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Everything posted by Boris_T_Roach

  1. Is it done yet? (repeat ad infinitum until banned from the forum) I actually hope the devs are taking their time with it to squish every bug they can find, then giving the code a final polish before pushing it out of the door Boris PS I'm wondering if we can play pool with the asteroids.......
  2. Try using the materials science pod near Jool...... Boris
  3. I'm sitting here, patiently waiting, after all, in my experience of software development, to get 80% of the code done takes 80% of the planned time, the other 20% also takes 80% of the planned time So I'll just sit here and be quietly plotting my next craft, and my next missions. possibly involving claws and rovers. possibly not. But SLS components..... that will mean even larger things we can throw into orbit..... Boris ... Thinking thoughts..... evil thoughts
  4. Rovers No mission to another world is complete without a rover to go with it. Unmanned mapping satellite mission to Duna... well lets take along a mini rover and plonk it on the surface. Small manned mission to Ike.... the crew need a decent rover to get about... quicker than walking and safer than flying Giant reseach mission to Jool... lets throw on 2 rovers from the Ike mission, 4 mini rovers and watch my PC melt down as the entire ship goes past 800 parts... Boris I've quit drinkign and now my ships look sane....... ish
  5. Got jumbo 64 fuel tank, attatched large rover wheels to it, added a mainsail, and went for the land speed record on the runway(132 m/sec was achieved by most of the craft ). After the wheels broke for the 5th time sending my luckless kerbal to his doom, it was add wings and the landing gear wheels to it and see how fast I could get it to go (most of it achieved 201 m/sec just after the first impact off the end of the runway ) Boris maybe if I add more boosters............
  6. I suspect thats WhackJob's plan. I'm wondering if I fit wheels on the asteroid, will I have for once and all time, the biggest rover ever built..... Boris PS I'm wondering how many parachutes I'd need....
  7. All I want is world peace ..... and death to anyone who opposes me. Seriously though, I'll be happy if I can move kerbals around my spaceships/stations without having to go EVA with them. Boris
  8. Awwww that gives me a warm sticky feeling inside Boris 'But dont mention mech jeb'
  9. That would give us a laugh as an ISS crewmember gets out Bill, Jeb and Bob models out of his personal effects bag and glues them to the control panel Boris
  10. Although I have steam, I use the store version of KSP because it can live in its own folder, plus it makes it easy for my Linux data server to login into my Win7 box and do a backup copy of the KSP folder every now and then And if you want easy steam screenshots, just add KSP to your steam menu by clicking on games, then add non-steam game to library. Hence the huge collection of KSP screenies in my steam profile page (although thats only a small selection of what I've taken) Anyways.... back to plotting a mun base to go with the giant rover Boris
  11. Damnit.... How am I supposed to put a giant rover on it when its smaller than the rover? Wonder if we can use the rocks to 'modify' Kerbin Boris
  12. Mine is'nt.... it was supposed to be a mobile launching platform for my mun missions. Then the thought occured..... lets strap that to the top of a rocket and see what happens when I launch it......... Hint: Dont ever drink and play KSP. The way they were launched is with my standard 7 mainsail cluster booster, the mun mission had a 2nd stage under the capsule that was refuelled in orbit, before going for a mun landing, it also had 3 retro packs fitted to the top for final descent, the duna rover had a large docking plate under the capsule for a standard interplanetary drive unit to be docked and the afore mentioned parachutes for final landing. Boris And yes, I am working on a bigger rover......
  13. Piffle too small, thats only a medium sized rover to the finely crafted WhackJob beater recently landed on the Mun (and Duna) Welcome to the land of the mun giants And the same design landed close to the face on Duna Both flown to their landing sites without hyper edit, part clipping, or other such cheats. The mun lander went in with a suicide burn that just made it, and the Duna one had more parachutes than anything and still broke 5 wheels on landing Boris Lucky the quick fix crew landed near by in another ship
  14. Whackjob does'nt ever launch his rockets from Kerbin , his rockets launch Kerbin. Boris
  15. I fly on a keyboard.... so fine controls are right out....but saying that...... Boris' easy way to learn to dock. Build a ship that has a docking port on top of the 3 man capsule, launch it into a 150km orbit, then launch another one the same, but wait until the first one is just about to pass over KSC before launching This will mean you are behind the first ship in their 150km orbits, click on the target then what you do is lower the PE of your second ship, this will mean it will slowly overtake the first, you'll see the orbital markers get closer over the orbits. Make a note of how much distance is coming off per orbit, then just before you over take the target ship, burn at AP to bring up the PE, you'll see the target markers on the orbit get closer, normally I can get them down to <500m. Then orbit until your ships get within that 500m, and use the navball in target mode to reduce relative speed to 0m/sec. Then, using the navball , thrust towards the target using RCS only, be prepared to stop and adjust if needed until you get within 100m and have a 0m/sec relative again, now you can rotate each ship until the docking ports are facing the other ship. Click on the target ship's docking port and press 'set as target' Then thrust towards the target using the nav ball, be prepared to use the translate controls (i,j,k,l) to keep the yellow marker on the center of the purple target marker. When you get within 10m of the target , slow down, its easy to mis-align and you get the ships bounce apart. If you see the ships move together without you doing anything, dont panic, thats the magnetic locks on the docking ports trying to link up, turn off the SAS and the RCS and wait... the motion will damp out slowly until success. Your 2 ships are now 1. Doing the docking will take time to practise it can take upto an hr for the first one, once you get the hang of it and know howto time your launches, you'll be able to dock to your massive space station in under 15 mins Oh and fit lights to the front of your ships, because docking only ever happens in planetary shadow Boris Or use mechjeb
