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Mr. Pseudonym

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Everything posted by Mr. Pseudonym

  1. Oh my god yes. No matter how creepy I need to see this!!!
  2. Nya, ya see, the boss is goin' to put a beatin' to ya, ya see, nya! Or is it Krussian mafia? And also, why is a man with mob connections listed as a diplomat? Also, more details on the guy off the street: *Built designs for Titan Mark 1 from HIRP&DERP Co, was CEO at time. *Unofficially caused disbanding of HIRP&DERP Titan division, leading to eventual firing of self. *Became a drunkard, sobered up and got mob connections to get along in life. *Makes okay money as a mafia hit man. *Left mafia to be diplomat to represent Kermerica from Teksas. Also, I understand homework. I procrastinate. So awful!
  3. Yeah, the Block 0 SRBs are 4-Segments, not 5-Segments, like on the Space Shuttle.
  4. And I, some random shady guy off the street will volunteer myself, Pseudo Kerman. And Nicholas Cage.
  5. 103. Copying 104. Pasting 106. Skipping
  6. Hey, flags can be that way, but I did my Jool Voyage flag in about 30-45 minutes, and it turned out pretty well: Could do a bit better, but hey, it's my first flag.
  7. 1/10 I have never seen you here before.
  8. Granted, but enormous weight of the silly face breaks it's legs, causing it to not be a silly face any more, and just be a face in agony waving constantly. I wish for ghafohnubr2309ujhndfan;qcIHARGARVLIB Oh **** I just realized I wasted my 200th post on this
  9. Banned for banning a guy who banned a moderator. Also, nic cage looking semi-decent in a shot WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO!
  10. Okay. I think the aerobrake pic will look pretty cool
  11. He is using his own rotors from Damned Aerospace, which I miss
  12. So are you taking requests now? And also, what about the Jool aerobrake picture?
  13. Sneaky, sneaky Opened it up in notepad, reads something like "THE SWARM IS COMING" In that weird symbol language.
  14. BANNED FOR not using colortext, and because the mods were angry! Also, no hours in the last 2 weeks? Herp. Derp. The only reason I haven't is because my computer is broken!
  15. Good one! Rozer should've gotten worse, but Jebediah is a bad*** mofo though, and I think Rozer has been put in his place... (begin conspiracy) unless Rozer is planning to put Jeb into such a critical state, that he has to be put into stasis and sent back to Kerbin, in which case, Bill would still have command, and Rozer would be a traitor. (end conspiracy) Also, I'm going to be a nitpicking bastard here, and I'm sorry, but I believe kerbals have 1 solid tooth on upper and lower jaws, so now Jeb needs dentures, right?
  16. Somewhere, deep in that grate, is Nic Cage, waiting...
  17. Banned for being a rover engineer Oh yeah? Well here's more! (also, double banned.)
  18. BANNED for not trying hard enough. secrit!^trying hard^super secrit!
  19. Banned for banning the person who banned a person who banned a person... who banned a person who didn't ban anyone because he started the thread!
  20. Banned for being someplace in Kansas COLORTEXT, GO!
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