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Everything posted by Ted

  1. Interesting find there, nicely done! Could you place this on the bug tracker when you get a moment? Thanks
  2. Ooh, thanks for reporting back on this, that's an interesting lead. How's the memory usage on DX12/stable run compared to on W7/8? The opengl arg works so well, as far as I know, because of the decreased memory footprint.
  3. Indeed, Taverius speaks the truth. When I get a moment, I'll plan out the future of this plugin as it would still be useful to change the value on the fly.
  4. Guys, please don't resort to personal attacks and all that. That's a good way to get a thread closed, just talk about the topic and not each other.
  5. The legacy parts pack, if developed and released (please do remember it's an option currently, nothing set in stone), would be an optional addition for players and thus would be up to them to install if they have the machine capable of the memory footprint. I can appreciate that. However, I did find the thinner elevon to be pretty great for small vessels and drones. Oh I absolutely agree, but that doesn't mean we can't consider them when it comes to making decisions such as these.
  6. I can't really comment on the development of alternate methods of loading content as that's far from my area of expertise. But regarding hitting any sort of ceiling, we haven't really but it's more that we should do everything we can to avoid such a ceiling. Switching engines at this point is honestly not an option that's even close to viable. Asset management is something that can always be worked on - as is pretty much every part of the game. And I completely agree that they're things we can do on our side to help reduce the memory footprint. But my point was and still is that it's not the end of 'fun' in KSP due to those parts being removed/replaced and there's a lot that you can still do.
  7. Let's imagine a game where there were hundreds of parts that were all loaded at the start of the game and persisted in the memory throughout the game's session. Let's also imagine that over a dozen of new parts are now added on top of the existing ones, arguably replacing currently existing ones in function. Now we have a situation where we're running at a significantly increased memory load, which could cause some people to have serious performance issues running the game. To solve such a situation, one would expect the logical decision to be to remove the parts that have pretty much exact replacements. That's just what we did and was pretty much the thought process behind it. Now, you may not agree with that decision and that's all fair enough. But we should note the following factors that you have to contend with when considering your reaction to such a decision. You can: Observe that we expressed an intention to release a legacy parts pack in the FAQ and look forward to that possibility. Download 0.24.2 from the previous branch on Steam (and the Store iirc) and simply pull over the parts from there into 0.25. Use the fantastic parts from Porkjet and step outside your comfort zone with the designs you create. Create a Forum thread sharing how you've modified your existing designs to suit the new parts. Create a Poll to communicate the desire for a legacy parts pack or not. Essentially, what I'm trying to say is that there's a lot that you can do about the issue you're currently facing and in proportion to many other issues in KSP it's quite solvable. Note: No idea why your poll isn't creating, the Kommunity Guidance Bureau don't have the power to be disabling them on individual threads.
  8. So, this appears to be as good a thread as any to post the following in. As with everything that we disclose, folks, please do remember that things do change. In 0.25, the Win64 build is actually more unstable than in 0.24.x. Whereas in 0.24.x we'd see it being pretty reliable with stock but crashing with add-ons/plugins, in 0.25 it crashes for nearly everyone and almost at the exact same point. We've spent a significant amount of time in Experimentals, both on a tester and developer side, looking into it, chasing leads, narrowing down reproduction cases and generally digging deeper and deeper into probable causes. However, despite the efforts of a handful of the testers who have tirelessly (and I mean tirelessly) worked on it since the beginning of Experimentals, we have yet to hammer this one out, find the cause and fix it. The dastardly issue that causes it to crash still eludes us. Believe me, this frustrates no-one more than myself, the testers who've worked so hard on the issue and, without a doubt, the developers. However, sometimes we have to bite the bullet, call it a day and concentrate on the issues that effect all platforms. Until such a point where this issue is at least narrowed down to a specific cause, if not fixed, 0.25 Win64 will continue to be extremely unstable for many. We'll hopefully have something sorted out for the release that is beneficial to all. My apologies that the win64 build has such issues, but rest assured we work tirelessly to hammer 'em out! Hope you can all still enjoy the rest of the delicious update when the time comes.
