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Everything posted by czokletmuss
Sounds interesting; I'll patiently wait for more news than
Maybe it's a silly question, but is adding this line: MODULE { name = kOSProcessor } to other parts (command pods) sufficient to make them work as a vanilla kOS processor?
Soon in KSP: Honestly, I can't wait
Something like this To be honest, I have a tough time now deciding what to write next - Space Race or the Grand Tour? I have a lot of fun writing both of them but damn, I'm not able to release 2 episodes of each every week :/
Thanks, I love the Space Race/Cold War period too as you can easily tell About the schematics - this is a good idea, I'll probably use it in the next chapter
Who won the Space Race? Community poll
czokletmuss replied to czokletmuss's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Yeah, aren't they? For both Americans and Russians these achievements are still a big source of national pride, especially for the folks interested in space exploration and these are the majority of KSP players. I wonder if I could be objective if I was born in either of these countries. -
I wouldn't count on that. However, if the sufficient number of hawkish politicians see their chance to gain more votes using cold-war-like rhetoric and President Obama will choose to go this way too, praising the past achievements of American nation, than, who knows, maybe there will be enough political support to give NASA more money? Because right now it looks like the SLS and Orion may get cancelled in few years, so the support - even originated from a nationalistic rhethoric - is very needed.
[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets
czokletmuss replied to czokletmuss's topic in KSP Fan Works
New chapter of the Space Race is out! (CHAPTER 4) 1961: WE CHOOSE THE MUN -
CHAPTER 4 1961: WE CHOOSE THE MUN *** 25th MAY, 1961 MAX: Good afternoon, James. Nice office. And the nameplate – James Kebb, Administrator of the KASA. Nice indeed. JAMES: :sigh: MAX: What's up? You've succeeded, man – von Braun is limited to the design bureau and you are the new KASA's Administrator. Kod only knows how you did it but nobody can say that you aren't good in personal games. You should rejoice! JAMES: Very funny. You know damn well in what position this puts me now. MAX: What are you talking about? JAMES: This frakin address to Kongress! Are you living under a rock or what? MAX: Well, I find it very inspiring. JAMES: Inspiring my butt. This is madness – von Braun's lunacy was substituted by this madman's so called “planâ€Â. To go to the Mun before the end of this decade… This is disastrous. MAX: I don't follow, James. We'll get more money and resources, so- JAMES: The point is, Max, that we can't do this! Do you have any idea how impossibly hard this project is to realize? We're going to need technologies that don't exist yet, procedures we're not sure are feasible to execute, completely new spacecraft using cutting edge technology and rockets – frak, don't even get me started on the rockets. MAX: Okay, it's a huge challenge, we all know that, but don't you think that this is doable? JAMES: Doable? Listen – even if it is, in which I doubt, but even if so, than we're putting at stake everything. From a political point of view I can understand this on some level – Reds have won the race to the orbit, so Kennedy is proposing a race to Mun. New game, our rules, they have to adapt to it or loose – that's smart. But why before the end of the decade?! We have less than 9 years! And if they beat us to the Mun… MAX: Yes? JAMES: Than it's game over. If we can't do this while concentrating all our strengths, our economy, military, eggheads – than the Reds truly are better. Or at least that's how they will be seen by the whole world. Their ideology and the way they organize their society is superior to ours. Kod, we could loose the Cold War because of this. MAX: I think you're too pessimistic, James. We can do it. We have the potential, remember? And with the right leadership… JAMES: Oh, shut up. MAX: … JAMES: … MAX: Ahem. So what are you going to do? JAMES: I'm going to the Green House to talk with him. MAX: Talk? JAMES: Ask for more money – what else could I do? It'll cost at least several billions. We need new budget, new flight schedule, much more employees – at least several thousands engineers more. And more kerbonauts, of course – we need to start recruiting right now. We have to start thinking about upgraded spacecraft, there are public procurements for all parts to be prepared – oh, we're gonna need more lawyers too. And some lobbyists in the Kongress. And some good plan to put this all together. Sweet Kod, this is nightmare. MAX: James, if you need my help, just let me know. You're my boss now anyways. JAMES: Hmm? Yeah, you could be useful. MAX: Err, thanks. I guess. JAMES: Okay, Max – you are going to prepare report for me about the readiness of the Atlas rocket. We need some good stunt to show everyone that we're serious about the President's plan. Maybe full orbit or something? Whatever, it better be big; you have two weeks to prepare this for