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Everything posted by Pleborian

  1. tadaaa, its uploaded for your viewing pleasure these will go up all the way till friday (probably around the same time too)
  2. why have a pole comparing which one is better? both are amazing and if used together in the right way can produce some amazing results
  3. hey peeps, just wanted to know what kind of things I should know before uploading modified CFG's i.e in my recent episode of my youtube series I have made an apollo type craft where I have edited some parts from Lionhead aerospace. Now I know I cant upload the mods with my craft without permission, but what about custom cfg's? do they come under the same kind of permission? cheers for the help
  4. well there are a couple of places, first off go to the KSP development thread where there is a topic telling us what is going to be in the next update... secondly im not sure what forum your using but this one right here is the official one, and although it takes some digging around you can find posts by the devs with good bits of info and piccys. another good place is the dev blogs that are always to the right of the screen when on the main forum page
  5. the tag for videos is [ video ] youtubeurl.com [ / video] make sure you take out the spaces and that should work lol ninja'd btw
  6. PLEBORIANS MISSION CATALOGUE; removed old content to make way for newer stuff
  7. Welcome fellow Procrastinaut's to our own little place on the KSP forums! Here you can find all the information regarding my lets play series, Including the BREAKING GROUND EXPANSION RELEASE STREAM!!!! For those of you just seeing this for the first time (and wondering what the hell this is all about), why not check out the entire kerbal playlist: CURRENT EPISODE: CURRENT OBJECTIVE: Breaking ground expansion release stream TIME: 8pm GMT (12pm CST) DATE: 30th may 2019 Please feel free to post any comments, criticisms or suggestions below I understand I have been away from the youtube game a while but would love to see old and new people come check me out during the stream. Peace!! Pleborian - Chief Procrastinaut (quick note to forum staff, I understand that I have necro'd a VERY old thread however this felt like the correct thing to do as a new thread would just be a dupe, that and i forgot how to link videos with the forum codes)
  8. mods are an interesting thing in ksp, however finding a balance between mod and stock really depends on the game features you need/want.. for everyone it is different i.e I feel novapunch rockets are cheap but the kethane mod isnt, likewise some people will think otherwise but it really all depends on a personal playing style
  9. im going for the one ship deal, but I plan on using kethane mining stations on each of the planets so I can go from one to the other with no need to ever end the flight, its going to be interesting
  10. that video was moderately helpful, if you ignore what the guy is saying and just watch you can get an idea of what is going on..... nice find
  11. why restrict yourself to apollo style missions, when it gets released im going strait for the IMIS project! im pretty sure you would have seen that video that someone posted not long ago,if not check it out its definatly the way to go especially with 0.17
  12. with the right moderation something like this could work, best asking the guys in irc for some advice on the subject
  13. wonder why the team has been so quite recently, nova's pretty much one man banding it in here and has been for weeks
  14. the current download for ksp doesnt come with a patcher, so you cant go from the old to the new. what I meant was when 0.17 releases I will probably have to download it through the store anyway, no old patcher = no new patcher
  15. meh.... you wouldn't see the 19 year olds round here doing things like that, most of them are delinquents.... might not be a mighty feat like the reporter is making it out to be but good on this kid for taking an interest in something that most 19 years wouldnt
  16. I still have no new patch... i'll probably have to download 0.17 in full off-topic: lol zombi our avatars look the same
  17. take this as an example, say the devs said they would release 0.17 this week, but on the last day x build testing revealed that moving a certain direction while in one of the new warp modes caused your ship to eat itself, followed by a blue screen crash (completely hypothetical situation). What do you do? Seriously what would YOU do DGatsby? give your fans a game that you know at some point is gonna break, or just make another x build and test that for a little instead... if its not out yet its for good reason
  18. in the video he time warps to 100x speed which I think is the limit at his altitude, I was amazed too I thought time warp would have ripped it to pieces
  19. thats a terrible idea, but I do agree with you somewhat. I did prefer building rockets than messing about in the lower atmosphere with those weedy air breathing engines, however actual SPACE planes are something that should definitely be considered in the future, right now I have a stock plane with rocket tanks and aerospikes that gets to the mun (and probably back to if it hadnt imploded randomly in 10km orbit), you would be amazed at how far you can get in one.
  20. someone emailed me this.... what is it and where do I get it? and who is the genius behind it? help me KSP'ers your my only hope EDIT: turns out this is a mod being developed by a guy/girl named H0gdr1v3r and isnt out yet, if I were you guys I would head over to his/her youtube page and show some serious support!
  21. the furor? I dont like the sound of this..... I just thought it was server overload
  22. why make a wallpaper when you can just do this: took me like 2 seconds and now sits on my desktop
  23. orbital rendezvous practice, you can never have too much
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