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Everything posted by Tremzack

  1. THANKYOU! In person it's a little bit wider than it looks in that picture, but it is still seems a little thin. It has a new home on my shelf
  2. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52159-PLUGIN-ALPHA-Cities-and-City-Lights-on-Kerbin That mod plus Universe Re-placer equals freaking amazing visuals
  3. So ummm yeah It looks like crap >.< but it was the best I could do. It's more of a shelf thing, since I forgot to put any sort of eye holes. I made it out of a cardboard box from the fancy second monitor you may see in the background cx. I printed out some sheets of paper of that green color, and some black and red. I pretty much just cut them out and glued them on. Thoughts?
  4. Any word on if this works for 2.1 Mechjeb in 0.22? I'ma try it out to see EDIT: I had to mess with the config files and set a technology level for it to get it to work, but I got it work Before I changed anything I got this really weird bug where any text in the game from the second half of the alphabet was invisible
  5. Those parts were the old KSP parts before 0.18 rolled around, and they've been over there before this update
  6. So that's the sound it makes, Thankyou I will be downloading
  7. Is this still being worked on? and if so do you ever plan to cover Kerbin with these procedurally generated city "blocks" that will correspond with your lights plugin?
  8. They work for me, I just downloaded them I do believe it's on your end
  9. Could someone please put up a video or sound file of this mod, it would be very helpful to a lot of people
  10. Hello and Welcome aboard, Pilot
  11. Grrr I'm in central time, and I have to wake up at like 6 a.m. tomorrow
  12. Are the larger legs that are in the game now also shock absorbent?
  13. I remember my first few Mun attempts....it seemed like an impossible task, but nowadays I could do it when my eyes shut, it just takes trial and error really
  14. The music in the video in the beginning is Terraria music
  15. It'll happen Automagically for you, if you're indeed on steam
  16. I do believe this is posted in the wrong section
  17. Yes It is planned to totally re-do the aerodynamic model, most likely at the same time they redo space planes. It is posted on the wiki planned section. Case Closed
  18. I meticulously make sure they survive, and get rescued every time
  19. I once put Tabasco hot sauce in my eye like an eyedrop for a dare........It wasn't a good idea
  20. USS Enterprise, because I actually know what it is XD Battlestar Galactica V.S. USS Enterprise
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