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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. And besides, none of them qualify! I just thought the people here would find them interesting.
  2. I've made a couple designs I'd like to show off. Here's the XFB-327 https://www.dropbox.com/s/3mk8c7xmmk6meva/XFB-327.craft?dl=1 The El Autobus https://www.dropbox.com/s/kxpgmikd2qhgf9d/El%20Autobus.craft?dl=1 And The Höltzenheimer 130 https://www.dropbox.com/s/o6mch1yb41nfef5/H%C3%B6ltzenheimer%20130.craft?dl=1 With the last one, all of the aerodynamic parts would stop interacting with the air whenever I put wheels on it. Anyone know why that might be?
  3. If I am correct, there are no turrets for the piston monoplane class? I'm working on a sort of gunship design (but still staying in the style of the time) for when my un-optimized Delilah inevitably gets shot out of the sky. I substituted some of the WWI Brownings for now. I've also got a Delilah mark three in the works for when my lumbering gunship is shot out of the sky.
  4. I was just trying to make the Cadillac of the sky! I have no idea why it's so vicious...
  5. Thank you very much for doing that. I noticed that the AI wasn't using them, so I just put them semi-deployed so it could maneuver a little better. A couple times when I was testing, the flaps were glitched, but I wrote it off as a fluke. Should I give you another download with the flaps fixed? Do the rules allow me to make a few adjustments to the plane? Now about the battle, my pilots apparently like to fight dirty. Both my competitor and I have beautiful planes, and I'd really like to see how they handle on equal terms.
  6. Did I really misspell that?! I'll just pretend it's Dutch, and I didn't switch two letters around, no offense to the Netherlanders. For both my planes, I was going for something that looked good, rather than going purely for performance. If they get shot down, which they most certainly will, they'll look good doing it.
  7. Yes, at 50.5%. I had to take it pretty high to get to that speed, though. It doesn't go past 65 when the AI's controlling it.
  8. If I've read right, I can also enter this biplane of mine: Here's the download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wc1p69qfr6halje/Harlod%20Mk_1.craft?dl=1 I'm really surprised how well it's able to perform with such a small engine. I got it up to 85m/s.
  9. What's a list of the planes competing right now, and their general configuration?
  10. Here's a good chunk of effort I'd like to submit: And the download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t36z9lr5z70p9oo/Delilah%20Mk_2a.craft?dl=1 I think everything's up to snuff.
  11. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I'd like to request a part. I'd like to have an open cockpit with a round body, instead of just the the oblong one.
  12. Thank you very kindly for updating this. It's the only way to get that rustic vintage aircraft feel.
  13. Any craft that I build with floats struggles to get above 10m/s in the water. Does anybody know why?
  14. When I'm using Firespitter's floats, I can only get a craft to go around 15m/s. Have you got any idea why that may be?
  15. Here's my submission for the Go-Cart category, coming in at 112m/s and stopping before the end of the runway. FAR was used. https://i.imgur.com/Ppd9kpI.png https://i.imgur.com/gs675Nc.png https://i.imgur.com/fDBdEQW.png
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