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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Nothing replaces the value of test flights, though. Skipping those is a good way to get 500m over the surface of Mun before realizing that you didn\'t put a decoupler between your descent stage and lander.
  2. There\'s more to it than that. All the symmetries in the VAB are radial, whereas the only symmetry in the SPH is bilateral. So for example, in the SPH you can put wheels symmetrically on the underside in a way that\'s right/left symmetrical but not up/down symmetrical (no wheels on top), then transfer it to the VAB and build a vertical rocket under it. It\'s not a new trick, but a very handy one to share.
  3. Maltesh, about 15 seconds into your vid, a World of Tanks ad popped up, the picture jumped halfway across the screen leaving the left half black, and then it froze. Not your fault, but I thought you\'d want to know that there seems to be a problem.
  4. I also like to leave my ships on the moons and come back to vist them later, but you really should try the return trip a few times. It\'s a different and interesting kind of challenge. Though, like you, right now I\'m still trying to work out a ship that gets there reliably in the first place. So far: 3 fatal crashes, 2 non-fatal crashes, 2 landings without enough fuel to get back, and one intact landing that might have enough fuel to get back, but is badly glitchy for some reason. ???
  5. I call your attention to post #337 on page 14 of the awesome pictures thread, wherein I recount the adventures of Jedwin Kerman, human* meteorite, and adult survivor of re-entry. *Figuratively speaking.
  6. Warning: broken rocket parts become land mines! (Boom when you touch them.) Update: this is fun to do, but now I must advise against it. I don\'t know if it\'s related, but that flight is now buggy as hell.
  7. Nce-looking plane, but acronym-wise, that\'s JATO rather than VTOL.
  8. Unlike most designers around here, I\'m not a size queen. I like to make the smallest plane that can do the job, so using the cart for landing gear would be like bolting a Cesna to a Honda. Neither does anybody else, but thanks for trying. I understand they\'re working on it.
  9. You can also reinforce the landing gear with struts, and the brakes grab REALLY FLIPPING HARD, so I apply them tap-wait-until-it-stops-lurching, tap-wait-until-it-stops-lurching, etc.
  10. I always do, but I\'m talking about that glitch they\'re trying to fix that causes taxiing planes to dive hard to one side or the other. It\'s so strong that often neither multiple SAS nor hand-steering can stop it. :\'(
  11. Tie all those guys together with zillions of struts. There might not be enough struts in the world, though, to hold that thing together. By the way, you only need one of those avionics ASAS thingies. They\'re not cumulative, though the regular SAS model is. (Sorry, I\'m being stupid today and have edit everything I post because I get something wrong. ??? )
  12. Finally got back there to collect the evidence. As I noted, occasional graphics glitches reveal there is nothing under the arches; you are looking up at my Kerbal through the surface of Mun, from underneath.
  13. There\'s another kind of link piece, the 'small hardpoint,' that isn\'t a stage separator. Right now, you are one spacebar away from ejecting your wings in flight.
  14. I drove around there a lot in .15.2, and the highest point I found was 5680m, though I can\'t guarantee that there\'s nothing higher. I had an orbiter going round at 6500m for game-weeks without hitting anything, though. If it was me, I\'d go for 6000m.
  15. Thanks for pointing that out. It\'s been helpful. Meanwhile, I feel dumb for just noticing, but I think part of my rocket troubles has been that engines seem to run through fuel much faster now. I just did some tests to see how long an engine of each type would take to consume one standard 400-thingy fuel tank at full thrust: radial mount at 80 thrust: 72 seconds that big 20 thrust jobber: around 6 minutes (I couldn\'t keep it airborne long enough to run out of fuel) the large 135 thrust new one: 43 seconds gimballed 200 thrust: 33 seconds non-gimballed 215 thrust: 31 seconds and the monster 1200: 5 seconds Clearly, I\'m going to have to start packing A LOT more fuel.
  16. Astronut, that Moon image is especially beautiful. mintyhippo136, I\'m afraid I just get red Xs for yours.
  17. If it was really an accident, why did you just happen to have ladders all over the outside of the plane? I think the authorities need to look into Bill\'s demise. >
  18. Did you try right-clicking to activate one of the leg sets separately? If you placed them in the VAB as 2 sets (4-symmetry twice) that might get the one set to match with the other. If you placed them as one set in 8-symmetry, I got nothing.
  19. Oh. My. God. With the navball up, you can indeed control throttle from map view. How the hell did I miss that? I\'ve been playing this game every day for 2 months! Do you know how much easier my life is going to be now? Apparently, it\'s not just newbies that can benefit from this tutorial.
  20. That\'s really excellent work, both simple and clear. Nice choice of soothing music as well. Also, I think text on the screen works better than narration. It gives the viewer more time to think about what is being said. But am I missing something? How are you controlling throttle from the map screen?
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