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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Boris_T_Roach
People who joined back in 2011: are any of you still here?
Boris_T_Roach replied to Panichio's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Hi all Greeting from late 2011/early 2012 when someone told me to get the demo of KSP and have fun, they'd just added the mun. Finally paid the cash for the game in april 2012 (whatever version that was) and my descent into madness as wibbly wobbly spaceships took off for outer space and the mun....... and some even made it there.. and 2 made it back Overall I've enjoyed the game very much, only mod I regularlly use is mech jeb and the antena models from the long range remote control mod Best moments.... shouting "the Smegol has landed" when I finally made a controlled soft landing on the mun for the first time Worst moments... loading a whackjob inspired monster from a previous version into 1.05 and expecting it to fly (it did..... sort of ) Boris And of course, keeping my sanity together in late 2012 after a serious medical problem nearly killed me... -
An open letter to the developers of Kerbal Space Program.
Boris_T_Roach replied to Tang_Titan's topic in KSP1 Discussion
If I could upvote the OP a 1000 times it would'nt be enough. But hes not the only one feeling this way about KSP. Given 4 weeks to live at the back of 2011 unless I had emergency heart surgery ment a long time off sick and recovering. KSP kept me sane though all that even if it was the demo/0.11, To be honest , KSP has been the best £15 I've ever spent on a computer game, and it teaches kids stuff too in the process of playing..... cant get better than that Boris <<a fellow earth bound space guy... sitting next to his crutches -
please tell me i'm not the only one...
Boris_T_Roach replied to ezequielandrush's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Forgot the heat radiators on my nuclear powered transfer ship I launched perfectly and docked to the payload in 15 mins yesterday. Without them after 10 mins my engines go POP. Hey ho another payload to duna in a useless orbit Boris -
I know just how the OP feels KSP has taken a bit of a backburner for me too, where as I used to spend hours trying to get exploration missions consisting of fuelling tankers, landing craft, orbit stations and rover drop ships to a world, I dont any more, sad but there you go;.; KSP helped out when I was seriously ill by giving me something to do while stuck in hospital/at home, and all in all, its been the best $15 I've spent on a game ever.(bought it in alpha at about 0.11) Boris BUT... dont think you're safe , I'm still in space only this time in Elite : Dangerous, been blasting, trading, smuggling and exploring for since last xmas and having fun too
Sounds a bit like one of my Jool probe carriers, when I used the short grider to hold the probes in place while I built up the carrier ship in the VAB... then forgot to replace the girder with a decoupling thingy before take off. Much fun was had when the whole contraption arrived in Laythe orbit only to find I could'nt release the probes from the carrier.... Boris
I'm getting strange I read the thread title as RoverDude wants an onion drive Boris still alive...just about
What is this "testing" of which you speak? Slap the ship together in the VAB, and go launch it. If it makes orbit all well and good... if not... Then look in the flight log to see which bit failed first and add more struts Boris lost count of how many kerbals have died on his watch
I did it again I circularised the station's orbit safely, de-orbited the tug unit, then moved to launch the 2nd part of the station and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Currently its in solar orbit with no fuel and no hope of getting the crew back. On the plus side I know I can reduce the number of fuel tanks and increase the payload on the next attempt Boris
Hi all Been a while since I played KSP, so I thought last night..late at night, was a good chance to launch my super big research geostationary base into orbit. Srbs burned out fine, staged the outer 6 boosters at 65 000 m, all flying as planned (despite the station being designed to fly in 0.21's atmosphere), ok start the boost to the usual transfer orbit of 2 800 km by 10 so I can dump the core stage and launch locks without them adding to the cloud of debris around Kerbin and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Woke up 90 mins later with the core stage empty, the orbit showing 2 700km by -100 km and I'm just coming up on AP.. Boris <<<<removing key impressions from his face
Good otherwise it would be back seat driver time Boris
KSP Wasn't Designed For This....
Boris_T_Roach replied to Jett_Quasar's topic in KSP1 Mission Reports
I was going to say that Eve effort was almost whackjovian in its scope and scale But since he'd have sent it all in one flight..... sorry Boris <<<not dead yet -
We are all murderers - how many Kerbals did you kill?
Boris_T_Roach replied to p8R's topic in KSP1 Discussion
My answer to how many Kerbals I've killed over the years is Who cares? when ever I start a new mission I get 3 more to launch into orbit/deep space/splattered all over the landscape -
For finally making it to KSP version 1.0 (actually version 1.01 in 6 hrs time when someone goes "EKKK major bug!" ) and bringing the art of rocket science to the masses in a really fun way For sure we've lost somethings over the 4 yr trek to this point ... wobbley rockets, the kraken, and magic boulder.. gone but never forgotten. But then we've gained so much more... muns and planets for example, and a huge flight roster of willing victi... errm brave crews ready to make the ultimate sacrifice when you notice that the staging is wrong... usually at 25 km up and at 1km/sec and just after the staging button has been pressed. We've got science, planning, careers, NASA , rovers, space planes and Elon Musk (I'm sure he plays KSP in the evenings and comes into work the next day and says "guys.. I got this great new plan for our rockets....." And as I said to start with.. well done to all of Squad's crew , past and present for making KSP the game it is today Boris_T_Roach Backer since Version 0.12
"If at first you explode... congratulations , you're doing it right " Boris ...currently playing Elite: dangerous in much the same way he pilots a Kerbal spaceship
I'm a KSP'er from way back when they were just little pictures in the bottom corner of the screen, I never felt bad about seeing their happy screaming faces replaced by KIA whenever something went badly wrong, but then we had EVA (in whatever version it came in on) Suddenly the kerbals had existance beyond mere pictures and they became far more valuable to me*.............. but I'd already given squad my money at that point Boris *But it never stopped me killing them when my latest creation failed in an unforeseen way
SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk said the new launcher for Sunday’s flight carries “way more†hydraulic fluid to remedy the problem. At least it should explode for a different reason, Musk quipped on Twitter.