me. And I want the launch within six months – are we clear? MAX: James? Are we serious about the President's plan? JAMES: Do we have any other choice? He may be a bloody idiot by demanding the impossible from us but he's still the fraking President. The problem is there is no plan, just political wishful thinking. :sigh: Okay Max, leave me alone now, I have a lot of phone calls to make. 5th JUNE, 1961 JAMES: Okay, I'm listening. MAX: Ahem. So. This is the Mercury-Redstone rocket we're currently using. JAMES: Really. MAX: It's capable of sending one man into suborbital flight. He's not a pilot, since he can't really control the flight, more like a passenger. Last month Alan used this rocket to become the first Kermarican in space, next month there is one more flight scheduled. This time however the capsule will be using the liquid retro booster, not solid fuel like the last time. This should give us opportunity to test several- JAMES: Listen Max, this is good idea – small change but quite a big scientific gain, I like it. But I told you to concentrate on the Atlas. MAX: Yes, about that. This is the Atlas booster. MAX: We expect it to be able to accelerate the capsule for additional 0,6 km/s in comparison to the Redstone. It'll be enough to put the spacecraft in orbit, albeit barely enough. JAMES: Hmm. I can't say I'm impressed – why only 600 m/s? The tests indicated that there will be bigger difference. MAX: Ahem. Well, calculations made by doctor von Braun were correct. But he forgot that there are three engines instead of one in this rocket. JAMES: :sigh: Let me guess – the mass of the other two engines lowers the total delta-V to merely 600 m/s better than the Redstone is capable of. MAX: Exactly. JAMES: Wonderful. Are you sure that the orbital flight is possible with Atlas? MAX: Yes. No. I mean, I don't know. I mean, well, it should be. Ahem. JAMES: :sigh: Tell von Braun to calculate everything once again. And than double- and triple-check this. I want one of our kerbonauts to make a full orbit within 6 months, Max. And like President said, it's not something I'm willing to postpone. MAX: Sure thing. Ahem. James, have you spoke with him? JAMES: Whom? Oh, sure I did. It isn't that bad – he's not a visioner-type at all. MAX: Err? And this is a good thing? JAMES: Well of course it is! You see, he only cares about the Cold War and we're just one more weapon in this conflict. He understands this and he's not willing to change this, with all the consequences for our manned program. MAX: What do you mean? JAMES: We will get as much money as we need to send a man to the Mun by the end of this decade. The sky is the limit, Max – Kongress will give us its full support. And with a craptone of money we won't have to beg Army or Air Force for anything. Quite the contrary – we're going to be the biggest player in the whole aerospace industry in the country. MAX: This is great! JAMES: Yeah, but here's a thing – Kermarican flag on the Mun is the goal. We have to beat the Reds and prove them that USK is the superior power and nothing else matters. But – and you're not going to like it – this has to understand literally. Any project which won't help us get to the Mun is thrashed indefinitely. Every bit of science which isn't going to take us closer to this goal is considered unnecessary and financing it is wasteful. MAX: But… but there is so much to know, so much to explore! We can't just- JAMES: We can and we will, Max. Don't forget what's at stake here. You think I wouldn't prefer to get money on real science? But this is the reality, like it or not. However, we still are going to spend billions on the new spacecraft and rockets and all this stuff. And every bit of science we will be able to slip under the radar by connecting it to these projects is our and kerbalkind gain. Do you understand me? MAX: I think I do but you're right, I don't like it at all. And von Braun and his men are going to be really disappointed. JAMES: Like I care about it. And by the way – there is a new spacecraft to be designed. I think we'll let the McDonnell take care of this: as our prime contractor for the Mercury capsule they are most likely to do this fast. I'm gonna need you again, Max. MAX: Oh. JAMES: You'll be responsible for reporting me progress on the development of the new spacecraft. However, first we need to know what we want from it. MAX: Err? JAMES: Specification, Max? And to do this, we need to create some roadmap, you know, thing we need to practice before we go to the Mun. You have one month, Max. MAX: One month?! But- JAMES: Come on, you have all KASA for your disposal! Gather the best eggheads we have and do some brainstorming. MAX: But- JAMES: I'm sure von Braun will have some crazy ideas, but don't let him think we have an unlimited budget. Speaking of which, I have to call to the Vice President. MAX: But- JAMES: No buts! Go now and bring me this report in four weeks. It's vital for our success, Max – I'm sure that the Reds are already working on something. Hell, maybe I should talk with CIA about this? MAX: But- JAMES: I said go! There is no time to lose - the space race has already begun!
