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Everything posted by UmbralRaptor

  1. Any viable organs to be given to those who need them. As for the rest, cremation. The silly version would involve a collision with Pluto or Orcus at several km/s.
  2. Escape speed from Minmus' surface at datum altitude is ~243 m/s, and you'll need a few 10s of m/s hyperbolic excess to get your orbit back to Kerbin's atmosphere, so I'm going to recommend a rescue mission. edit: crunching some numbers suggests that from 2 km above datum, you need 268 m/s (assuming no gravity losses or gains from Minmus' 9 m/s equatorial rotation) to get a high kerbin orbit with a 40 km periapsis.
  3. Hit tab in map view to cycle through bodies until you're focused on Duna.
  4. I see nothing impossible about a probe making use of a high performance nuclear pulse system launching to a nearby star in the late 21st century. I also see no plausible reason that it will happen that soon. edit: as in the launch date, not necessarily arrival. See below for related issues.
  5. I'd lean towards downloading the zip, extracting it separately, and copying any saves/craft over.
  6. @Starfang42: That solves it, thanks! As for pressures, I read them off the presmat barometer, which seems to use kPa now. @OhioBob, Northlight: I decided to avoid altitude entirely for the near-term, but that'll also help. It does explain why the old 5 km isothermal scale height was obviously off, though.
  7. I'm going to guess that this binary thing was Voyager275 confusing Sirius being a binary star with the Nemesis hypothesis, etc?
  8. тþòðрøщ? (comyade is just silly)
  9. The important thing to keep in mind is that (in general), rockets in KSP are trees and don't allow for loops. This means that 1->many->1 setups like you have their are fraught with problems, and you'll need some sort of workaround
  10. Building costs are affected by funds penalties (FundsLossMultiplier in your persistence.sfs file, value for normal difficulty is 1). Editing it to a lower value will reduce upgrade costs.
  11. I'm trying to (manually) work out the curve for the LV-909 engine. From the CFG files: atmosphereCurve { key = 0 345 key = 1 85 key = 3 0.001 } I've already done some searching, and the following links helped some: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/464782/t-is-the-math-behind-animationcurveevaluate.html# http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93332-INFO-KSP-floatCurves-and-you-the-magic-of-tangents https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_Hermite_spline But using them generates the wrong curve. Using some values obtained ingame with an LV-909 and a presmat barometer: Pressure Thrust Isp Linear fit Spline, m0=m1=0 Spline, m0=1, m1=0.58 100.2133 15.1 86.7 87.8526722 85.0932069515 86.680667215 98.2507 15.6 89.8 92.8887038 85.703524446 89.7734236228 95.422 16.5 94.8 100.147148 87.5445044298 94.5049770746 92.0828 17.5 100.5 108.7155352 91.0948924821 100.4891773881 85.493 19.7 113.5 125.624962 102.0592627423 113.4779012173 71.9826 25.1 144.4 160.2926484 137.7831098736 144.3329581065 56.4051 32.2 185.3 200.2645134 192.9913911189 185.262514313 26.1866 47.4 272.4 277.8051844 301.8783387706 272.3964704883 18.1095 51.4 295.7 298.531023 323.0529758471 295.6662428274 11.3536 54.7 314.7 315.8666624 335.9382785966 314.6492255108 7.8583 56.4 324.2 324.8356022 340.5509970732 324.2297178997 5.8834 57.3 329.6 329.9031956 342.4720256559 329.5564021386 2.6333 58.8 338.2 338.2429522 344.4823077964 338.171112921 0.9397 59.6 342.6 342.5887298 344.9333275577 342.5794242292 0.3279 59.9 344.2 344.1586086 344.9918490872 344.157468544 0.0938 60 344.8 344.7593092 344.9993319654 344.7592156578 0.0198 60 344.9 344.9491932 344.9999702193 344.9491890212 0.0027 60 345 344.9930718 344.9999994462 344.9930717211 0 60 345 345 345 345 Where are these tangents coming from? Is there some way to generalize this to other engines (and presumably higher pressures for Eve ascents etc)?
  12. Well, back in 0.13... (albeit with mod parts for landing legs. And no, I never succeeded in 0.12. There was an intentional orbit then impact, but meh...)
  13. Congratulations, and good luck with the job search. (hoping to graduate at the end of summer here)
  14. App-wise, I'mg going to suggest planetdroid for nifty additional information about sun/moon/planets. Clear Sky Droid is unfortunately somewhat lacking in coverage outside of North America. For viewing techniques, averted vision for anything faint. Going by rise/set times, Venus, the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn should all be worthwhile targets. Going by season, Coma Bernecies' hair (open cluster, use binoculars), Messier 3 and/or 5 (globular clusters), and various galaxies in Virgo (ask the professionals to aim the scopes) might be doable. Alcor/Mizar (multiple star system in the middle of the handle of the Big Dipper) is usually a safe/easy target.
  15. Already nailed the first one, and asked about the second in the other wiki forum but with no response.
  16. For any given stage, ÃŽâ€V == Isp*9.80665*ln(Wet_mass/Dry_mass). Sum up up each stage separately, keeping in mind that those mass numbers are affected by additional attached stages. I'm not clear on how lift works these days.
  17. I seem to recall being out of town at the time. Something about a trivia bowl type competition...
  18. Not sure about 8.1, though Republic Commando runs under XP. It's fun to play, and does not suffer too badly from consolitis. Not much in the way of exploration or replay value, though.
  19. Barring some highly marginal (read: fragile) rocket designs, starting at 100% seems preferable. And the marginal ones would be well served by a sometimes safer starting at 0% default. 50% is pretty much the worst of all worlds, but a lot less annoying since we got a full throttle button.
  20. In terms of vaguely realistic things and not "meta skill that lets you learn all everything," a natural language. Probably Russian or Japanese.
  21. I'd lean towards conservation of energy or Vis-Viva, using either to generate an ellipse with a semi-major axis inside the Hill sphere, or better still inside the sphere of influence of the planet. It's not completely guarenteed in the long run (because N-body), but should be stable for a while.
  22. I wouldn't say stable, since eventually it'll encounter the Mun again, which would result in a collision, drop into Kerbin's atmosphere, or kick out of the system entirely, but for a number of orbits, sure.
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