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Everything posted by honolululu

  1. Home built Intel 6750 dual core @ 3.4 GHz AMD 6850 1GB 4GB 2 Gigabyte sticks @ 4-4-4-12 Tuniq tower air cooled 2008 build except video card went 8800 gtx to 460 768mb to current card, and small boot ssd ~$1800. Way overspent for ram, so should have been lower, but selling used video cards to help buy the next one can really drop the $/day for your system long term
  2. In my opinion to solve all these complaints would be to have a system like civ where you can start in the 'modern era' I would imagine you are going to be able to start career mode, in the 'modern era' with all parts unlocked when Squad implements the budget portion of career mode. It seems like Sandbox will morph into simulation or testing mode, which explains the no science. Maybe there should be a tick box in options to start career mode with full tech tree and problems solved.
  3. So is the black half, outer space or the ground? I'm guessing ground. I like the customizable colors idea.
  4. Seconded. Probably waiting for end of Steam sale. I'm just waiting around building up enthusiasm.
  5. I'm certainly quite chuffed about it. I did have some ribbons, but took out my sig when spoilers broke. Maybe save the gif for the next release contest is my vote. Not done with this one yet hopefully though.
  6. Some sexy looking math up there. Oh man., my heart was beating going to circularize this thing A vanilla run for me. Worth two 10s. 10.10 Went for more speed on the first vert ascent (after watching your video metaphor, thanks) , then made my way to the horizon by 35 km I think, at reducing throttle. Finally just pulsing to keep Ap above 74km, finally let it fall to about 73 km remembering that it usually raised anyway by prolonged 'impulse' burns.
  7. Nice tavert! Tried some quick turns and didn't even make it to orbit a couple of times. Then I went back to a more traditional curve. 8.62 Map and fuel. Craft view Was going to say about how I really throttled down at around 44 km and tried to ride it out to 74 km. Like people are always hating on the Mainsails because they are too powerful and you have to throttle down. Well as you burn through that fuel, the TWR must get pretty high. Seems like the boss agrees. The dang throttle wouldn't shut off though! EDIT. Heh, I took what b]tavert posted and said let's apply that acceleration max, and use mechjeb, swith a few numbers to try and match my last "shoot mostly straight up, then have a quick smooth curve finish at 50 km attempt. And got 8.63. EDIT 2 Saw that's what he did better so tweaked/copied a couple more numbers for another MechJeb run. 8.90 We can keep these off the leaderboard.
  8. Thanks Tarmenius and doughbred. So my first attempt and current entry was my best by far, and I even lost track of trajectory for moment and headed way off to like 85 degrees. I was real easy on the throttle. Can't remember where I read this, but it's like I want the thousands of m of altitude to be in the tens place of my velocity. So 1000m = 110 m/s 2000m = 120 m/s 3000m = 130 m/s. At about 7000 m, I usually just go 100% to try and match 10000 m = 300 m/s. By about 35,000 m you should be heading for the horizon, looking at your Ap in map view, and shut off the engines just above desired Ap. It's a general plan that has its faults I'm sure. Works well for me usually. I've tried two more manual ascents and scored 2.8 and then a 3.8. I scored around just 1 with MechJeb. In other words, I just got lucky.
  9. Trying a couple new things today. At least one was successful. My first challenge! I hope I did it correctly. 6.75 units left. Click for embiggening.
  10. Awesome! Happy Independence Day.
  11. Let's say the space station is right above KSC in a geostationary orbit. If you want to launch 'straight up' to the station you are going to have to consistently raise your lateral speed as you get up to the station, and further away from KSC. Resulting in perfectly matching orbits when you reach the station, provided you remained on the line between the space station and KSC all the way up. EDIT: Just like rodion_herrera's frame2 video above. Nice, would be cool if the dots spread out equally over time, and the station laid them down also.
