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Everything posted by ramses

  1. From every kerbal in existance and myself, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worked a treat and such a simple solution (when someone has nicely pointed it out for me) Cheers mate:)
  2. Trying to get my game to cast shadow's but the link's seem's to have disssapeared. Only thing I can find is to go into regedit and find my ksp file, look for entry called unity graphics quality and set it to 3 or higher. Can any one tell me where I can find ksp file in regedit? Been here since about .14 and niether my mac or windows download's have given me any shadow's{ Any help Greatly Appreciated!!
  3. Try Minmus! Landing on the frozen lakes gives you a sea level landing;)
  4. This has really caught me off guard. Feel like I've lost someone close to me since he's been a man I've looked up to my whole life. Humankind will NEVER forget you Neil.
  5. I apologize to all Kerbal's in the first few flight's to these new planet's in advance;)
  6. Fantastic footage of Curiosity's descent on youtube. Absolutely Amazing!!!!!!
  7. Can't wait for .17! I love how this game alway's has something better just around the corner:)
  8. I'm with Vostok. Never used it never will! When I started playing ksp it was seriously gut-wrenchingly heartbreaking:/ But in saying that, I refused to give in and with every failure I'd learn something new, pick up the pieces and try again. And I have to say, that first mun landing was a feeling I will never forget:) I truly believe I wouldn't have felt anything like that if I used mech-jeb. But that's just me. In the end it's up to the player and what they want out of the game. I'm just glad more and more people are playing the game, which in turn helps the squad make it even better!
  9. Pic to help on the where a bouts.
  10. Ok, been trying to take a screenshot with co-ordinates but they disappear as soon as the shot is taken and don't come out on the pic??? Any ideas? the co-ord's for Hudvin's pool are- 0 15' 48" N - 65 44' 33" E
  11. Saw a dark spot after a failed test flight and found this. Seems to be a diamond shaped pool??
  12. F Damn! Can't believe I didn't know that. Cheers bud:) Also, pretty sure I read somewhere that engines will be of no use on some planets. Would a hovercraft type vehicle design work instead?
  13. Congrats to the team!!! I knew this gem was gonna blow-up big time. Glad I got in b4 it happened. So excited for you guys and absolutely stoked to be a part of it!
  14. Funny you say that. I've gone back to using stock parts. It's the np parts that are falling to pieces on me. Weird!
  15. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but can we EVA from any of the updated mod landers?
  16. Very Cool!!! You might want to consider directing mate:) Look forward to your future vids.
  17. Yeah I realized that when I flew another one to his death under the second arch. Can't believe I didn't think of it the first time! Cheers anyway bud:)
  18. Just show's there's a little bit of Jeb in all of us:)
  19. You can also personalize your controls quite easily. For instance, my f1-f10 buttons wouldn't do anything in the game. I simply swapped them for other keys(eg. P for photo). Hope this helps:)
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