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  1. Hey, I did some art that kinda sucks. Since it's space related, I thought I'd drop it here.



    Have a good day!

  2. Thank you so much for this mod! I've always wanted to try RSS, but was a bit afraid of how big everything was. This is just right, and it looks gorgeous! Thank you for your hard work!
  3. Maybe it'll be good! The whole romance thing might be a bit cheesy, but the plot seems interesting enough.
  4. This is truly adorable. I love it, good work!
  5. Now you can travel across the solar system in style, as the Epsilon rover is coming to your local spaceport! The Epsilon rover is a lightweight rover, designed to go anywhere in the solar system (Kerbol or not*)! It can withstand the searing hot temperatures of Venus, the frozen landscape of Triton, or anywhere else you can think of! The Epsilon rover comes with two high gain antennae, one radioisotope thermoelectric generator, many cameras, and a few basic scientific instruments. Not to mention, it has been outfitted with all sorts of safety gear! It has four radiators for high-heat environments, six wheels for any accidents, and three batteries, just in case the generator gets damaged. Have you been sold on this marvelous rover yet? If so, there is a download link below! Instructions: First, click the link below to download the craft. Second, open up your KSP folder! Then, open saves, and open which save you'd like to have the craft in. Place it in the VAB folder, and you're set! However, this is a modded vehicle. You will require Hullcam VDS in order for it to work. And if you're looking for a little fun, you can download the Kerbin-scale version of RSS and have some fun adventures in our very own solar system! So get on out there, and have fun! Download here! Here's a promo video as well. Note: There are action groups for this! 1 is to activate the antennae, and 1-6 activates different cameras! P.S. Some of the camera angles are a tad odd, sorry for that! I just wanted to make it look nice, even if it was a bit odd. There's only one that is odd, thankfully! *I use the Kerbin-scale version of RSS, so if you're planning on putting it in the real version, I doubt it'd work! Sorry!

    Now you can travel across the solar system in style, as the Epsilon rover is coming to your local spaceport! The Epsilon rover is a lightweight rover, designed to go anywhere in the solar system (Kerbol or not*)! It can withstand the searing hot temperatures of Venus, the frozen landscape of Triton, or anywhere else you can think of!

    The Epsilon rover comes with two high gain antennae, one radioisotope thermoelectric generator, many cameras, and a few basic scientific instruments. Not to mention, it has been outfitted with all sorts of safety gear! It has four radiators for high-heat environments, six wheels for any accidents, and three batteries, just in case the generator gets damaged.

    Have you been sold on this marvelous rover yet? If so, there is a download link below!



    First, click the link below to download the craft. Second, open up your KSP folder! Then, open saves, and open which save you'd like to have the craft in. Place it in the VAB folder, and you're set! However, this is a modded vehicle. You will require Hullcam VDS in order for it to work. And if you're looking for a little fun, you can download the Kerbin-scale version of RSS and have some fun adventures in our very own solar system! So get on out there, and have fun!

    Download here!

    Here's a promo video as well.



    *I use the Kerbin-scale version of RSS, so if you're planning on putting it in the real version, I doubt it'd work! Sorry!

  7. Okay! So, the reason I got back on here was to post a rover I'm really proud of. So just hold up a second, and I'll post it. :^)

  8. hey what's up it's been like a year

    1. Pluto100


      oh God looking at my past stuff is embarrassing

  9. Congratulations to the New Horizons team! I'm most certain those years were worth the wait. I hope everything went okay, I'm so nervous for the check-up on it tonight!
  10. This is so exciting! I'm somewhat late to the party, it seems... Thank you all for documenting what was going on. My goodness, I can't believe it's actually happening! It's almost surreal!
  11. But really, I'm so excited for this! After all these years, it's finally here... Splendid!
  12. Ahh, so sorry for such a late reply! I'm hardly ever on here. But I remember watching some sort of documentary a bit ago (a long bit ago at that) that mentioned something about a lander, an orbiter, and microprobes. I believe it was part of the Pluto Express mission, which was of course scrapped. Of course, I may be remembering this wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's what it was! Edit: Naw, sadly, I am not. I would love that though!
  13. This has basically taken up the entirety of my life since it was launched in 2006, and I have been patiently waiting until now. 10 weeks seems like forever compared to all of those years... I can't wait for this! (It's a shame it was downgraded from being a huge project. At least we got something, right?)
  14. There's still no reply from the company, and reading that article, I kinda assume that this is, kinda, dead? It's really a shame, I had so much hope for it. It looked like a really great movie, I must say. R.I.P Man Conquers Space (Watch, the minute I post this, it'll get news.)
  15. Goodness, this was from quite a bit ago. But uh, yeah! I'd love a remake. I just started playing it again, truth be told! And I saw that Universim thing, it seems so good! I can't wait for its release. -Edit- (Holy wow my past self was a very bad speller.)
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