THIS POST WILL BE REGULARLY UPDATED WITH NEW DATA AND PHOTOS ARTICLES Constant updates and lots of fresh news on China's CCTV page: http://english.cntv.cn/special/lunarmission/index.shtml Article about landing on spaceflightnow: http://spaceflightnow.com/china/change3/131214landing/ Very detailed article on nasaspaceflight: http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/12/china-jade-rabbit-lunar-arrival/ BEFORE LANDING Mission minute by minute: http://live.china.org.cn/2013/11/29/coming-soon-china-launches-change-3-lunar-probe/ Article about Chang'e 3 mission on nasaspaceflight: http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/12/china-change3-rover-to-the-moon/ VIDEOS Yutu rover deployment: BEFORE LANDING Liftoff: Chang'e 3 mission (animation): PHOTOS First picture from the Moon: Yutu rover deployment: BEFORE LANDING Chang'e 3 after separation: Liftoff:
Haha, brilliant xkcd, I can't believe I missed it
[WIP] DEM Duna Excursion Module / Stabilotron etc.
czokletmuss replied to Thorenn's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
This looks amazing, I really like the old school sci-fi aesthethic Good work, Thorenn! -
I've recently found this very interesting documentary made in 1991 and, well, I recommend it to every space geek here http://youtu.be/SH3GcgF2r70 http://youtu.be/XBSbADmy87M http://youtu.be/L8ZvFaxcnYc
Thanks guys I also updated the first page which will be regularly, err, updated (check it out!).
I would also vote for Voskhod. Now when we have Vostok and Soyuz and even TKS (not to mention Buran or Kliper), the Voskhod is the last Soviet manned spacecraft missing. And it looks awesome
[0.25] Lionhead Aerospace Inc. - Icarus v0.4 updated
czokletmuss replied to Yogui87's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I think Yogui is doing this modularly - the spacecraft is the core to which you can add modules. It's not like the Icarus will be one part, so this ain't a problem. -
[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets
czokletmuss replied to czokletmuss's topic in KSP Fan Works
New chapter of the Space Race is out! (CHAPTER 3) 1961: FIRST IN SPACE – PART TWO -
CHAPTER 3 1961: FIRST IN SPACE – PART TWO *** 14th APRIL, 1961 MAX: Is this on? Okay, it's recording. Ahem. Gentlemen, we've assembled here to… JAMES: Cut to the chase, Max – Soviets have won and we still have nothing. MAX: Err, I don't think that this is a fair judgment, James. JAMES: Fair judgment, huh? Listen, they have bigger, more complex and more powerful rocket. That's one. They launched it the day before yesterday with a pilot above the Kerman line, thus sending him to space. Two. Not only he went to space, but he also made one full orbit. That's three. And we? We've just killed a bunch of monkeys and blow up some laughable small boosters. Are you happy with my judgment now, Max? Is it fair enough? MAX: :sigh: WERNHER: Is there anything you vould've done differently, Mr. Kebb? JAMES: Sure! The Reds are winning – we need more money and manpower to change this. Not to mention the mess this agency is right now. We need someone with experience, someone focused and sharp enough to deal with the politicians. With all due respect, doctor, you're a great scientist but a terrible administrator. WERNHER: Vell, I… JAMES: Not to mention your past and membership in certain organization. WERNHER: Was? I already told you what happened during the war. JAMES: It doesn't matter, doctor. You are a potential PR catastrophe. Someday someone