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Everything posted by Pluto100

  1. Oh wow. I am so Sorry! I forgot to say that it was for the VAB! So sorry!
  2. :/ I see.... Well, I can always give different ideas of that doesn\'t work!-EDIT- Here is a ship I made that is a vertical launching space plane. P.S It doesn\'t have all of the parts. P.S.S It\'s for the VAB
  3. Just refreshed and looked XD! Sorry about that :/. Also for the vertical: The Kerbing [insert name here] Is a vertical launching space plane that can get into orbit! It has a small wing span, but it still has good control. It\'s max speed is around 1000 m/s
  4. -EDIT- Just refreshed. I see.... Well, ok then!
  5. XD lol. Sorry! Well, maybe you could create a vertical launch space plane? Hooray for wing changes !
  6. The two front things on the wings are the engines and there are the SRBs on the tips. I\'m yet to fly it... EDIT: it blew up before I even took off... I need wheels on the engines. XD! Sorry that it exploded! It looks awesome though!
  7. YEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I agree, 2 boosters sounds like a good idea. I just love your planes! They are just so unique and cool!
  8. Ok! Here is an Idea: The Kerbing Eagle is a commercial plane that has 2 side engines and one long thing of empty fuel tanks to carry the passengers. It also has 1 booster on the top for intial aceleration. It also has a massive pair of wings. Or The Kerbing Vulture is a small, but fast plane. It can be used as a jet, or used as a personal plane. It looks kinda like a mini jet-plane.
  9. 2001: A space odyssey was one of the best books made by Arthur C. Clarke. My personal favorite was Rendevous with Rama. P.S The movie was good too.
  10. Yep. This is from Bicentennial Man. Next person will post a map of the world.
  11. I thought it was the perfect size !
  12. Pluto100


    I am sorry everybody!
  13. Wow! Cool ideas everybody!
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