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Everything posted by 0muffins0

  1. First attempt ... MOAR BOOSTERS! Better attempt.
  2. 296 m/s 8) HD vid below http://youtu.be/Uh57Lipu_Vk?hd=1 Wow was that a learning experience. I used mechanical decouplers to instantly drop the main engines when I wanted to stop (so the retros had a chance to work), and I had lander legs beneath to catch the dropped engines before they could hit the ground and explode, destroying my dragster. The downward pointing engines plus the big tail make the dragster drive like it\'s on rails and I could throttle 100% from the start. No skidding whatsoever. This probably the fastest my dragster can go. If I want to go faster I\'ll have to build a bigger dragster that can mount bigger engines.
  3. Did Jebediah survive? Please tell me he\'s ok.
  4. This is deceptively hard. 'Hey 60 m/s seems safe, lets do 70' 'It\'s nice and stable at 70 m/s. Going up to 80' '80 is a piece of cake, lets do OH MY GAWD I\'M FLYING!' *BOOM!*
  5. Not a stock challenge. If you want to use a modded rocket that develops 10,000 units of thrust then good luck!
  6. 272.5 Dragsters Challenge - reaching 272.5 [HD] Wow do things get dodgy over 250! The slightest anything and the dragster just disintergrates!
  7. I\'ve just used stack decouplers to do that. Retros fire in the same stage as the decouplers (thankyou for that idea!), and decouplers plus dumped engines stay pinned to the dragster because of the deceleration (which prevents them from hitting the ground, exploding and destroying the dragster). I reached 272.5 that way. Uploading the video now 8)
  8. My gawd! You survived the barrel roll! I shall find out for you brb. It\'s ???? by Miku and GUMI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMXuEyFufGMMP3 below (click the 'MP3 ???' button) If anyone is wondering, it\'s non-commercial vocaloid music which is freely distributed, so no copyright worries. http://nicosound.anyap.info/sound/sm17448250 If anyone is wondering, it\'s non-commercial vocaloid music which is freely distributed, so no copyright worries.
  9. hehe ... I sort off did that a week ago (though strictly speaking I didn\'t build the launcher) Kerbal Space Program - Mobile Launcher This is the plane it launches. It can take off and land normally as shown in the vid below. Landing made easy in Kerbal Space Program
  10. HD intro vid! The Dragster Challenge [HD] - Kerbal Space Program 1 - Start on the runway. 2 - Accelerate down the runway. 3 - Go as fast as you can. 4 - Stop safely at the other end of the runway. 5 - Stay on the ground, don\'t leave the runway, don\'t explode, don\'t crash, don\'t drop parts from your dragster unless it is by design. 6 - Your maximum speed is your score. Also - no using RCS as propellent. No using SAS, ASAS, or any form of autopilot type mod. This is manual control only! All other mods are fine. Post evidence of your Epic Awesomeness (EA) or Glorious Failures (GF)! I managed 203.6 It\'s easily beatable, but it\'s harder to stop the faster you go! *Rankings so far* Svga777 [RUS] - 429.3 m/s dogon11 - 349 m/s 0muffins0 - 296 m/s Maizah - 264.7 m/s Cykyrios - 223.6 m/s TerranCmdr - 210 m/s Bluejayek - 180 m/s
  11. I\'ve found that you can only turn it on at 2km, after that it stays on regardless of height so I just climb hard after take off then everything is roses after that.
  12. Oh, thankyou! That was exactly what I needed! Someone needs to sticky that now, especially with the recent 0.15 spaceplane update. EDIT - Yep, setting FLT_CAMERA_CHASE_SHARPNESS to 100 does help too. Also discovered that we can map the hat switch to change views. Turns out it was the last two items in the joystick control options thingymajig. KSP enjoyment rating increased 49.387%
  13. I have a space plane that can fly happily at 15km, though it takes four engines at near full throttle, 540ms speed, and feels like skating on ice. The higher you go, the faster you must go for your wings and flight surfaces to work. :-*
  14. I can confirm though testing that the 'chase' view doesn\'t kick in until I\'m 2km above the ground ... and it doesn\'t 'chase' you. It just gives you a more cinematic view. Us joystick users need a camera option where the camera locks onto the aircraft/rocket at the angle you move it to ... and it stays there!
  15. Does this count? Working Ornithopter in Kerbal Space Program!
  16. Your plane is arse-heavy. The centre of mass is too far behind the centre of lift. Move the wings back a bit, or lessen weight/add weight to the back/front, or add more lifting surfaces to the rear half of your aircraft. EDIT - Think of your plane as a set of scales.
  17. Actually if you right click the engines during flight the air intakes seem to give the engines a bit of a boost.
  18. You have to rotate them with the WASDQE keys. Been flying around with jet engines and my gawd they are fuel efficient!
  19. Wow am I chuffed. Not because I got a muon detector into polar orbit ... but because I got it into polar orbit with my space plane! My design goal was 'Throw No Engines Away' which meant using the same engines all the way up, and bringing them back again with the plane and landing safely. This is what I came up with ... Drop tanks, and a small drop-trailer. I couldn\'t stick the space plane at the bottom of the stack (discarded fuel tanks make plane go boom), and I couldn\'t stick the plane on the top (trying to tow all that fuel was too unstable) so it had to be drop tanks (kinda looks cool though). I had to mount the engines in the middle of the space plane just so it would fly home, rather than plummet to the ground backside first. The video of the deed. Though it may appear expertly done, I screwed up many times before getting it right. Spaceplane + payload = heavy! Getting a Muon Detector into Polar Orbit - Kerbal Space Program Gonna detect me some muons ;P
  20. Wow ... that thing can move! I guess you\'ve moved up to killing off Kerbal\'s population 48 at a time now
  21. I can\'t find the damn thing. All my ships are in the game when I play ... but none of my ships are in the ships folder?!? > Is there anyway to check where the game saves the .craft files? EDIT - Found them. My fault for putting the game in Program Files :
  22. KSP = extremely fun. What\'s the best way to physically land on the Mun? My current spaceplane design can place a satellite into Munar orbit then return just fine. However, trying to land on the Mun after placing the satellite in it\'s orbit usually ends in explosions. Wow does the Munar surface rush up to meet me! Do I do a big heavy deceleration burn then just drop down almost vertically?
  23. Now that was useful! Especially the part about atmospheric resistance below 10k.
  24. I\'ve never had much luck landing a space plane on wheels since the wheels from the C7 flight pack usually impact other aircraft parts upon landing, causing explosions and deceased kerbals and such ( :o ). The skids are much more forgiving but getting the plane off the ground again is tricky. So after much experimentation I came up with a rather excellent solution using the large lander legs from the popular NovaPunch pack. When folded the legs work like giant skids with less ground friction than the C7 skids. When deployed you\'re all set for a vertical take off, or you can deploy them when taking off normally to 'unstick' you from the ground. Landing made easy in Kerbal Space Program I\'ve only installed NovaPunch, C7 flight pack and KSP 0.14.4. This method won\'t work with 0.13 because the lander legs seem to need 0.14 to work. .craft file below
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