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Everything posted by Ted

  1. Whilst this thread started with good intentions, a tribute to some fan work, it has quickly derailed into a discussion about a former member of the Forums and why they were banned. I feel as though this topic, and that member, can't be brought up in a good light and in a manner that would allow for good, rational discussion. Please refrain from posting this topic in the future, thanks.
  2. Do remember that Nova is primarily a Content Designer, not a Programmer, on the KSP project. Thus, it's highly likely that he's just taking the time to learn the code properly and make sure it is done efficiently, as one should.
  3. MBobrik, please keep this discussion civil and refrain from attacking others and using such an abrasive tone. You could, instead, simply refute their points with logic and reason. Additionally, please refrain from posting many times in a row, in quick succession, instead just simply edit your post.
  4. Ah yes, good point heh. That could work, yepp. I do aim to make the GUI toggleable, but it might not be in the coming update.
  5. Hey all, Some of you might remember when you used to have the ability to embed imgur albums around and about the Forums via HTML. In the end, we disabled HTML on the Forums as a simple unclosed tag could cause numerous issues, not to mention that there are a fair few security issues that could arise. So, I realised that we could potentially embed them via BBCode and implemented that today. To embed your album, simply grab the ID of your imgur album, the following bold text - [noparse]http://imgur.com/a/[/noparse]szz8j, and place that in imgur tags, like so - [noparse] That's about all there is to it, it's pretty simple, have fun!
  6. It's always nice to see a discussion about Kerbals themselves and how KSP's fans want them to eventually look. Regarding giving Kerbals specific Genders, I recall HarvesteR mentioning during KerbalKon that whilst they might look into eventually doing such a thing, it was simply not a priority at this time in KSP's Development. Additionally, whilst we don't have any specific dislike for people discussing what they eventually want Kerbals to look like, people derailing a thread into a often repeated cyclic discussion on the current gender of Kerbals is very much frowned upon. Thus, I ask you all to please bring this topic back to OP's images and away from the whole Kerbal Gender matter. Note that I am in no way invalidating any of your arguments, I'm just merely stating that this is far from the place for them. I don't want to have to lock this thread, but will most likely have to, should the current discussion continue, so please stay away from it. Thanks.
  7. The F key might be pretty good, although it could cause issues with boarding vessels and grabbing ladders. I think I'll just leave it at the default of Z and make it available to change, like BOSS is now. GameData compatible is the goal of the next release, indeed. The thing about the GUI showing between vessels is that I hope to keep it that way and have the GUI active as soon as the game is loaded, much like how BXSS works.
  8. I believe the shortcut should be Z, but there were issues sometimes with that. Thanks, I'll put up a thread for them and update the Spaceport page within the next week.
  9. I don't think it would be possible to integrate it with Steam, unfortunately. On another note, I'm currently trying to get BXSS updated here, but running into issues with building it as it is. It seems that the original version was built with .NET 4, which means much of it needs to be rewritten for .NET 3.5, not even sure how KSP ran it if it was built in 4. Anyway, whilst I try to figure that all out, I'll at least get BOSS working on 0.20, hopefully sans bolt as well.
  10. Sure, I can give that a go. Wow, that is awesome to hear! Glad you enjoyed using it.
  11. Please keep this thread on topic, guys. And don't be too harsh when pointing out issues with someone's video, there's no need for that.
  12. The old thread is still all good. We only used to create a new one on the old Forums as Simple Machines wasn't all too great with threads >100 pages; vBulletin is fine though. Please stick to using the old thread instead, thanks!
  13. Another question, did you create a profile or have you only played the Scenarios and/or Tutorials?
  14. Well.. That's an odd one. Silly question, but are you browsing the correct KSP folder? As in, are you looking in the version that you're actually playing?
  15. Check the Saves folder in your KSP folder. There should be a subfolder there with the same name as your game profile, all your SPH and VAB ships are in there.
  16. I attempted to get to Pol but missed my Kerbin circ burn and ended up crashing in the ocean. Don't Alt+Tab KSP without pausing, kids, it doesn't end well. I might try to get back there in a bit, just have to focus a bit more, heh.