will use it against KASA. MAX: Okay, that's enough James. Without doctor von Braun we wouldn't have had… JAMES: …problems. MAX: …rockets. James, please – we're here to discuss the development of program Mercury, not doctor Wernher's past. Donny? MAX: Ahem. This is the mission's plan. As you know, we should be able to prepare launch in the next… 5th MAY, 1961 MISSION CONTROL: Okay Alan, we're beginning the gravity turn. ALAN: Copy that. MAX: Come on James, cheer up. We're sending Kermarican to space! JAMES: Hooray. ALAN: Okay, uhm, everything's okay up here. Roll's good. MAX: I mean it. Alan is going to spa- JAMES: The Reds were first to do it. MAX: So what? It doesn't change the fact that he's climbing up through the atmosphere as we speak. MISSION CONTROL: Tower separation on my mark. Mark ALAN: Tower separated. JAMES: But we're in a space race, Max, we're not doing this for science or something like this. We're doing this to prove the superiority of our way of life, to prove that the capitalism is the best way to organize society. And we're losing. MISSION CONTROL: And cutoff. Spacecraft separation confirmed. ALAN: Okay, uhm, all systems operational. Everything is A-okay, KSC. MAX: All right James, the Reds have a small advantage currently, but it doesn't mea- JAMES: Small advantage? For the love of Kod Max, this is a space race! Race to space! They had Sputnik, this dog, than Muna-2 and know kerbonaut. This sounds like a small advantage to you? DONNY: Alan, check your orbital speed please, we've some problems with the readings. ALAN: Copy that. I've got 894 m/s. MAX: Yes, it does! And you know why? Because our economy is much more capable. In the long run, the Reds don't stand a chance. JAMES: If there will be any long run. KASA may as well get cancelled in this year. MISSION CONTROL: Freedom 8, you're going to pass the Kerman line in 10 seconds. MAX: Have you heard that? First Kermarican in space! This is history, James, you can't negate that. JAMES: This is a disgrace. MAX: What?! MISSION CONTROL: Alan, tell us what you can see. ALAN: The curvature of the Kerbin is clearly visible. There is a lot of clouds, but the view is astonishing. Wow! This – this is amazing. JAMES: You've heard me. MAX: How on Kerbin can you say this? Freedom 8 has just- JAMES: He pissed in his pants, for Kod's sake. Our first kerbonaut. Good Lord, if there will be any leak to the press we're done. MAX: It wasn't his fault! He waited for hours in the capsule before the liftoff. MISSION CONTROL: Okay Freedom 8, prepare for the retro booster ignition. ALAN: Copy that. Retro booster armed. MISSION CONTROL: Retrofire in three, two, one, ignition. JAMES: Than it's von Braun's fault. The design of the Mercu- MAX: Why you are such a snarker, James? What happened? JAMES: You see Max, there is so much potential in KASA that I can't help myself when I see it completely wasted. MISSION CONTROL: Retrofire completed. You can jettison the booster, Freedom. ALAN: Roger. Retro jettisoned. MAX: Wasted? JAMES: Yes, wasted. By this moron von Braun, mostly. MAX: Okay James, you can dislike doctor Werhner, but calling him a moron… JAMES: But he's a total moron in administrative matters! MISSION CONTROL: Altitude 50 kilometers. Prepare for reentry. ALAN: Copy that. MAX: But he's a brilliant scientist! JAMES: Maybe but he for sure don't know how to handle politicians. Do you know that recently he was once again talking publicly about his “Das Dunaprojekt� MAX: Wait, you mean this study for