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Everything posted by EvilotionCR2

  1. When cash comes,you will be richest man on the world .
  2. It's anything that is classified as Base in game. BTW I often connect my base modules using KAS.
  3. What is "CoD" and "Minecraft"? 10 here. 11 In the October thought.
  4. My dream is to be first astronaut to try it ,but it's a dream lol
  5. I've never had problems flying to other planets,but I'm just too lazy to land a Kerbal on them.
  6. Hanbin Kerman,my missions with him were always succesful (he spawned randomly in 0.14.
  7. -Do not even mount nosecones if you want to be efficient -If you mean that separated stage's mass is not subtracted,then no. -Yes,fuel lines are in Propulsion category,and struts in structural,there are mods homewer that add struts that automaticly create a connection between two docked objects (quantum struts mod).
  8. As a kid,I can tell you.The most fun for them will be collaborating together on a space station.
  9. ÄŒau! Zdravím! Boli tu už 3 takéto "pokeci". Vždy sa pre nejákú chybu fóra vymazali . Dúfam že sa to tu nestane. InaÄÂ,som z vás tu najdlhÅ¡ie. Prikladám nejaké obrázky s môjho vesmírného programu ktoré mi pripadali "cool". MPS Nautilus na orbite Návrat kapsule Orion do atmosféry Ares I - separácia druhého stupňa.
  10. And also Mirrors edge seems very repetitive to me with short singleplayer and no multiplayer. Just run run jump figure out where to jump and repeat,sometimes even kill some cop and take his weapon.
  11. Well,DRM and DLC are both a good thing,DRM stops game from being pirated,like SimCity. DLC is very good because if something is missing in the game that we want we can still get it throught a DLC. If you don't like DLC's,then don't buy games which have them (what big game does not?). If you cannot connect to servers because you have poor conection,then don't buy the game too,it's a REQUIREMENT like a minimal graphics card and so on. Don't buy a game with DRM if you don't have a good connection. EA cannot buy like tens and tens of servers because what if the game will not have good sales? And they'll loose their money? .EA is very good company,if Origin would do that. It would get banned in many countries. Is it? No,and EA has kept my Credit card info safer than PSN network, and I never lost any money. Origin helps me connect to game rooms of my friends,shows me when they are online and what they are playing right now and such. And even KSP scans your PC stats and sends it to Squad. Including your IP and other stats.
  12. But we're talking about KSP. Definetly Steam.No bad things about it,you can disable auto update.THERE IS NO DRM.You can also revert to older version if you didn't back it up.
  13. 99% of people will disagree with me,but it looks pretty bad (the first picture). It doesn't even look real,and moon is grey not like that. And that Panorama also doesn't look realistic.
  14. Sail by Awolnation In fact,I did video with that music.It is about stranded Kerbal,But landing is any landing you can walk away from. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UKFaE7zC_8
  15. What exactly Origin does at the backround? EA is still best company for me. (Ok,Squad is better)
  16. Works fine for me. And also,try DSM nuclear reactor.
  17. Gonna try that plan. I wanted something like this in LKO (Low Kerbol Orbit).
  18. Could you show us some pictures of your Tanker?
  19. I don't understand why the hell everybody hates EA. They are releasing lot of good games,and they are fantastic company.
  20. Could somebody please do a EVA Suit texture with text like "this is the front of the body" "this is the back of the helmet" etc so it will be easier to make one?
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