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Mr. Pseudonym

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Everything posted by Mr. Pseudonym

  1. WASHINGTON STATE I MISS YOU TEXAS IS SO COLD But all whining aside, I remember when we got 5 or 6 inches of snow. No one bothered to bury the powerlines because in a state with large amounts of annual rain, and very cold temperatures, and also TREES! there would be no possibility that the branches get hung over with to much snow, collapse, and then fall onto powerlines. NO POSSIBILTY. AT ALL. Needless to say, power was out for a week, and of course, I lived on a hill, so you couldn't really get down. But the snow provided entertainment. That was the only good part. [/rant ] I am now posting in eurositle from now on.
  2. Indeed. We would all like to know how development is going.
  3. Whoa! SU-47 totally looks like the real thing! DAMN! This thread has grown a lot!
  4. Wait guys, the prints are cool, but I think we need to address something: Rareden removed the not taking any requests text?!? REQUEST FLOOD INBOUND!!!
  5. The one with the tribute to Alan Shepard (the kerbal shooting what I guess is Rewdew's ball. )
  6. RING RING! Comp so broken right now, but I will download this, and I will try to get KSP to work! FOR THIS MOD!
  7. This next test of patience is very dangerous. To help you during the test, smooth jazz will be deployed in 3... 2... 1... http://youtu.be/v=MPxVMpeVRGI
  8. You know, I kinda got screwed over. Moved to Texas from Washington (STATE, NOT WASHINGTON D.C.). Did you know Texas is the 49th state in the nation on school spending? Also, the weather right now is complete SH*T. 36 degrees fahrenheit (about 2 degrees celsius). Texas is NOT this cold at this time of year, so once you acclimate, it's AWFUL. I miss Washington sometimes.
  9. Good thing I live in america! I only have to go to school Monday and Tuesday!!! HAHAHAHA! I can watch all of the threads!
  10. WUT? Already? You take a long while to upload chapters, and that may be a good thing.
  11. Its not dead! He just uploaded a chapter!
  12. So wait... Can the Kerbals adapt to life in the "toxic" atmosphere?
  13. So now they have to invent rock proof suits like bullet proof vests? This is so absurdly stupid it's funny! But Bill should have a run in with a Really Big Rockâ„¢. Also, there is a misspelling of a word: it should be steeled, not stealed.
  14. Any updates on this mod? I would love to see some progress again (not to put pressure or anything on you,) seeing as this mod is shaping up to be one of my new favorites!
  15. The last post by Rareden will be a sad day. You really are leaving But alas, all good things must come to an end. Sometimes we all have to move on. Please make this last image an epic one. Also: *grumblegrumble*
  16. IS THAT NIC CAGE I SPOT ON THIS THREAD??? But anyway, [ sarcasm]THAT MOCKUP IS GREAT[/sarcasm ]
  17. Good chapter, but there are a few problems... DANREY: …such asshole, you know? should be: DANREY: …such an asshole, you know? SID: If, Dan. not when. I'm not sure whether it would be possible at all. should be: SID: If, Dan, Not when. I'm not sure whether it would be possible at all. Also: ROZER]: You should've waited with celebrating, lieutenant. DANREY: How serious could it be? If BERTY fixes the glitch of whatever it is, than we- BERTY v.2.0.8b: Analysis completed. Data implies mechanical failure during descent, 0.3 second after the heatshield detached. DANREY: Can you fix this? SID: Heatshield hit the solar panels, Dan – they were ripped off. There's nothing to fix. Up until here, Rozer's name has a bracket at the end of it. Other than that, I cannot see any more problems! Great chapter!
  18. GARRRRGH I JUST CAN'T WAIT!!! Seriously, it is going to make a good Xmas gift, but GARRRRGH! Also, it will be nice to have a shuttle other than CSS!
  19. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia. That is all. Also, pretty much everyone's reputation is one bar. The only person I have seen with multiple green bars is Rareden. Has anyone noticed that?
  20. HAHAHAHAHA! Mine wasn't! Also I find it ironic that my rep says that I just applied but I survived the fustercluck. Oh I just love to use the big red text!
  21. The story has been soooooooo good! Please continue to use rocks as a convenient plot device.
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