  9. Yeah, I alt-tabbed and took care of a few other things before going back to post that thread. Apologies for getting the hype up.
  10. It's not the case that I have an issue with, and in all honesty I wouldn't say I have an issue with anything in this thread other than posters being concerned with management of the bug tracker. I'm just letting my general opinion on matters such as this known, and it should be noted that this is my personal opinion, not one that bleeds over to KSP's development. I didn't intend for it to come across as my professional opinion about the development of KSP or how certain features should be implemented, apologies if it did.
  11. Very good points. I should emphasise that I'm not dismissing anything here, and my apologies if it came off that way. Ah, I can see the root of your confusion and that is a very fair point. I didn't realise you had created two reports, similar in nature and they had been treated differently. I've applied the same action to your g0 issue report as I have confirmed that the value is the intended value.
  12. Fantastic. I was just not entirely sure if you felt that component of the issue was resolved and wanted to ensure that we were all on the same page with it. You feel that the classification of issue types is "pretty weak"? In your opinion, what defines as bug versus a feature request or perhaps a feedback report? On the topic of the nomenclature of in-game mechanics, I can appreciate how one would find it confusing when they delve deeper into the internal workings of the mechanic, but for the vast majority of players I would wager they prefer a mechanic to be named according to how it appears through gameplay. I'm of the school of thought that if you named mechanics for how they work and not how they appear to the player, many, many things in a lot of games would have to be named entirely differently.
  13. I will reiterate on this topic of "gatekeepers" that they are in no way dictating the direction of the game. They are however providing a volunteer service of performing triage on the many, many issue reports that we receive on the tracker. Their personal opinion on the game does not in any way come into their duty, they provide an objective service and adhere to guidelines and documentation provided by myself. Every one of the Managers on the public tracker project is either an Experimental Team or a QA Team member and I know each and every one of them well. If you honestly feel that there is a bias being enacted on the tracker triage, that you are being unfairly targeted due to your personal opinions on the development of KSP and that your issue reports are being supressed to ensure they don't get read, please don't hesitate to contact me and I will deal with the matter with complete and utter sincerity.
  14. Okay, a few notes to add to what has already been said. The Managers of the Bug Tracker are Experimental and QA members - Geschosskopf is the former -, so they do tend to have a very good idea on the finer points of the difference between a bug, feature and feedback. Geschosskopf was correct in marking it as a Feature Request, as vexx32 pointed out it's not unintended behaviour and thus can't really be deemed a Bug. The reasoning behind why it is that way is separated from the issue report itself and the type of issue report it is, that was just him adding in his two cents as to why it might be that way. That said, the Not a Bug status was a clerical error and shouldn't actually be a valid status for a Feature issue type, so I've fixed that up here. Thanks for raising your issue in the appropriate manner. If you ever have any issue in the Bug Tracker or want to know how to be filling out reports correctly, send me a PM or e-mail.
  15. I find the LV-T45s to be pretty great as a SSME-like engine, though the gimbal does need increasing in the cfg. I think in the past I found about 7 - 12 degrees to be around the sweet spot of gimballing for most purposes. Interestingly enough, it would be pretty great to have a high gimbal engine in the game but the main reason it hasn't been there in the past is that high gimbal engines would rip themselves, or the tanks they're attached to, off due to the unreliability of pre-0.23.5 part joints. I can't really comment on the possibility of any in the future, but continuing to test and play around with modified versions of the stock engines can only lead to good places!
  16. Haha definitely not. After all, I'll have the beard to keep me warm if the hair goes. Back on topic though. If anything, update cycles would ideally become shorter after significant development milestones such as scope completion or '1.0ness' (though we should all keep in mind that each update is a special snowflake and thus the feature-set for it can increase the amount of time that it takes overall.).
