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Mr. Pseudonym

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Everything posted by Mr. Pseudonym

  1. Oh no, don't go to the Mun! Go to Minimus, it is harder to get to, but easier to land on. Trust me, you want to go to Minimus. It is easier! Plus you get to say you went to Minimus first, not the Mun!
  2. Okay then. I will just sit in the corner quietly, conspiring. Can't wait to see
  3. *grumble grumble* I'll post my Nic Cage photos elsewhere... But anyway, what render is coming next? Do you want submissions or something?
  4. Damn bro. Dat computer turning. They never should have made a computer sentient. Berty is so badass, now all he needs a mic drop.
  5. Banned for being responsible for not banning someone by bullets who banned someone by bullets.
  6. Okay, good to know! I just wanted to make sure everything was A-Okay. But rocks are still annoyingly placed everywhere *grumblegrumble*...
  7. Woo! new chapter! Keep up the writing!
  8. Good chapter! Keep up the good work!
  9. Dam dat bump. Anyway, keep writing.
  10. Wait wait wait... You must model the nose, ears and hairline of Nicholas Cage in kerbal form. DO IT NOW!
  11. Bump even though old, I really loved this story!
  12. Oh look I get to grade someone I have never seen you before! 1/10
  13. True, and it's sadly amazing. The user below me is classified as a genius.
  14. Try to remove his nose, then show the picture.
  15. Actually not at NASA, but at government for spending all the budget on war, and not useful stuff like infrastructure. 8.5/10
  16. Banned for too little nope. What if the mods constantly watched this page & banned everyone who posted for 30 minutes?
  17. Granted, but only for 5 seconds. I wish I had the power to ban in real life.
  18. The thing is, you can't quite get the expression right, because kerbals are just cylindrical. There is no way to have a nose or ears or extruding lips or even different hair. Squad needs to fix this, as it would've been funny, to see Nic Cage as a kerbal.
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