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Everything posted by Corona688

  1. If you're flying at night, jet engine exhaust is an image intensifier! Look through it to see how close the ground is. It just saved me from an uncomfortable mountain impact...
  2. Just now I had to derbit sometthing with Bill aboard which didn't want to point its heat-shield down instead of up... What I had to do was leave the ascent stage still attached, and force it to tumble during re-entry. It heated up A LOT but by the time it was nearing overheat, other parts would be coming to the fore and they would cool down. It made it, just barely.
  3. That's what they've said every year, for the last 30.
  4. Feetfirst works! The head doesn't fit, but when you slam the hatch shut it kind of 'gulps' them in. The warning about timewarp is quite helpful too. When I tried this sideways, the entire craft spaghettified!
  5. How did you get them in there, in EVA!? They just bounce off..!
  6. Is someone going to pick up that phone? Because I called it...!
  7. Oh, come on...! This is what they've been telling us for 30 years, "VR isn't here tomorrow, it's here today!" And then they tape an NTSC-resolution screen to your head and call it "VR". Phone screens have proven they can do better, they no longer have any excuse.
  8. I give VTOL's and SSTO's names like "Space Hairier".
  9. Of course you do, why else even have a retrograde station When docking couplers came out I tried to be pretty about space debris and clean it all up. This ended up with lots and lots of engines big and small docked to my space station. When you hit 'z' to do an orbital correction, and the giant sideways mainsail you forgot about kicks in...
  10. Wild guess: A mod, gone wrong. Someone put a 'kerbal face' on Duna, like the famous 'face of mars', but the scale screwed up for whatever reason.
  11. The only remotely similar thing I've experienced was when KSP had just added struts, which I exploited as heat sinks, building massive pancakes of boosters. A whole stack of sixty-four solids detonated as one when I ran them a smidgen too hot, and the middle stage just vaporized, but most of the top, far away not to get "overheated", survived as a cloud of disembodied engines, tanks, decouplers, and RCS nodes. Not a single part was left connected to any other. But the resulting airborne debris field was not hitting escape velocity in opposite directions, mother of god!!
  12. Maybe he brought fridge magnets to stick them to the hull.
  13. I like to "land" my airplanes by parachute.
  14. You can definitely fit Jeb inside one 1.25m service bay. I once managed it by accident while spacewalking around the island airport and trying to get him back in the craft. 3 minutes of desperate searching for Jeb and randomly clicking everything and suddenly I get the popup, "store experiments?" He was in the freaking service bay. And I guess, when attached to the command pod, you can store experiments from there.
  15. Neither do they violate the laws of physics and give you oxygen out of nowhere for free.
  16. Or space station, with a fleet of little probes ready for launch. If you already have a space station, equipping it with a few droppable probes might be useful.
  17. So you want an engine that bears no resemblance to any earthly technology?
  18. Kerbin's atmosphere is shallower than Earth's. Earth's air pressure at 30 km: About 5 kilopascals Kerbin's altitude at 5 kilopascals air pressure: Somewhere between 15 and 20 km So what you're asking for is the ramjets we already have. Unless you want something magical which runs in 400 kilopascals, what you get at 30km on kerbin.
  19. First mission successful, and it gave me the 3 science i needed to research the lander engine. One odd thing though: Do wings automatically have fuel crossfeed these days? Is there any way to turn that off? The jets eat up the rocket fuel enroute.
  20. OK, what are you people doing? I keep seeing people firing rockets, wrecking things, and generally causing havoc inside the VAB itself. I'm going to be disappointed if this is just a mod
  21. Re-entry heating? You'll have to be more specific, I'm not skimming an entire 30-minute movie and trying to guess which moment you mean.
  22. That's an oversimplification, unless your planet is really an ideal point-source then there's more to it than distance to the center of mass. Having a wide stretch of particularly low-density rocks beneath can reduce gravity a minor but measurable amount. There's places on earth where 9.81 is really 9.77. It's a useful tool to geologists. Also, mun is a rotating object, which causes its own apparent forces. This would matter more to the seismic detector than the "gravioli" one though (in real life you can't really separate those measurements). Meaning, this is a chance to learn something fun! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_of_Earth Wikijump to your heart's content.
  23. I've built entire stages backwards to get fairings out of the way and yes, it will make you click 'control from here' or 'invert' or what have you every single time.
  24. They aren't "weak", they are bugged. Sometimes when you launch, you can right-click on a landing gear, and see that there's already a pile of force on it for no reason, and when you try to move your craft forward, it acts like its physically stuck in the earth to the point of jittering on the verge of collapse. It's kind of like the old "stuck in the launch pad" bug except, even if you leave the runway, the landing gear will continue misbehaving once you land again. It seems to have something to do with the craft in question. Deleting and re-adding landing gear sometimes fixes it for me.
  25. Thanks. Also, I noticed something about the landing-gear bug. Sometimes if you delete your landing gear and re-add it, it goes away.
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