station list and you're not sure what it was.
  21. FYI, RCS thrusters -- and parachutes -- can both operate without power as long as a kerbal's in the pod. Purely mechanical. That's saved me a couple times.
  22. Behold Hammerhead Station. ...The "hammer" part was docked sideways because I forgot to include a small docking clamp on the end anywhere. Ugh. Now that the contract's fulfilled I might undock it and leave it as a separate station, 'cause I really dig that simple cylinder design.
  23. Oh my goodness this thing is far too much fun: And the Kickback booster has made my 5-man transfer craft as cheap as my 1-man craft used to be:
  24. You know what I mean Being salty and evasive when asked to provide details. Or, the name of a moderator, unrelated.
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