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Everything posted by rewdew2

  1. Wow, those look amazingly awesome. the textures on the Mun landing on seem a bit... stretched, And that is some awesome looking grass. I'm currently working on an animation, should be done in... a few days... I hope... Why is no one posting to this thread anymore? have you guys truly given up on it?
  2. Time to save the thread... again... Here's an update on what i've been doing in cycles. I still don't fancy cycles... but i'm getting better at it. I made a new Blade for him It's designed so it can spin around the ring on the handle, and it can also be gripped on the middle handle.
  3. That looks pretty good for simply particles. Heres a bit of advice if you use blender. Have something being broken apart. Here's one I threw together. So, whatever is causing the explosion needs to throw little bits of itself EVERYWHERE. Have the ground deform with shape-keys, and a wave modifier. And lastly... do some cool sound effects.
  4. Conspiracies? wait... if this is true... then... OH MY GOD IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! THIS GOES ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP IT TURNS OUT [deleted due to real breakage]
  5. Oh... A mix node, a glass node and my diffuse... Interesting... Well, back to BI, the Better render engine... Well... cycles is pretty nice... I'm conflicted... Oh, here's a whine glass i made in cycles get it? a whine glass? fine... i'll revive... wait... no. Someone else can do it for a change.
  6. Well, one of the reasons i don't want to switch to cycles, is because NO ONE IS TELLING ME HOW TO ADJUST THE SPECULAR LEVELS OF MATERIALS!!!
  7. so... basically, i should forget EVERYTHING i know about 3D, except for modeling, and start over.... Well, back to BI.
  8. No, the image is photoshopped, the reflections are just all wrong...
  9. Well... it's my birthday today... sorry, i don't have a render. I just need a reason to revive the thread.
  10. Oh, that might be ambient occlusion with a hint of environmental lighting. or just the way the render engine works.
  11. So, I need to revive this thread for you again... and seeing how you guys love nic cage stuff... Here's an awesome gif! [im...] Wait... i can't share it on the thread... PM me if you want to see the GIF Also, do you pronounce it 'jif' or 'gif'?
  12. So, i'm trying cycles two things how do adjust specular levels and how do i get the scenes to be not so dark? here's an example
  13. Well, what you're trying to do is to paint a texture onto something, right? what you need to do is to paint control textures, that will tell the textures where to be applied. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but i'm sure over at the blender artists forum should know how to get that to work,
  14. Because i don't want to use cycles. they take longer, and i've been using standard Blender Render for the past 2 and a half years. I have no intent of using cycles. Unless something changes, i'm going to stick with Blender Render. Also, i tried cycles, and the image just looked fuzzy, how would i fix that?
  15. Well, i don't have anything to show... but this thread need to be revived somehow... um.... oh dear... I've come up empty. So let me just inform you guys about something i'm planning, for future animations/stills (yes, i'm thinking of doing stills) Kerbal show stuff! Mostly animations, working on the story writing, and working on the characters. OH! and if you want to be a kerbal show character, PLEASE let me know. even if it's in the background. i could probably squeeze you in somewhere. Actually... it's still just me.... The Stanley parable! Yes, i am planning an animation for that. it's still HIGHLY in the planning stage. Now, for this next part. i want your opinion. Should the narrator be sort of like a ghostly figure, who's only influence over Stanley is his voice. Or should he be more a figure who sits at the controls, and can completely change a situation with a press of a button. Um.... i can't think of any animation projects i'm working on. but i've been futzing around in the Blender game engine. and I should have something to show with that in a while... Anyway, feedback is appreciated.
  16. Really? no Ball print? I'm sad at you.
  17. Well actually, the 'reflections' are in a different panel setting. Where you can adjust the mirroring, gloss, Fresnel, and depth (how many times the mirror will reflect other mirorrs) The mirroring is the general control. the lower the glass value gets, the more foggy the mirroring appears. the Fresnel moves the receptivity to just the edges of the mesh So you could have a mirror setting of almost full (value:0.9) and an almost full gloss (0.9 as well) and set the object to a copper brown, the render might look like it's made of a somewhat polished copper.
  18. No. i mean a sample of fresnel reflections in maya. Also, here's the basic description of blender's secular shading system. It controls how shiny an object is. (not like reflections) intensity: How bright the shine is. Hardness: The size of the shiny. High intensity(value:1) and high hardness(value:300) would give you a shiny like glass. A low hardness (Value:10) and a low Intensity (value:0.005) would give you a very large, and light shiny. Like a Vinyl floor.
  19. but... why would cloth be reflective? Can you give me an example of what that might look like?
  20. EDIT: okay, i made i kind of mean joke, and i thought better of it, and i'm removing it. So hey. I made a better scene for my ball. He's happier now. Also. could you give me some creative input? Here's a 3D character i'm working on. For some reason, i can't get the textures on the cloth right. it either looks like he's wearing a knitted sweater, or an outfit that has a bunch of stripes. Any suggestions?
  21. WELL HOW 'BOUT NOW? NOW WHO NEEDS TEXTURES EH? Also, i put the ball in the subway.
  22. Well, for the florescent lights i used area lights and environmental lighting. It added a crapton of time to the render, but i got a nice result.
  23. Unfortunately, with 5 minutes per frame with just this alone, it looks like i wouldn't be able to use this in an animation...
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