  17. I should think that if we had 312 days of development, the length of QA would leave me grey and/or bald with having consumed enough coffee to fill the Marianas Trench.
  18. Just to clarify on Max's post, I believe that testing was for non-KSP projects. When at the office back in December '13 for KerbalKon, they had the OR then and were using it for non-KSP projects.
  19. Making a video game can lead to a fair number of misconceptions and misunderstandings for those who aren’t working on the team, especially when it gets close to an update’s launch and it’s the Testing department's time to shine. So I wanted to have a go at letting everybody know exactly what our department does and what we're about! First things first, let’s take a look at what the QA team is: The QA team – Quality is none of our middle names, it would be a terrible middle name. Comprised of around a dozen seasoned players that know their way around KSP like the back of their hand, the QA team is arguably the most passionate of KSP’s community. Many of our team have worked professionally in software development, so they know the in’s and out’s of general development cycles and those that haven’t have picked it up very quickly! The QA team was created more than a year ago after 0.18 to accommodate the increased rate at which content was being developed and the scale of the game’s growth. Since then, it’s undergone minor personnel changes, but for the most part has had a core handful of members that have remained. Now, let’s go through what the QA team does: QA – Assuring Quality through Quality Assurance Those familiar with game development, or perhaps games in general, will know the essence of QA is bug hunting, documenting found bugs and assisting Developers in fixing them. It’s the most bare bone part of the entire process and is performed by a handful of us QA testers pretty much constantly, thanks to the Branch System. Given such a comparatively small, volunteer team, QA is very much about efficiency and focus, with mostly test cases being used instead of a general playtesting method. What this means is that instead of going through the motions of the game as a normal player would, we tend to identify areas of the new content that would usually be prone to issue and hunt for bugs there. This method cuts down the time taken to find issues by a significant margin and correspondingly means that the content is tested more evenly – playtesting can sometimes skip completely past some aspects of a feature. Furthermore, this method allows us to work closely with the developers and compare exactly what they intended to occur for specific cases, to what actually occurs – this is where QA becomes more about feedback. An example of a Feedback Report. Minor but specific feedback that is to only an exact area of a feature. When we talk about feedback, it’s actually quite a loose term to use. It can range from the type of feedback players, such as you reading this now, provide us with, such as comments on the forums about KSP to the developed suggestions we receive either via e-mail or on the many other KSP Communities out there. So, when it comes to QA, we use the term feedback in a very narrow scope. It means providing specific recommendations and improvements to certain areas of a feature. As we rarely do general feedback in the form of a forum thread for an update in QA, we use the Redmine Issue Tracking system to log all our feedback. In QA, there is little use in us telling the feature’s developer it could be a bit more ‘flashy’ or ‘eye-catching’, what we both require is an established dynamic of improvement via recommending a certain component be changed in size or color, and suggesting the size or color to change it to. With this explained, one can see QA is a lot more than just finding bugs. It’s about having the knowledge of the game (especially how it works under-the-hood), the comprehension of the ideas behind the features in the game, the understanding of what a Developer wants the feature to turn out like and how you can assist them in making it happen. Furthermore, it’s about condensing all of that into concise and objectively written issue reports. Though that doesn’t mean we don’t come across our fair share of game-breaking and eye-widening bugs. These buggers can be quite the kicker when you’re striding through an otherwise uneventful set of features. However, we’ve all encountered more than enough of these types of bugs to be able to jump right into the method of establishing the necessary information for an ideal bug report. Such a method involves doing many of the following: Making any relevant notes before doing anything else. Noting down what exactly has occurred prior to the issue becoming present is invaluable; it’s the sort of detail that is easy to forget when it comes to later steps. Quickly making a copy of the relevant logs (usually KSP.log and output_log/player.log). If relevant to persistence, or the likelihood of being in the same situation is rare in the near future, or the current situation is difficult to get into; making a copy of the persistence file, quicksave file and/or the craft file. Inspecting the relevant logs for any errors or warnings that were written to it. Narrowing down a potential