a manned Duna mission from 1952? JAMES: Study? He wants to assemble ten spacecraft in orbit, each with a mass of more than 3500 tonnes! MISSION CONTROL: We've lost contact with Freedom 8. MAX: At least he has a vision. JAMES: Yeah, sure, 'cause we have enough money and political support for such a mission. Hell, we're only capable of sending one tiny capsule barely above the atmosphere with some clown in it. MAX: This saddens me, James. I thought you will be the last person to be disrespectful to them. They are risking everything, every time. They are heroes and you won't talk about them like this – you're working and KASA, for Kod's sake! JAMES: Okay, I'm taking this back. But von Braun will get the whole program cancelled. We need more resourceful leadership, someone capable of handling politicians, military and other factions in the capital. Someone who knows what to say to get president to listen. MAX: Oh, I get it now. This whole rant was about this and this only, isn't it James? You already can see yourself as the Administrator, don't you? MISSION CONTROL: Parachutes deployment successful. DONNY: Yes! JAMES: As a matter of fact yes, I do. And I'm sure that I would be a better Administrator than von Braun – hell, anyone would be better. MAX: And what are you going to do about it? JAMES: You'll see soon enough. MISSION CONTROL: Freedom 8 has landed! MAX: You see, James? History is happening. Tomorrow all newspapers in the world will have it on their front page. JAMES: Mhm. We may even get congratulations from the Reds ambassador. How lucky we are. MAX: :sigh: DONNY: Mr. Kebb, you are needed in the conference room 4b. JAMES: Tell them I'm going, Donny. You know what Max, you are right – we need a visioner. And I'm talking about the real vision – bigger spacecraft, more powerful rockets, more science, more firsts during the space race. Not the lunacy von Braun is proposing. MAX: Well, if you think you could do this, than I wish you luck. But the only person who could change the Administrator is the President himself. What are you going to do, just walk in the Green House for a little chit-chat and hope you can change his mind? JAMES: You'll see. I got to go, we'll talk later. Take care. MAX: You too, James. You too.
[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets
czokletmuss replied to czokletmuss's topic in KSP Fan Works
And there will be MOAR, pal There is nothing bettter than the smell of cliffhanger in the morning OR DOES IT?! Yeah, iStuff autocorrection can be hilarious Thanks! -
Who won the Space Race? Community poll
czokletmuss replied to czokletmuss's topic in Science & Spaceflight
I have no problem with that, just please be civil and remember that there are other programs than STS and that STS itself maybe considered by some to begin after the Space Race concluded -
Who won the Space Race? Community poll
czokletmuss replied to czokletmuss's topic in Science & Spaceflight
This is not a thread about STS (there were few about it, as far as I remember); there are a lot of good points made by critics of it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_the_Space_Shuttle_program) but please let's not derail into the current NASA's manned program. Instead, let's concentrate on THIS: -
NASA and CNSA cooperation - possible?
czokletmuss replied to czokletmuss's topic in Science & Spaceflight
I wouldn't be so sure about it, but we're focusing on the space program here, not the whole economy. -
NASA and CNSA cooperation - possible?
