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Jon Tash

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Everything posted by Jon Tash

  1. The best update will be the one nobody (except the devs) expect, one that will be epic. When Minmus came out, it was quite something, it was cool back then. EDIT: It was 0.15 btw.
  2. Lithobraking, yeah I do that alot, purposely though.
  3. And your ears. The atmosphere isn't complete yet, just wait till the Devs make the big change (aerodynamics) they've being talking about since C7 became dev.
  4. Oh yeah awesome, I totally forgot it's been already 2 years since i'm here, lost between SRBs and Rockets. Congratz to KSP and may we see even more awesome stuff in the coming years!
  5. It would be Duna for me. It reminds me of Mars and all the mythology involved and what humans believed about the red planet. It's kinda magical in a sciency way.
  6. Yup pretty much what I did when I first launched back in the days. Always look in the options for the keybiddings, it helps alot and have fun!
  7. I was here before the demo existed. But I guess I could say that I played until 0.14 came out that's when I bought the game.
  8. I launch multiple pieces of my station/base in different windows because I usually have more than one mission a the time. Last time I was playing KSP I was assembling a space station in orbit around Duna, I had several more module in preparation around Kerbin before the station was complete but at the same time I had a spaceship heading to Eeloo for reconnaissance for my future landing site. At the same time I had also a probe prepared to lithobrake on Moho.
  9. I voted "I like them both" because most of the time I build Rockets to do specific stuff like assemble a space station or launch an army of probes around the Jool system. But I also build alot of Planes and SSTO Spaceplanes. I find them both fun to build.
  10. I hope one day there will be a mod to change the radius of planets and make atmospheres ticker/thinner to be more realistic. Don't care if my pc melt down because of it, I just want to see, you know, for science... and stuff.
  11. In this interview from Myndflame with Maxmaps he said that the new VAB and SPH has better performance than before and it's better looking too. Here is the link for the interview: http://fr.twitch.tv/myndflame/b/426248761
  12. I'm relatively new, like one month and a half in Eve. I'm a miner, easy stuff and pays good too, I'm working on getting a ship to do lvl 4 security mission with a buddy in my corp.
  13. I guess this applies to me too, even if his videos didn't help me play KSP, I sure learned a lot from his science/space stories. Always fun to watch and listen to him.
  14. "What will you do before 0.21?" I'll wait for the update, what else can I do? In the meantime I'm playing Eve Online.
  15. I remember when 0.16 was out, I used to make missiles capable of destroying targets in orbit and make lots of debris, it was also the time when I build my first SSTO rocket/missile. Quite fun destroying things in orbit and looking at the debris fields. For science.
  16. I totally agree with that, if I were new to the game I would first try to play, learn and understand the stock game first before turning to the mods. I play KSP with lots of mods btw.
  17. The first time I did an interception it took me about 45 minutes (docking was just new back then), the second time was 30 minutes, but now when I do an interception to dock it takes me just about 15 or 20 minutes depending the target orbit. I always wait for the best time to launch.
  18. I love staying in the VAB/SPH and build stuff that works. Rockets, planes, spaceplanes, SSTO crafts, rovers, you name it. That's where I have the most fun in this game.
  19. The first time was when the Mun was first introduced in the game, I went too fast and smashed myself leaving just the command pod intact. I actually landed on the second time and left the ship there until a new version of the game came out and restarted the save file.
  20. The MK2 Lander Can, because it's not high and great to place things above and below. Also, I never really need more than 2 Kerbals on my crafts.
  21. Yes, that's what I think and it would be more logical too.
  22. Since I begun playing KSP (on version 0.8) I have never lost a single craft by clicking End Flight. It just doesn't happen with me.
  23. Everything I make, not only for KSP but other things too, is from Jon Tash Factory (JTF) So my space agency is in fact JTF.
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