When something has gone wrong on the launch pad, I've always thought of them as SMEF events Ie My latest single stage to Jool rocket had a Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure because some moron started the SRBs and failed to notice the radial decouplers for the same were on the same stage..... Boris, a fan of the late great Douglas Adams
A solar eclipse just destroyed my space station!
Boris_T_Roach replied to Skylion's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Been there, done that. Amazing what value a 100 funds battery has on a 100 000 funds spacestation .... and annoyance factor when your remote Jool probe on its aero braking manover pulls in the solar panels, enters atmosphere behind Jool when you notice the serious lack of batteries... leading to a dead probe when it emerges from behind jool and theres nothing to do but watch it orbit once and then plunge back in to its doom.. -
I tried that... without struts
Forgotten things to do, and overlooked fun things.
Boris_T_Roach replied to Talavar's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I'm off to visit the northern mohole today, I did have a crew that went there ages ago, but they disappeared in mysterious circumstances as their probe craft descended into the mohole and all contact was lost. They never come back and the lander and rovers remain there as a memorial to them in the vague hope they may re-emerge one day. Oh and booting all the fruitbat conspiracy theorists off our message board for claiming something called the 'cracken' ate them and will eat any ship/crew mad enough to descend into the mohole.... -
Then try the 0.90 career mode, I've got Jeb as a pilot trying to rescue another kerbal from orbit with no manuver nodes or anything because I have'nt updated the tracking station/anything else needed to draw an orbit. OK Jeb's been around the mun by the tried and trusted technique of 'aim and hope' I used to use in 0.13, but I'm pleasently surprised by the limitations imposed on me in career mode by the limited facilities available. No more throwing a bunch of batteries and sensors and parachutes on a ship and gaining 500 science on your 3rd mission around the mun... not when you're limited to 30 part ship. Its making me think how I want to achieve stuff, which aint bad considering the main way I play is building outlandish craft in sandbox and seeing if they can get to another world/orbit/off the ground. KSP aint right yet, should be some sort of life support module available (with limited life support in the capsules) and the re-entry effects need to generate some heat (so no more plunging into Laythe's atmosphere at 9Km/sec and coming out the other side into a 100*10 orbit without melting your ship) The tech tree needs tweaking, but I can now make custom groups in the VAB for the rocket parts I tend to use all the time, and leave the spaceplane parts hidden ALl in all.... as someone who started off on KSP 0.12, the beta update has been a bloody good update Boris
I saw that too. But then I'm someone waiting for elite to come out so I can regain the lost joys of being young and blasting around the cosmos in a mk3 cobra then fail my exams again because I've spent the last 5 days playing..... Boris Theres more to KSP than physics... theres wibbley wobbley rockets too
Anyone else want to like career mode but just can't?
Boris_T_Roach replied to Fourjays's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I like career mode Its a fun challenge for us experienced KSP'ers because it does limit what can be built, forcing you to come up with new ways of using the same old parts. Take my career mode Jool probes..... no 3 meter docking thingy, so none of that sending up a probe carrier and then docking a bog standard nuclear drive section to it. Nope its all got to go up as one unit, 3 x32 fuel tanks, with 3 nervas to power it.... radial clamps for the probes, and all the fun of getting 120 tons in LKO without mainsails and orange fuel tanks.... Currently I'm running career in toughest mode (with quicksave).... and Jeb has made it to the mun and back using far less than my earliest KSP 0.12 ever did..... damn that locked tech tree. But he has to do it again since he forgot to plant a flag Boris Still enjoy messing about in the Sandbox though -
First Jool mission, how to start?
Boris_T_Roach replied to lordmuffin's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
For any Jool mission (whether its career or sandbox) I build in LKO.... 1 fuel tanker consisting of 3 orange tanks in a string, 2 x32 fuel tanks that can be dropped when they empty, and 3 nuke engines attatched to the middle orange tank via short griders and F400 fuel tanks, dont forget some docking ports either The crewed ship is generally 2 or 3 hitchhiker pods connected by the multinode connectors, a laythe capable lander on the front, several probes/rovers attatched to the node connectors and all pushed by 3 nuke engines in an arrangemnt like the tanker. Flight plan is tanker leaves first, when it arrives at Jool, it aerobrakes at Laythe for Laythe orbit, the crewed ship goes at the next transfer window, it arrives at Laythe nearly empty of fuel, and refuels.. then goes exploring. Watch any orbits that intersect with Tylo, they can get fairly hairy. and have fun