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Posts posted by Felsmak

  1. If I ever were to translate these poems into German, I think I'd use the following names:

    • Der kosmische Sexkönig = The Great Naked Space Man (The Cosmic Sex King)
    • Der kosmische Sexsaal = Great Naked Man Space (The Cosmic Sex Hall)

    Mostly as a reference to Der Erlkönig, which the first poem is based on.

  2. On 2016-04-02 at 9:03 PM, UpsilonAerospace said:

    > @Felsmak. Felsmak's sense of humor is as warped as the space-time surrounding a black hole, but considerably funnier.

    It's in the space closest to the event horizon you find the purest humor!

  3. On 1 mars 2016 at 10:47 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

    Haha, you thought you could get away with it.  But now, because it was stickied, we know that it is the MUN that does not exist!  All Mun pictures are just manipulated pictures of Dres!  How do I know?  Because this was stickied!!!  The KSC wants to draw attention away from the REAL deception by popularizing the FAKE HOAX!

    Stickied? Has this thread been stickied?

    I checked, and it was not stickied. I felt trolled.

  4. Play cards? I just got an idea for a new Matt Damon film: He's on a spaceship on its way to Mars, when the crew starts playing Monopoly. Matt now has to survive and await rescue as his friends go into Monopoly rage.

  5. On 1 januari 2016 at 10:44 PM, richfiles said:

    My Kerbals know Dres is real... :wink:
    My second launch ever accidentally shot out of the Kerbin SoI, passed Duna, and ended up "over there"... 
    These were the days of unlimited budgets, crazy over-engineering, and having no concept of "aim", or "orbital dynamics". :confused:

    I never retrieved them. :rolleyes:

    I wouldn't be so sure. Can you truly know that it wasn't just a flawlessly manipulated picture of the Mun you saw, like the one shown in the video?

  6. bob n. An unsuccessful spacecraft, either doomed or already lost due to a piloting error or a mistake that occurred during its construction.

    "The lander was a bob; its main thruster failed to fire and left it stranded in orbit."

  7. 18 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    Applying realism eh? In game with extremely dense bodies? With a star the size of Jupiter? A gas giant the size of Earth? A Earth-analogue the size of the moon? I can keep going...

    As surprising as it may sound, you can actually do that. It's not just a black and white choice between perfect realism and complete anarchy, and anyone who's designing a fictional universe will have to look at every individual detail and decide if they think it's "acceptably unrealistic" or if it just doesn't make sense.

    So for Kerbal Space Program, I can accept that it's set in a universe with impossibly small planets. It's just the way things are in that universe. But if they're going to include seasons, I'd rather they just made the planet tilt, too.

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