  12. Thanks for the link NeoMorph That part about the docking is classic. It's stage 5 on the website. Here's the transcript to Apollo 11 http://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a11/a11transcript_tec.html 00 04 28 23 CC Houston Roger. In reference to your question on RCS usage: it looks like you are about 18, maybe 20 pounds below nominal at the present time. No problem at all. Over. 00 04 28 45 CMP I wanted to be 18 or 20 pounds above nominal, babe. 00 04 28 49 CC Sorry about that. EDIT: this is great. They're up there running in place even though they can tell the spacecraft is wobbling because of it! 01 06 53 05 CMP Yes. I don't know if it's a vibration or what it is, but it makes the pitch and yaw rate needles on FDAI number 1 jump up and down a little bit where we jump up and down.
  13. Math is the basis of everything we know and have. Biology is really applied chemistry, and chemistry is applied physics, and physics is applied mathematics, and mathematics is truth, as best we can explain it at the current time. "If in other sciences we should arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics." - Roger Bacon If class is boring or seems pointlessly easy one needs to have the self discipline to ask their teacher for more advanced work. Work that you might not even get 'credit' for. Visit the teacher of the next level to ask for guidance, or teach yourself. Of course this is not easy. Valuable things rarely are. Good luck, we're all counting on you.
  14. I thought this free one was very cool, or shall I say I enjoyed my taxpayer kickstarter contribution to the release of NASA's Moonbase Alpha. http://www.nasa.gov/offices/education/programs/national/ltp/games/moonbasealpha/index.html I only played solo, and don't know if I ever passed anything but easy. Would probably be more fun with a few friends. It's basically a teamwork and communication multiplayer game, but on the easy level playing solo it was fun trying to map out everywhere you needed to be. Available on Steam for free http://store.steampowered.com/app/39000/ Oops. Upon reread before post. Yeah I've heard of it architeuthis. Why do you ask?
  15. From http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/satstg2.html The U.S. Air Force Titan 3C program took flight during 1965, adding more pressure to Saturn 1B. The Air Force claimed that each Titan 3C launch would only cost $9 million, compared to $18 million for Saturn 1B From http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=18+million+1963+usd+inflation+adjusted $138 million 2013 USD From http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4221/ch6.htm [1972 comment on lifting power] 40,000 pounds of a Saturn I-B, with this Saturn showing a cost per flight of some $55 million (309 million 2013 USD)
  16. Which is an exponential expression as far as I know. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_function "Sometimes the term exponential function is used more generally for functions of the form cb^x, where the base b is any positive real number, not necessarily e. See exponential growth for this usage. In general, the variable x can be any real or complex number, or even an entirely different kind of mathematical object; see the formal definition below." Although by that definition y=cb^1 is an exponential function.
  17. Thanks for this! What a beautiful Space Center. =D Reminded me of Sid Meier's SimGolf. Would make for an awesome course.
  18. If I\'m not mistaken, a fresh persistance file will present the Mun in such a position that a straight burn will have Munrise at the \'correct\' time. That can\'t be right. Post or check first? Let\'s go Kerbal! ...how do you get a fresh persistance. Delete the old? Decided to search and found this. This is I think where I heard it. Post 5 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8359.msg122800#msg122800 Xivios I\'ve also noted that a fresh persistance file will allow a fairly direct ascent with no Kerbin orbit if you pitch over about 30 degrees east and hold it there until apoapsis is at munar orbit. But that only works for your first launch, or a demo launch. EDIT: Oops, forgot to add the I was only trying to help you reverse engineer the math from the right launch time without trial and error. Now to test.
  19. I love my Galaxy SII. Beautiful screen, great battery life (lasts all day plus with around 2 hours of screen time), dual core cpu...
  20. 0.5*mass*(velocity^2)=Kinetic Energy needed to stop an object with the same kinetic energy. Remember to square the velocity first. Now what\'s the chemical energy in a solid booster? All right. Just for a ballpark estimate I loaded 1 command module + 4 liquid tanks + one solid booster = 12.8 (I assume tons?) That rocket rose to 334 meters. So at such slow speeds let\'s just forget about air resistance. Max potential energy is rounded to mass*height*gravity=12.8*334*9.8=~42,000 tons*m^2/s^2 So it would take somewhere in the neighborhood (I hope) 6,800,000,000,000,000,000,000 solid boosters to null the velocity of the Mun.
  21. Here\'s some images. ??? Hrmm? See why people want pictures.
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