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Jon Tash

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Everything posted by Jon Tash

  1. I like what you did to the Leucome engine, nice!
  2. Finally made yet another Orbital Assembly Station around Kerbin. Right now i'm waiting for the Kethane "No overlay bug" to be updated to launch fleets of kethanesats everywhere.
  3. Hmmm... Something went wrong here... Everything collapsed itself with only 1.5g of acceleration.
  4. The awesomeness when a VTOL works perfectly.
  5. For me I think it would be Jool, it's not scarry but when the planet takes almost the whole screen it sure is terrific. Now, if you want a planet that can scare you I guess Jupiter is one of them.
  6. Love this plane, incredibly stable for it's strange wing design.
  7. Wasn't this gas planet 2 wiki page made after the first Kerbalkon? If I remember correctly that's when we all saw it too (in the dev stream). And the answer of when would this planet be added was always something like, "Probably added in the future" but never sure. Unless a Dev says otherwise, this planet will not be added in the next update.
  8. Made some interesting testing today. Fiddling with the propulsion node and the center of mass. Decided to put wheels to rove where I want. Good choice later on. I took it to the Mun and made it my first landing in 0.23 with this save file. Quite awesome spot to land actually.
  9. I don't know why but I literally visualize what you just wrote and it just made me sad. If you want to play with tons of mods (like me) but don't use all the parts from the mods, just delete the unused parts from the folders (or save them somewhere else). You don't need to have tons of different fuel tanks when the game comes already with fuel tanks or you can always use the stretchable tanks mod (and SRBs) to save space and memory.
  10. This is my first try with the Rapier engine and tweakables.
  11. Indeed, that's what I'm asking myself too and resources, but I guess someone will make a mod (that is better than Kethane) for it.
  12. Since this is where we can post our oldest pics of KSP here it is. Back then I didn't screenshot as often then today. Here is my oldest screenshot that I remember to keep, others where deleted. These were taken on the 17th July 2011. It was the time when all that matters was to go as high as possible, there were lots of challenge on the forum and no Mun, no orbital view and we needed to figure out the orbital speed and altitude to know we were in orbit. The engines in the pictures are moded parts.
  13. I remember that, it was fun figuring out why the dark side of the planet was so dangerous or the water was as hard as the ground too.
  14. Mining bases for Kethane are necessary for me personally because I use the Kethane mod with the Extraplanetary Launchpads and Orbital Constructions, with these mods, Kethane became my main way of building ships in other places other than Kerbin. For instance, I have been building an orbital assembly station(OAS) in orbit around Eeloo. I mine Kethane on Eeloo and I launch it to orbit. The OAS processes the Kethane to make whatever kind of fuel I want (only stock fuel like Liquid Fuel, Oxidizer, Monopropellant and Xenon Gaz for the moment). But I can make rocket parts out of Kethane too. With that I can build whatever ships and what not in orbit around Eeloo directly without going trough the hassle of launching from Kerbin and go to Eeloo. Right now I became totally independent from Kerbin.
  15. Voted, if it continues like this, KSP will win all polls around the internet. Keep voting everyone!
  16. Is that explosions in the background? I suspect you EVA your kerbal just before the inevitable.
  17. Yeah I know that, I have KAS but don't intend to use it for this aircraft as I don't really like what it turn out to be, it was a prototype after all. I have a rescue plan for the kerbal but I will leave the aircraft there, maybe make an aircraft graveyard there and put all the failed prototypes there.
  18. Messing around with a prototype. After I landed on the runway, I realized I forgot to put batteries or some kind of energy generation part so now this aircraft is stuck there forever.
  19. I had a strange bug with the quantum strut mod, so I had to disassemble the Orbital Assembly Station (OAS), ditch the module that was using quantum struts and reassemble with new modules. I decided to take the Habitation module and make it a station by itself with a different orbit. And this is how the OAS looks like now. I added a Kethane converter to fill the big fueltank. Dunvis Kerman, first kerbal to step on this icy ground. Converting this sweet Kethane into everything I want (almost). More to come soon.
  20. Continuation of my Eeloo Colonization Plan, here is the Orbital Assembly Station (OAS) with the Habitation module. That thing turns flawlessly with out messing with the attituse of the rest of the station. The first construction of the OAS, the first Kethane Miner, pretty basic, just enough for landing on Eeloo and mine. The miner fully deployed, mine every bit of this juicy green stuff. More to come soon.
  21. Mine is with Bob and Bill in an Orbital Assembly Station orbiting the Mun. He's building probes and stuff.
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