cause using the above information. Determining reproduction steps. Finally, minimizing the mass of information collected about the issue into a neat and brief issue. While this seems like a lot to do, it quickly becomes a routine when encountering an issue and is very much second-nature. Of course, not all of the above is carried out for each issue encountered. It depends greatly on the severity and nature of the issue encountered. All of this keeps us working quickly through features, branches and issues, with builds often flying out of the build server many times a day. And at the end of QA, we have a build that can be played without encountering major issues, is feature-complete and ready to be given a thorough inspection and play test by the Experimental Team. So, all in all, that’s what the QA Team does during an average QA phase. Onward to the Experimental Team! Experimental Team – More than just a Team that Experiments. The Experimental Team is comprised of, on average, 50-60 active testers. All of these testers are volunteers who contribute their spare time to playtest KSP. Prior to version 0.15, the Experimental Team didn’t exist. However, with the increasing size of the KSP player base and the game itself, open testing was no longer a viable option for efficient and spot-on bug reporting and issue tracking. Thus the Experimental Team was created. The Experimental Testers are normal KSP players, sourced from the various KSP communities via a simple application process. Often and understandably, they don’t have as much spare time to devote to testing as the QA Testers and thus we have significantly more Experimental Testers ‘signed up’ than we need at any one time. This works in everyone’s favour as it keeps the activity level throughout an Experimental Phase and doesn’t put pressure on the testers while they also deal with their personal and professional lives. What is the Experimental Team responsible for, then? Experimental Testing – Are we Experimentally Testing or Testing Experimentals? At its core, Experimental Testing is much like using a focus group to ‘test the water’ on an update. Of course, there is far more depth to Experimental Testing than just using the Team as a focus group, but we’ll touch upon that later. For now, it’s best to discuss how significant and useful the Experimental Team is in this part of the testing process. After we have an update go through QA, as detailed above, it is hopefully free from major issues and each feature has had any needed major improvements and refinements carried out; we’re at a feature-complete state. However, many components of a feature may still be unpolished, such as part balancing, or the performance of newer UI on different platforms (eg high-resolution screens). Here is where Experimental Testing comes in and assists us in cleaning up the remaining minor feedback issues. In game development, it’s a mammoth task to try to account for all edge cases and different types of hardware, but with the Experimental Team as diverse as it is, it makes it a whole lot easier to approach this task and dissect it into manageable parts. A typical high priority issue that can be seen in Experimentals. Some may recognise this issue as being one of the examples in the KSP Tester applications. Moving on, while the Experimental Team is incredibly useful in providing minor and focused feedback, it really shines when we arrive at general feedback for an update. Essentially, each Experimental Tester provides their opinion in a feedback thread and they go into as much detail as they feel necessary. Here, the size of the Experimental Team becomes its strength, we can get a feel for how the Community may react to certain components of an update. We can also gauge what minor changes are needed to improve players’ perception of a feature in some areas. Furthermore, this area of feedback really illustrates whether some difficulty in use of features are more widespread than others and we see what misconceptions about gameplay mechanics exist. As I mentioned earlier, feature-lock is pretty much in place for Experimental Testing, so this feedback often works with that in mind, with a lot of the changes that come out of it being minor, with as big of an effect as is possible. An Experimental Testing phase typically lasts around a week, though it is highly dependent on the number of issues that arise and how much further development is required to reach a release state. At the end of the Experimental phase, there are still a fair amount of issues on the tracker that are still open, but it’s important to note that these issues are always minor ones, ones that aren’t in the scope of the update or simply issues that would take too much time and resources to resolve – the latter is more often than not for feedback issues, as opposed to bugs. The overall aim of the Experimental Testing period is to produce an update that is balanced, playable, can stand the test of time and performs well on a wide of a range of systems as possible. That about concludes this Dev Article, though I’ll be writing up more in the future that cover the other various aspects and components of testing. Feel free to ask any questions you have in the comments, I’ll be sure to read and reply to them.