  17. Those of you that have been around the Forums for some time might remember my Bolt-On Screenshot System that I posted a while back, November/October. Unfortunately, it was lost in Black April and I have been a bit busy to bring it back. Anyway, I've updated it to be 0.23 compatible, let me know how it goes. CurseForge Download Link Description This plugin allows you to take screenshots within KSP at a higher resolution than your current screen resolution, using a technique called 'supersampling'. Press 'z' to take a screenshot and 'p' to hide the UI. These are both rebindable in the config.xml file found next to your screenshots. Screenshots can be found in "/GameData/BOSS/PluginData/BOSS/". A massive thanks to SyNik4l for adding in many of the much desired features and giving the code a good clean-up. Important Information Using this plugin can require a lot of RAM. Thus, burst fire mode is restricted to a supersample value of 1 - a.k.a no supersampling at all. However, you can still use supersampling without restriction when not using burst fire. I recommend not going higher than 3 or 4; you may be able to pull off 5, but it may crash/freeze your game for a second. If the game freezes, you are not missing any frames. So just let the game sit while it processes. I have added a limiter on the screenshot key/button if your super sampling value is set higher than 1, mainly due to the KSP ram limit. This is to prevent multiple screenshots being taken too quickly causing you to go over the KSP ram limit and crash your game. The plugin checks for the image to finish processing. Then allows you to take more screenshots. You can override this limiter by toggling on the 'override limiter' button on the help window.(WARNING: By doing this. You are pretty much limited to 2 screenshots at a time(because it will crash if you take more). Though, you may still crash your game by doing it, everyone's computer is different, and everyone is using different Add-Ons/Plugins alongside this. In the end, it could work better for some than others. Just know by overriding that limiter, you are subject to crashes. Burst Fire mode: As explained above this is purely for automatically taking screenshots over a period of time. So no supersampling is allowed while this is toggled on. Thus you cannot change your supersampling value from one if the burst fire window is open. To use it 1. Toggle burst fire 2. Set interval(this field does allow point values - just make sure if for example you want .3 - You enter 0.3) 3. Set time frame to take screenshots - only whole numbers. 4. Hide UI with 'P' or with toolbar button 4. Press screenshot hotkey. 5. Do something cool to take pictures of! Plans Rebuild the whole thing in Trigger Au's framework. For cleaniness and fun. Recommendations are welcome. Changelog v2.1.4 - Fixed a couple random persistence bugs. UI should now persist throuh scene changes. v2.1.3 - Forked by SyNiK4L - added choosing of skins, burst shot mode, help window, cleaned up code a lot. Added saving of supersampling value. Added to toolbar(http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60863-0-23-0-Toolbar-1-4-0-Common-API-for-draggable-resizable-buttons-toolbar).) fixed crashing issue by limiting the user to 1 screenshot while the unity engine is still antialiasing the image. v2.1.2 - Fixed up the issues with hiding UI, made it persistent and changed it to the p key. v2.1.1 - Fixed an issue in the paths given to the screenshot method. Screenshots should actually save now... v2.1 - Added in the ability to hide the BOSS UI with the F2 key. v2.0 - Updated for 0.23 compatibility. Refactored and removed a lot of code; mainly to do with requiring a part and then method of text field input. v0.2.3 - Updated for 0.21 compatibility. v0.2.2 - Fixed issues with multiple Bolts being on the same craft and thus causing BOSS to bug out. v0.2.1 - Reverted to old internal structure for GUI, will progress with it at another date. v0.2 - Changed to PartModule. Updated for 0.18. Changed GUI. Fixed various little bugs. v0.1.2 - Prevented spamming of the debug log. Fixed non-updating text field. v0.1.1 - Added in Settings Persistence. v0.1 - Public Release Licence This plugin is licenced under the GPLv3. You may obtain a copy of this licence at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt or read the one included in this plugin. Source Code Visible on Github. Note: For those of you that remember the BOMP Pack, jinks has kindly rehosted an updated version over here - https://github.com/jinks/BOMPs/releases/tag/v0.23.5 A massive thanks to him for that.
  18. That's awesome to hear, pass along our congratulations on the mission!
  19. Guys, a lot of the discussion going on here is not about PfL. I have removed a couple of Off-Topic posts as it's becoming a chat thread. If this continues it may warrant the thread's closure - an action I would prefer not to take. Perhaps try to use a service such as TinyChat or the many free Chatrooms around the Internet instead of chatting here, thanks.
  20. Spammity spam spam. Thread closed.
  21. Let's stay away from discussion about /kspg/ and 4chan. This thread is for discussion of people's opinion on the Junkyard Forum, not the entire Forum or other KSP Communities.
  22. Hey all, After much deliberation in the Moderation Team, we have decided that it's time for the closure of Fan Threads. Unfortunately, as the KSP Community grows, we need to be spending as much time as possible, concentrating on the KSP Community. That means that non-KSP Community threads, especially large ones, can go unmoderated which can lead to many issues. Thanks and feel free to PM me any questions you may have. Update: This also extends to Chat Threads, much for the same reasons as above. Chat Threads are defined as threads that have no central topic to discuss and revolve around speedy and brief posting. Thanks again.
  23. Hey all, This thread has been a lot of fun, and I'm sure it has been a great place for you guys to discuss your interest along with KSP. However, as the Community grows, we have to realise that some things just can't be continued, such as Fan Threads. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as posters remaining in one board when there is an entire Forum to explore, not to mention the sheer Moderation resources that megathreads like this consume. We want you to know that the closure of this thread is nothing against the MLP Community, or the posters of this thread; it is simply a decision that must be made. Best Regards.
  24. As you may have seen in the MLP thread, we've unfortunately made the decision to disallow Fan Threads. Essentially, this is due to the massive increase in the number of posters we have; it's just not ideal to have large threads devoted to a non-KSP Community. It is with this post that the thread will be closed, but please do remember that this is not an action based upon the opinion of the Furry Community or any of the posters in this thread, although one or two posts are a bit borderline. Best of luck to you all.
  25. I personally look forward to the expansion on the Kerbal side of things, it'll be nice to see what's in store at the complex. Not to mention the overhaul of the Space Centre scene, that'll be nice and shiny!
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