czokletmuss replied to czokletmuss's topic in Science & Spaceflight
STS was also limited to LEO. Where did you get information that SLS was cheaper than Soyuz? -
[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets
czokletmuss replied to czokletmuss's topic in KSP Fan Works
CHAPTER 29 EVA OPERATIONS: DAMAGE ASSESSMENT *** NED: Just like I suspected. JEB: Could you elaborate this professional assessment please? NED: Some of the unfolding mechanisms seem to be damaged. This may have caused problems during aerobraking since heatshield couldn't be set against the atmosphere with sufficient accuracy. JEB: Hmm. BERTY, do you have something to say? BERTY v.2.0.8b: I'm sorry, commander. The readings I was getting didn't indicate that there could be any problems. NED: It shouldn't be a surprise – I can see that some sensors are completely fried. JEB: Crap. Can we fix this? NED: Probably. We're gonna need that shield, that's for sure. Luckily we have enough spare parts to build several heatshields, am I right BERT? BERTY v.2.0.8b: This statement is incorrect, Ned. NED: :sigh: JEB: All right Ned, take a look at the hull near the fusion cores, it was hurt the most during the aerobraking. NED: Hey, I know that, there's no need to tell me that, boss. JEB: Right, right. Just check it out, okay? NED: Damn! JEB: Ned? NED: It's bad. The thermal protection insulation is badly damaged. It looks that in few places there are just few centimeters of it left. One more aerobraking like this and it will take only several second for the plasma to burn through it, Jeb. And than… JEB: Holy crap… NED: Superheated ionized gas makes it to the fuel tank and boom, we have a beautiful flower of radioactive debris descending with a hypervelocity speed on the planet. JEB: Is he right, BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Affirmative. The probability of such scenario during aerobraking without the protection of the heatshield equals to 95,784%. JEB: Can it be fixed, Ned? Tell me we can do it. NED: Well, we still have these tiles made of sweet carbon fibre-reinforced carbon just for such an occasion. I think we can patch it up, the graphite in this composite should… JEB: All right, spare me the details. So we can't risk aerobraking unless we repair the heatshield. NED: Yup. Which is one more argument against going to the Jool, Jeb. JEB: Mhm. Okay, check the engines now. NED: Roger. NED: Huh. JEB: What is it now? NED: Well, nothing actually. They look surprisingly good. I mean, you know, for the engines the size of a bus blowing out the zeta pinch plasma hotter than the surface of the Sun. JEB: So everything is okay? No external damage, no micrometeorites? NED: Nope. Everything is okay. The cooling unit… JEB: Ned? NED: … JEB: Ned? Do you copy? NED: … JEB: Talk to me, pal. Is everything all right? Ned! NED: Yes. The cooling unit is undamaged too. I'm returning to the “Proteus' now. *** NED: Jeb, we have to talk. JEB: Yes, I understand that – wait a second, Ned – I get this Sid. You can investigate this asteroid but let me know before you attempt landing or anything, okay? Good luck. Okay Ned, what is it? NED: Our mission. Are we going to abort and return to home or continue this madness? JEB: Hey, it's up the the crew. We're all in this crap and we will vote on this issue, don't you remember? NED: Damn right I remember. But here's a thing, Jeb – most of us want to abort. I talked with everyone. JEB: Really? NED: Yup. Cambo, Harsen and Neilgas are for abort, just like me. Sid and Johndon think that we should continue – that's four versus two. Than we have Danrey and you, undecided. And we have 6 crew members on Duna – I strongly believe that they will vote for abort once we tell them what's the situation with Rozer. By the way, have you contacted with them BERTY? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Negative. Duna Base doesn't respond. As I stated before, they may be following captain Rozer's orders to cease all communication until few days before the transfer burn when they have to return to the “Proteusâ€Â. NED: Right. Anyways, I think that our option will have majority. JEB: You don't know this. What if folks from Duna decide that they want to continue? And you forgot about Rozer. NED: Are you kidding? You want him to vote? No way – this bastard should be happy that we didn't threw him out of the airlock. JEB: He's done what he's done, but he's still one of the crew. He will vote. NED: I don't get it, Jeb. If