  20. Anything on the Wiki regarding Planned Features should be treated as untrue unless the citation for it indicates otherwise. Much of the Planned Features page lacks citations so should be taken with a very large grain of salt. Additionally, even those that do have citations are vague in both what they mean and what the citation meant. An example of this is the "New GUI" planned feature that cites a Dev Note from Jim where he talks about the new GUI he's working on, which was the Mission Control UI. So while it may say "New GUI", it's lacking the context of what that new GUI actually is and how extensive it will be. In the current state, one could take it to mean a GUI overhaul or significant GUI additions, neither of which could be cited as coming - the Dev Note talks about a feature that is implemented now. Regarding the "Official" status of the Wiki. It's official in that we host it and have ultimate control of what is on there, but as with all Wikis anyone can add and remove content from it. So unless it's also citing an official source it shouldn't be considered official information and shouldn't be relied upon. Hope that clears it up.
  21. Let's throw out the "alpha/beta/gold" analogy altogether for a moment. Let's think of KSP as Sandbox-complete, Scope-complete and Complete. At the moment, and since 0.18, KSP has been Sandbox-complete. This means that all the base gameplay mechanics we want in Sandbox Mode are implemented, however they still have room for refinement and improvements to each feature. We're now in between Sandbox Completion and Scope Completion. Scope Completion is where all the main features that we want in the game are implemented, with room still left for minor additions, refinements, improvements and bug fixes. Now, that's KSP's Development on a macro scale, on a micro scale it's much more dynamic and, as we saw from the initial round of 0.24 Experimentals, incredibly dependant on the feedback, via the conduit of the Experimental Testers, from the Community. That actually brings me to a tangential point that I'd like to quickly discuss. I see a surprising number of people complaining that they've paid to play/test the game and thus the fact that 'secret' teams of people that get it early due to some sort of corrupt selection process is unfair. Firstly, and this has been covered by others, you paid for the game as-is, you didn't buy the game on a promise of testing content right from the developer's keyboards (and if you had, then that would be very troublesome for pretty much everyone involved). I'm sure we're all pretty well-educated on that point by now, so I'll move on. Secondly, the only two Teams that get to test KSP are the Experimental and QA Teams, respectively. They're very much public and we tell you exactly what is going on in them via the Dev Notes. The other Teams that exist that receive preview access are media-related and have their own jobs to do for that (I'm not massively familiar with their day-to-day activities). As we can see, no-one really gets preview access to KSP to just play around, other than maybe the Moderators, but they tend to be far too busy pepper-spraying taking care of the Forums. Furthermore, as Vanamonde previously pointed out, the Experimental builds can be constantly changing in terms of build stability and feature stability, so if one's goal was to simply use their preview access to play the game, they'd have a hard time not reporting any issues or at least providing feedback. Finally, neither of the Teams are closed off, both will be open for applications post-0.24 and I'll be sure to post the application form all day, erryday. With the opinion of testing updates before releasing them to the public hopefully successfully countered, I'll get back to discussing KSP's Development. To try and pin down KSP's development state to any particular one is a mostly pointless task, because you're left with little benefit once you've shoehorned it into the one that satisfies your own point-of-view on the matter. We all know it's not complete, that us folks at SQUAD still have more to add, more to tweak and more to break fix, so why does a - relatively - outdated development state label matter? If you're unsure of our priorities here, we're gunning for Scope Completion, so that should give you an idea of where we want to be. However, the answer to questions such as "When are we fixing Bug x?" or "When are we adding improvements to feature y?" are still unclear. For the former, the answer is quite a long one. When we're planning out an update, I, with the help of the Community Moderation Team, Experimental Team and QA Team, look over the Forums and the Bug Tracker and highlight pressing issues that should be fixed for the next update. These issues are collated and considered when developing the update and where the Developers have the time and resources to focus on fixing an issue, they will fix the issue. However, it's difficult to narrow down the list of issues to those that we can afford to spend the time investigating and fixing, many