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Everything posted by Corona688

  1. Well, if spacecraft qualify, I frequently build asymmetric probes and landers to save on weight. They balance instruments on one side with fuel on the other etc. Mun Lander, made just yesterday, one way to make do without radial engines. It flew very well and landed light as a feather. The case on the right contains a probodyne and many science instruments. Both booms were discarded (once science and fuel were transferred) before lifting off the lunar surface. Mistake of Science. (Back when the cyborg nosecones were science parts). This was a Duna lander which, after landing there, managed SSTO by accident! The Lemming, named for its throwaway science probes ready to leap to their doom.
  2. You need to find out what svchost was running, svchost is a container for a lot of things from windows update to printer drivers. For one person on this forum svchost CPU use was actually due to windows update but YMMV.
  3. OK, I take it back, I do use the strategies. The outsourced science strategy in particular, I'm still unlocking the tree so science points are a lot more valuable than money points to me most of the time.
  4. That is what I aspire to The Pioneer and Voyager missions inspired me somewhat, you can make something asymmetric yet still balanced.
  5. This is a good point, we come at this as old players, new players have a way different experience. But it's not like the monolith is good for anything. You can't really explore it. It's just... there.
  6. Give it a few years, I say. Skip a few releases. It seems to go in phases for me; right now I'm tackling Career Mode for the first time since v 0.9something and having a blast once I got brave enough to get ambitious.
  7. Unlikely, it demands write access to a lot of folders inside the main directory. Flash drive, now that's doable.
  8. I landed one of my trademark crazy-unbalanced looking landers on Mun today. It looks crazy, but is actually fairly well-balanced. Not having to double everything has saved literal tons of weight. The side pods are no longer needed either, all fuel and data taken, and will be ejected before departure. Too bad I have to eject the autopilot.
  9. A friend brought it to my attention way back when. I think him and I were both among the first 5 preorders.
  10. Honestly I thought they'd been removed years ago, and wasn't that sorry, as they're kind of hideous. Now they're giant and hideous.
  11. Was this before re-entry heating?
  12. Are you sure Mechjeb is what's missing here?
  13. I am experiencing buyers' remorse. I got the survey scanner and ground scanner on the expectation that, as the tech tree itself suggests, they are an investment which return more science data. So far, they do not. THREE HUNDRED SCIENCE to scan for minerals I can't even use! what
  14. This might help? I accidentally made a nice plane out of basic jet parts which lands super-easy... It's light enough that when you do a rough landing it just bounces, forcing up the nose and giving you a second try. Basic Bug
  15. Today a long, long-awaited science probe came back from the mun: It was a long, white-knuckle re-entry... Actually, it was three long, white-knuckle re-entries since it came in at over 3,000 m/s and aerobraked a little high at 40,000m. All the same I'm glad I didn't go any lower, ye gods, I've never seen a heat shield that motheaten before. I think it was close to 50% by the time the flame effects stopped. It survived re-entry and splashed down!
  16. That you're aware of them means you understand my point. All right them.
  17. They enjoy it less outside the craft.
  18. This is a nice idea, do you dock them or leave them free floating? I try to make all my stages re-enter when possible but can see the point in keeping a few.
  19. What's your framerate like, doing it like that?
  20. Or even just the ability to bring up the craft's VAB notes from anywhere.
  21. You're a bit naive, no offense. Ask how much people loved Standard Oil.
  22. Until you realized you could ship them five times the weekly amount to be done for five weeks. As I said, multiple ways to solve it, Send a ship every week. Send a bigger ship less often. Send enough ships in advance you don't have to worry about it all the time. Bring them the friggin' Magic Rock and do mining once in a while. etc. Missions that define a goal, not a machine.
  23. At what point does a station stop being a station and start being a base?
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