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Everything posted by forsaken1111

  1. To move around in space you just need a TWR greater than 0. ION probes also have tiny tiny TWR.
  2. If you discover the best height for collecting around Kerbin please share.
  3. Well clearly you'd drop out of warp well outside the target system to begin altering your real-world velocity, or do multiple warp hops around the target star to use gravity to slow you down. Alternatively if you know the velocity of the target star prior to warp you could match velocities before beginning the journey.
  4. While it doesn't add other stars, such isn't possible right now. It does add a drive that can REACH other stars, once they are in the game.
  5. Your rant was a bit disproportionate to the request that a single part be made slightly lighter. Nobody is asking for cheats...
  6. They are pretty heavy for something which seems to be mostly empty space
  7. Don't rely on mechjeb estimates to figure your deltav in the editor because most engines can swap propellants and change their thrust and isp depending on attached reactors.
  8. Yeah I suppose you can just set target and use something like mechjeb to align yourself. As you say, it doesn't work for the sun. so its still better to use solar panels which track.
  9. How about a part that can take control of the craft's rotation and aim it precisely? Aim at a celestial body, or another craft, etc.
  10. Is that the latest version? The thermal rocket nozzle looks different.
  11. The nukes are fantastic for ships that will never enter an atmosphere though. I use them on my tugs for moving parts around the under-construction station in orbit. Speaking of, is there a chart anywhere or at least an easy rule on what altitude will get the most particle flux for collectors? For now I have some around kerbin but I hope to push them out to Jool or something. Just don't know where to park em. If not, I'll use probes but it can get a bit tedious launching dozens of probes.
  12. Heh.. heh heh... so I strutted up the engine as you showed. Got to orbit. The engine stayed on, but the whole antimatter generator fell off. DOH. Still, we're getting closer. All these spontaneous unplanned disassembly events let me refine the design. Edit: Alright. I had to put on a simply ridiculous number of struts to keep the engine/reactor on but I did get it to orbit.
  13. Looks like he's saying there is nothing drawing power but the reactors are still running Ah, the reactor powers down when there is no energy draw. That isn't a problem.
  14. I'll try that next launch. I couldn't get the struts to attach to the rocket nozzle at all previously but I could have been derping a bit
  15. Some rocket designs which seem to work just fine are experiencing an oddity on reaching low orbit. When I cut thrust to the rocket, the thermal nozzle suffers a structural failure and falls off. Just the nozzle, and only when I cut thrust once I'm out of the atmosphere. Edit: After a bit more testing I think it might be some kind of 'bounce back' from cutting thrust on rockets with large masses, but its very weird. Unfortunately you've made it impossible to attach struts to the nozzle so I can't reinforce it. The rocket in question had an antimatter reactor attached directly to the thermal nozzle.
  16. Would it be possible/balanced to allow nonstupid kerbals to also give a bonus to other science lab functions like antimatter production or ISRU processes?
  17. It would be nice to have a plasma thruster RCS block though which works like the other engines and systems in this pack.
  18. Excellent, thank you. I'm planning out a small refueling rig for my reusable lifter and slapping pipes on the side makes it a lot easier.
  19. Away from my home computer so I can test right now, but is there any comprehensive documentation for this mod anywhere? For example, are the pipes structural or only allow fuel transfer? Do pipes allow other resources to transfer as well? If I join 2 craft with a pipe does that have the same effect as docking them? Are pipes stronger/weaker than struts?
  20. Playing devil's advocate here, PolecatEZ is correct. If you release your work under a license that allows modification and redistribution then others are under no obligation to acquiesce to your requests NOT to do so. They can still agree to your request, as PolecatEZ has apparently done, but they do not have to.
  21. Ah, didn't realize the toroid was included in the spherical tanks mod. i recognized the big tank but not the toroid. I'm familiar with the mod so no need to trouble yourself to link, just didn't realize new parts had been added. Will check it out, thanks!
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