he were in your position, he wouldn't treat you in such chivalrous way. JEB: Than he's lucky that I'm not like him. NED: Yeah. Whatever Jeb, my point is that we shouldn't continue the mission. JEB: The crew will decide about it. NED: Oh, screw the crew. JEB: What?! NED: I mean, screw the voting Jeb. You are the commander and we're on spacecraft in deep space. It's not a democracy, it never was. JEB: But you've just said that the majority is for abort! NED: Yes, but if they vote for continuing the mission… I think you should take responsibility and protect them from their own stupidity. I'm just saying. JEB: You can't be serious. NED: Well, I am. Really Jeb, how many more have to die for you all to understand that this mission is a complete failure? JEB: :sigh: NED: But it is, Jeb! Yeah, we've done some science, went where nobody has been before and so on but for what cost? Do you want this to end like “Kadmosâ€Â, a radioactive shipwreck torn into million pieces and half the crew dead? Frak, Jeb, what happened to Orson? Rozer frakin killed him just so he and KSC can be sure who can be selected to whatever they are doing on Duna. JEB: … NED: And what about Bob? Yeah, he was a bloody idiot and soulless bureaucrat, but even he didn't deserve this. JEB: You don't know him. NED: Oh come on Jeb! I know you were friends once, but it was decades ago. He made foolish decisions and paid with his live for it. And frak him, I say – but we have to think about the rest of us. We can't - JEB: Shut up, Ned, I said you don't know him. NED: Yeah, sure, now you're going to defend him, right? You're such a moron sometimes, you know that? He's a victim of his own ambition. Besides, he was never an angel. And he never cared much about you either. Hell, everybody knows that when you were on that munar station he and your wife… JEB: I SAID SHUT UP! GET THE FRAK OUT OF HERE! NED: Crap. Jeb, I didn't want to - JEB: Frak you, Ned. Go. NED: Jeb, I'm really sor - JEB: Leave. Now. NED: Oh, frak you and your survivor's guilt, Jeb! Put yourself together, for Kod's sake – there are living people here who need you and you're still thinking about the past! Kod! Am I the only sane man left on this frakin ship!? JEB: GET OUT! *** NED: Jeb? JEB: … NED: I, uh, I want to apologize. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. JEB: :sigh: NED: I am, really. It's just – frak, I just have this feeling that all of this will end like “Kadmos†unless we do something about it, you know? I'm old, Jeb. I don't have kids, my parents are gone and my sister, well, we didn't talk in years. Hell, all I have now is you and Sid. And we're stuck here. Frak, man. I would like to see the night sky on Kerbin before I die, you know? Breath deeply while looking at the sunset by the ocean. Eat some seafood, you know, some calamari with fries and salad. And drink something else than a frakin processed urine. JEB: :smiles: NED: I'm sorry, Jeb. I'm just really worried about all of this. You feel me? JEB: I do, Ned. Apologies accepted – and I'm sorry too, my reaction was completely over the top. :sigh: It ain't easy, is it pal? NED: Like sunbathing on Eeloo. JEB: Huh, something like this. NED: So we're good? JEB: We're good. NED: I'm happy to hear that, Jeb. JEB: Don't worry, Ned, we'll deal with all this, one thing at a time. NED: Yes. I talked with BERTY and it seems that we only need more or less two months to repair the ship and check every system and subsystem to make sure there won't be any malfunctions during interplanetary transfer. JEB: Two months? BERTY, when do the transfer windows open? BERTY v.2.0.8b: Hohmann transfer to Kerbin will be possible in 137 days 5 hours and 37 minutes. Hohmann transfer to Jool will be possible in 129 days 17 hours and 58 minutes. NED: You see? Plenty of time. We have all the materials and some really brilliant engineers here. We'll be good. JEB: Yeah. I just hope there won't be more surpri - SID: â€ÂProteusâ€Â, this is LAMGML Alfa. JEB: I'm listening, Sid. Have you investigate this asteroid? SID: Jeb, this… this is hard to explain. NED: No. Not again. JEB: What is hard to explain? SID: Well, uhm. NED: Please, not again! JEB: Sid? What is it? SID: I – I think you should see this for yourself. *** MISSION STATUS *** -
[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets
czokletmuss replied to czokletmuss's topic in KSP Fan Works
Dude, it's "Proteus" "Prometheus" reminds me of a certain terrible written sci-fi movie