of the more serious bugs, in symptoms, tend to be the rarer bugs that have more elaborate reproduction steps and thus take a lot longer to perform the aforementioned actions for. So, there are simply some issues that we can't fix as we don't have the time just yet, though there are many that we do have the time to fix and we do. Conclusively, we don't have a specific aim of when to fix each and every issue, especially not before scope completion, but we do have an aim to be aware of each and every issue and fix them when and where it's possible, be sure of that. For the second question, the most likely case is - if the feature requires improvements - then it will be performed when we've finished base development on the main features of the game; Scope Completion. It may happen before then, but in nearly all cases, we're all too busy adding new content to the game to simply go back and add improvements to a feature that's already playable. What's the point in ensuring you've got two GPUs, in SLI, that are the best you can build, when your HDD is using IDE or you don't even have a HDD? Moving on to my next point, which is loosely related to the old one. Something that comes up a lot is that in the case of "feature y", it's perhaps something that here we're happy with or it's perhaps something that we have plans for in the future, but won't go ahead now. They're cases of where Community interaction provides us with a perspective of what the Community wants from the game compared to where the game is going. A significant portion of the opinions I see on the Forums, and in the wider Community, are based on an assumption that what the poster wants and what SQUAD want are the same. In some cases, this is a hasty assumption and a bad one to make. We're all very open about Community suggestions and opinions on the game, but there are limits to what we can take into account when developing KSP, there are some things we don't want KSP to be. A very good case study of this would be the whole "KSP is a simulator, add z!" discussions. We don't want KSP to be a simulator, primarily. We want KSP to have simulation elements, but also have an approachable 'arcadey' side to it, that allows for forgiving gameplay and fun returns on the sheer amount of time you can invest in it. So, to declare that KSP is a simulator currently, would be incorrect and means the discussion then focusses on a tangent that could be avoided. What I'm not saying here is that you shouldn't suggest things to add to KSP, or tweaks that should be made to certain features; they're incredibly useful and interesting to read. What I am saying is that when you create discussions about KSP, where it's heading, what should be added, what should be tweaked, etc., don't state what you feel KSP is currently as fact. You should consider that perhaps not only what you see KSP as currently is not what everyone sees it as, but what you see KSP becoming is not what the rest of the Community sees it as or even what we see it as. Again though, the point of this part isn't to stop the Community from providing feedback, but to increase awareness as to what constitutes your opinion and what constitutes fact in the context of the establishment of development discussion. I'm hoping as a result, when having these discussions, we can see that everything in KSP's Development (and in fact, life), is not black and white. Proclaiming that the game is in alpha and therefore don't complain is a pretty bad approach to addressing someone's issue, as is saying that the game has been in development for x amount of time and thus change i should be in by now; they're both incredibly black-and-white approaches and a better discussion would be to try and bring about a positive outcome and even assist the poster in understanding the topic better. Finally, I'll briefly touch upon the topic of not enough being added or development being too slow. I'll just say that since February, I haven't gone a week without having a feature in QA. I don't know about you, but that seems pretty speedy to me.. I live and breathe bug reports. Written correctly it's the same as saying to a friend "You missed a button on your shirt there, buddy.", a very helpful compilation of information that allows us to make the game better and smoother. Bug reports undoubtedly help us, just ensure you're being objective in them and it's not an opinion piece (they're feedback issues if they are and are a whole other topic). I really hope I've answered many questions that arose from this thread and helped everyone come to a better understanding about where KSP currently is and where it's going. Feel free to ask any questions about what I've said, I'll answer what I can. TL;DR: Read it.
  22. Fixed your poll. Also, you could remove Kerbin and separate Moho and Eeloo. I doubt anyone does difficult return missions from Kerbin as that's pretty much always where you start.
  23. We have an internal issue just for this already. Thanks for the reminder though.
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