  16. I prefer 3 styles of launch 1. Badly designed : this is where you start your 7 mainsails to get your super heavy booster carrying 120 tones of space ship into orbit and notice that releasing the launch clamps also de-coupled the SRB boosters so vital for getting you ship of the launch pad, with the result the SRBs go off on a wacky trip of their own while your ship drops back onto the launch pad...... 2. Badly flown : Throttling up your 7 mainsail engines to 100% before lighting them makes the impact of the thrust tear your ship apart before you have a chance to notice that #1 above is going to happen 3. Just plain bad : So you've fixed #1 ,avoided #2 , you've dumped off the SRBs and started your gravity turn at 9Km while not remembering that as the fuel is burned off the TWR increases, and you get down to your last 200 kilos of fuel in the first stage with all 7 mainsails at 100%........ and you notice the first stage has just gone through the second stage..... and the 3rd stage, and the orbital tug.... the crew capsule.... and the payload. It was quite an impressive explosion though and the remains still made it to 70Km on momentum alone.. Boris I'm left wondering why Kerbals dont have parachutes is that they'd jump out of our rockets/aircraft the first chance they could get
  17. I dont see reverse engineering as a problem except for one thing..... giving credit where credit is due. So if you look at someone's pictures and wonder just how someone launching a 110 ton nuclear powered drive section he docks with every interplanetary craft he flies, and see this img then you think "Ahh thats how he does it" And ask nicely for the .craft file and get it Then mod it to suit your ship, then always post "Heavyweight rover launcher based on a craft file by Boris_T_Roach" And no one will have an issue with it Boris PS Thats the Mark 4C version, since been upgraded to 5A with a couple of flight mods and moar boosters
  18. What the OP is forgetting is that KSP career mode is NOT complete Squad more than likely looking at the feedback and seeing about making balancing decisions based on that feedback. How many tweaks did they make to the rocket parts while KSP was sandbox mode only.... the game updated sometimes and your classic rocket you used for mun flights fell apart at 30Km up because something got tweaked. You over came that with more struts, then find out the next update makes the engines you use now over heat and explode if they are on the bottom of a jumbo64 fuel tank.... But always remember , returning any science is good science...... as my Ike base crew found out... well it was supposed to be a sample return mission.... that has to wait for the rescue mission to get there Boris
  19. Heres my take, seeing as I'm a long term user of KSP (bought May 2012... played the demo for ages until finally splashing the cash out). Its a game in which your job is to build a rocket and fly a bunch of loonies into orbit/the ground (delete as applicable). Thats it. If your love is building huge contraptions that may or may not fly.... KSP If you love flying rockets, KSP If you love planning a multi-vessel research expedition to another world KSP If you want to relive the glory moments of 1969.. KSP * And for the peopel I know have just got the game because of the vast number of screenshots posted to my steam profile**, you dont need to be a rocket scientist to do all of the above. If you dont make it into orbit ... just strap moar boosters on and go for it again And it helped keep me sane*** while I was sick for 3 months after a life threatening illness Boris *"We're breathing again down here...." **http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197964668916/screenshots/ *** sane'ish
  20. I watch these forums all the time , sometimes with wonder, sometimes with mirth, sometimes with a "yupp been that, done that", but now a different kind of question is forming in my mind "How long before someone builds a real rocket just so they can use KSP to control it?" Boris
  21. Usual reasons. Drunk while designing new ship Drunk while launching ship Falling asleep while doing gravity turn just after dumping 1st stage outer boosters Attempting docking at 100 m/sec+ after waking up But my number 1 and best reason a ship crashed and burned Did'nt know the large docking rings were fuel feed capable. So my Jool explorer ship dumped the empty nuclear drive section into Jool and went to raise it's PE from -100km to +125km for aerobraking and capture............ hmmm the fuel tanks are empty..... wondered why there was so much left in the drive unit Boris *&%^$&^ing *&(&&$" ^%$&^ing *&&*^& Game .... RQ to desktop and kick the cat
  22. For new readers, I'll dig out a couple of classics Thats my first ever mun landing.... note stock 0.12 parts and fins as landing legs And the Whackjob rivaling and aptly named giant mun rover Thats the mark 1 version, the mark 3 is landed on Duna, and the mark 2 is floating in the sea 10km offshore from KSC due to a slight lack of engines problem Boris ...off sick again
  23. Maybe it will have a reputation rating in it too Successfully launch Bill, Bob and Jeb on a mission to resupply a space station gets you plus points and a bigger budget, have your latest mun mission use lithobraking near the old landing field due a a design cockup gets you minus points and a smaller budget Too many minus points and you get "you've been fired' notice Boris
  24. Building style Construt the first idea that comes into my head, then launch it and see what happens If it falls apart....add more bracing, if it fails to make it to orbit.... add more engines. If it gets too heavy to depart the launch pad, throw in some large SRBs and hope. Then get drunk and return to the VAB Boris
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