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Everything posted by iamwearingpants

  1. Wait, lolwut? Don\'t they belong in \'the topic\'? Anyway, Haikus rock!
  2. You go to level 11 and find a nuclear bomb. Luckily the walls of this room are obsidian!
  3. I felt the same way when I saw it the first time. It\'s just... odd. I can\'t put my finger on what attracts me to it. Anyway, welcome to the herd!
  4. Typing 'Many muffins make Mincespy mess-up missions' with pinky and eyes closed xbg vffvyf hchf ngBHCV BDXX GH (after seeing result) Mother of god I suck
  5. Welcome! :cheers: Hah, I can\'t find any errors in your writing, you have awesome english.
  6. Heresy! That was 8 words! Burn him!
  7. Indeed, this is a most fun game. I am speaking in sevens easily now, Oh my, possibly I\'ll never stop septupledicting!
  8. The gamemaster has spoken his awesome words! Shall we contact a mod for setup?
  9. I would make a gigantic mod pack while I\'m gone and be bigger than Nova! And I would do it in paint too!
  10. This is dumb but yet very entertaining! Where does Mince get these darn games? I think we need a games forum. Do any other kerbonauts agree with that?
  11. You go to level 4 and find a senior citizen rave party
  12. My homework is bad Fucking dumb and useless work Why can\'t I just quit?
  13. I have only lost three kerbonauts today.
  14. Luigi Broglio Luigi bro LUIGIBRO606 IT\'S A CONSPIRACY! AARRRRRRRRRGGH! Haha, just kidding. Welcome! :cheers:
  15. Jebadiah Kerman Kessler Syndrome, who ya gonna call?
  16. Yep, Orbiter is MUCH more complicated. And welcome :cheers: (Yes! Beat Skunky!)
  17. Dubstep isn\'t my favorite, but I can tolerate listening to it. And:
  19. I used to use Imageshack, but then I randomly tried Imgur and never went back And I\'ve never had any problems with it.
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