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Everything posted by forsaken1111

  1. While at the space center (at the overlook with all the buildings, controlling no crafts) go to debug menu (alt+f12) and go to database, reload database. Works for any config changes I have tested, including changing tank resources and even adding new parts that are only config changes.
  2. I've found using some of the reactors from the KSP Interstellar mod incredibly helpful in powering my kethane rigs, even if they add a lot of weight. My current mun-based kethane rig is powered by a small nuclear reactor and brayton cycle thermal generator and uses an aluminum-oxygen rocket motor which can be refueled by electrolyzing the munar regolith. I've been using it to mine and lift kethane to my munar depot for processing.
  3. I believe Fractal_UK said that the sun is the second best, behind Jool. It has been addressed. The size of rocket nozzle is purely visual as all the part is, is a nozzle. Each one has the same thrust/mechanics and same mass, he just provided one for each common stack size so they didn't look silly.
  4. Interesting, and good to know. Still it seems like the conversion would require a science lab to oversee/perform/control. Is that possible? And good to hear I can carry on using the engine!
  5. Would it be possible to control lithium->tritium conversion from the science station but require the ship to have a nuclear reactor onboard to perform the reaction? And control the speed of conversion based on nuclear reactor size? Might be too complicated.
  6. How about a "Lithium Enrichment" toggle button which when toggled on drops the reactor's efficiency but starts the conversion process? Also with you making these changes soon should I hold off using any vesta drives? How soon do you think these will be ready? I had planned to use a vesta drive as my primary drive unit on the vessel I am assembling in orbit.
  7. So nuclear reactors will always convert lithium -> tritium or is that a set mode or what?
  8. In that case I'll hold off. I don't want to mess with your intended progression.
  9. I realize things will change in future but you don't mind me doing a few little changes in the interim do you?
  10. I'll just have to make some approximations for now based on stock tanks. Will check back when I have something to show.
  11. You may have just mistakenly landed on a very small deposit. You could in theory mine out all kethane on a body but you'd be at it for a very very long time.
  12. Making tanks isn't difficult. I'll have a go at making a few small 1.25 and 2.5m tanks for lithium and deuterium to be used until Fractak_UK manages to do so, and adding kethane->lithium as a kethane conversion option on the larger kethane converter. For the tanks I'm just going to use stock models. Edit: My only worry is that the engine won't recognize/use the lithium and deuturium in the tanks if it uses the nonstandard resource handler Fractal_UK wrote, in which case you may have to pump them in manually or use TAC fuel balancer to keep it fueled.
  13. It *should* work if you just include the plugin file and the specific parts that you want. You'll have to test it though.
  14. Scan it again. Doesn't it show a quantity on the hex grid? I usually put a small kethane scanner on my drilling rigs for this purpose, but I'll admit its been a few versions since I used this mod so perhaps they made deposits inexhaustible now.
  15. If Fractal_UK doesn't mind, once I get home I'm going to have a go at making a small part to convert Kethane into Lithium, or adding that option to the large Kethane converter. My next ingame project is going to be a kethane drilling rig powered by a small nuclear reactor/generator and an aluminum/oxygen rocket motor. I'll also land a small science rig and a kethane storage and conversion facility so in the end I should have a small refining base connected up by KAS pipes and anchors.
  16. ...yes I know, I was simplifying it because he asked a simple question. Generally you get more antimatter at higher altitudes. This is because the magnetic field gets stronger. You'll have to experiment to find the 'best' location but higher is generally better. There is going to be a sweet spot where the field strength and particle flux is the highest. I've found that putting your craft into a highly elliptical orbit is great for determining the sweetspot, just timewarp while watching your magnetometer or collectors. It would be fantastic if the magnetometer worked with the graphing plugin so I could let it collect data and make pretty graphs.
  17. Generally higher altitude = better for AM production while lower altitude = better for science production.
  18. That happens a lot with lower quality antivirus/protection software. When someone uses a certain ISP or hosting company to distribute malware, they get lazy and blacklist the whole ISP or hosting company rather than the specific site so anyone going to any site there gets a warning. Temporarily disable your AV protection while downloading and you should have no problem.
  19. Yep it works. I used this to rescue a stranded craft. Its solar panel was knocked off by a docking mishap and since it used a probe core it was stranded with no power. I used grab to pull a panel off of another craft and attach it so the stranded craft could power up and make its way back to the station for repairs.
  20. If you want a way to get lithium in the interim it wouldn't be hard to add it to the kethane converter, or put in a part that converts kethane into lithium.
  21. Well deuterium isn't terribly hard to get. Ocean is full of it. Its not common, but it is there. Jupiter is supposed to have a lot of it as well.
  22. I'd actually like a way to establish an ongoing downlink where a lab can send all generated science to another lab or computer core automatically. Like have my moho research base automatically dump all science to an array of cpu cores at KSP near the pad so I don't have to swap among all of the labs manually sending science every few days.
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