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Everything posted by mrrpamplemousse

  1. Time breaks down, (and the universe simulation crash?) I breaked the rules and was left with a replie to fill, so it's why it's (maybe) crapy.
  2. The biggest cannon ever, the great tsar cannon!
  3. Banned for being on all the game thread I go on. Friking Stalker! actualy, maybe you we're there frist...
  4. 2/10 I think I have seen you work on some mods before...
  5. I gave the bank robber a gun and hollow point ammunition
  6. How a oversized face can beat this overpowered fat-face-lanching-guy?
  7. Granted, but you don't have milk. I wish of a world where Inter-dimentional portal exist.
  8. 7/10 They will find you, and convert you, in space or underwater!
  9. Should the command center be in the unamed buiding on de side (A.K.A. The true flight command I think)
  10. Sorry to say this again (a lot a people have been asking for it) but what is the CFC's change to make the minigun a canon? I don't ask for the part, but for the CFC's code. Thank
  11. will you use the firespitter control panel?
  12. when I saw Kerbal at War 2 (look at the link, it's worth it) on youtube, I first wondered how you can make a canon like this, so does somebody know how the autor tweaked the CFCs to make it fire like heavy weapon? (here is the link = )
  13. damn, my computer will melt! EDIT : I was thinking that this thread was diying, but IT'S ALIVE!
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