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Everything posted by mrrpamplemousse

  1. Can you make a non command pod version of the Demv mark II?
  2. if you gave the exact dimention of top and rear, the other people could make attachment to DEMV. (Such as a robotic arm)
  3. http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/002/252/me-gusta.jpg Me Gusta... I want it NOW!!!
  4. the kosmos pack is my favorite mod, but it is not yet "IVA-compatible" and the rest of the part is not the right size.
  5. I cannot wait that devlopeurs make a tutorial to make an interior space with functional instrument.
  6. That makes it seem like the "Magic Boulder is some small object either in orbit around Duna, or between Duna's and Jool's orbits. I'm guessing that this image is some sort of map to find it: Of course, all of this is just speculation. I'm pretty sure it have a link whit the face on duna...
  7. What is the mod you use for the 6 wheel cart?
  8. I think it's a payload pack prototype http://oi45.tinypic.com/2u56q13.jpg
  9. This is not what I mean, I wanted to say something more like this: a mun base carries the rover, the rover decouple, a kerbal do an EVA and go in the DEMV. Its what I do.
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