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Everything posted by forsaken1111

  1. Could you share your magical 100% efficient electricity generating solar panels with the world please? Otherwise, stop making ill-informed comments.
  2. So I just designed a nuclear powered long range aircraft. Its awesome.
  3. It wouldn't be difficult to make a part like the lab able to generate water while splashed down. Detecting water 'nearby' may be harder. And yeah my thought was that a water tank would last quite a while and would overlap with life support function so if you don't use it all its not wasted. Currently any monoprop you don't use is just wasted ballast that you expended energy on for no reason.
  4. Fractal, to break away from the bug talk for a moment: Have to given any thought to a steam-based RCS system? Bring along a tank of water and heat a small amount to high temperature and let it escape from an RCS nozzle like a propellant. Could use thermal power from a generator to do so. Normal RCS blocks use a monopropellant like hydrogen peroxide passing through a catalyst mesh to produce steam and oxygen via chemical decomposition, but this could be a neat tie-in with your reactor system and refill-able anywhere water can be found. (or anywhere you could get hydrogen and oxygen to combine)
  5. Hey that's awesome news! I didn't realize that Kethane's system had been changed.
  6. As I understand it Fractal's reasources are mapped onto the planet surface where kethane uses a grid of cells each with a random and finite amount of a resource in them. With Fractal's system you will not 'run out' of a resource and resources can be found everywhere in varying quantities and concentrations while with Kethane you can empy out a cell and there is no more kethane. With Fractal's system you don't have to land exactly on the marker to mine a resource either, that is just the point of greatest concentration in the area. Even if you land a few KM away you should still get some, just less than if you were on the hotspot. In Kethane if you miss the target cell you get nothing from an empty one, even if its less than a meter away from a full cell. It is a different system using different methods and code. Here is Fractal's reply to the last (of dozens) person to ask the same question:
  7. Yes, I addressed your point. The kethane resource system and the one Fractal uses are entirely different, so the kethane scanning won't work. Just because you think something is ugly isn't a reason for him to change his mod.
  8. Fractal has already said this will not happen as the two resource systems are not handled the same, and he does not want to require you to install any other mods to use his.
  9. Aww yeah, fusion is in! I've been looking forward to this. Everything in the new version sounds amazing, can't wait to get home and try it out.
  10. Exactly. And this is precisely the function I'm trying to use to keep my heatshield-covered aft aimed at the oncoming planet. But MJ seems to be slipping off target each time, even before I enter atmosphere.
  11. I was under the impression that the retrograde marker on the navbal points away from your current direction of travel with reference to your current SOI while the prograde marker points towards the direction of travel.This should be true regardless of where you are. In any case, I've used this method on previous MJ builds to keep the heatshield in the right place and it's worked fine before.
  12. I've noticed something similar. Using Mechjeb when I was coming back into the atmosphere, I manually oriented my rocket toward retrograde and told it to keep me pointed retrograde. Instantly it began turning the rocket off of the retrograde vector. I cancelled it and was easily able to manually reorient it but another test and MJ turned the rocket away from retrograde again. For now I just use it for information as it can't seem to handle even basic flight instructions. Which is the latest build before .22 integration with the gradual techtree unlocking? That version worked fine for me when I was using it, and I somewhat regret upgrading.
  13. Thank you for clarifying. I had thought that the earlier talk of energy networks was theoretical. It would be nice but I believe you're right in that the current transmission is p2p and will not relay. I'll be testing this to be sure once I unlock them in my career mode play.
  14. Seems like it would be a bit redundant with two other mods already offering science labs like that.
  15. Does relaying power like that actually work? Its a good theory but as I understand it the power transmission is just point-to-point and not networked.
  16. The difficulty there lies in the power source I'd think. You can store the science/day rate sure but how do you know when the power source craps out? Eventually even nukes will run out of fuel without reprocessing.
  17. Can we get a version that works with remotetech so that we can only IRC when we have a comms line back to mission control?
  18. Yes I know... I never said you couldn't. What I said was that you cannot use the AM you produce in an AM reactor to produce MORE AM. That is what Thourion was trying. Did you actually read the posts? Because he talked about using nukes.
  19. 85% certain I recall Fractal saying that AM production in a lab is lossy, as in you make less AM than it would take to produce it. This is easy to check though. Use TAC fuel balancer to fill an AM tank (or just mod one to be full) before 'launching' your test rig and then run the lab and see if the total goes up or down.
  20. Any idea why I'd be getting a huge slowdown/pause on selecting this part (AR202 Case) in the VAB? The game hangs for a good 3-4 seconds when selecting it and again when placing it on the craft.
  21. Eh, I have a dual-kiwi powered plane that flies fine. Its how I get sats into orbit.
  22. There is no transmission at all, it simply adds science to your total.
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