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Everything posted by kujuman

  1. There isn't an official one yet, but MrHappyFace has collected a lot of info. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86588-Contract-Modding-Information-for-Mod-Authors
  2. This line seems a bit...overblown. It will probably do more harm than good.
  3. I suspect the hang on loading is due to a error in the part.cfg. Would you mind posting its contents in addition to the items suggested by SpannerMonkey?
  4. Just to clarify, being opt-out and presenting a gui dialog are not only not mutually exclusive, they have nothing to do with one another. Opt-out just means that the default setting (without any further action by the user) is to perform the action. Opt-in just means that the default setting (without any further action by the user) is to not perform the action. The tracking that KSP itself does is opt-out as the user must uncheck the checkbox presented in the first-start dialog. My personal belief is that opt-in vs opt-out doesn't really matter, but that opt-out should be as visible and simple to the user as is feasible weighted by the magnitude of privacy concerns. Toolbar is a great example, its updater doesn't even have an opt-out mechanism but since all it's doing is reading http://blizzy.de/toolbar/version.txt privacy concerns are essentially nil. When the mod gets updated to be more like the KSP dialog in being visible and simple, I think/hope that all of these concerns would go away, even if the checkbox is pre-clicked.
  5. Updated to v0.4.0 Tested in x64, compiled against .24 KSP, new features.
  6. Hum, Okay, I'll give this a look later. I didn't even consider anything like this.
  7. It comes down to how the RPM configs work. By assigning to A I can patch the MFD instead of having to write a new flight screen.
  8. I was just practicing reading/understanding code written by someone else Thanks for your help.
  9. This needs to be made explicit in the OP. It would relieve a lot of fears I think. Is it also correct to think that no data would be sent if the user deleted settings.cfg between every run of KSP? (each run works as a first run?) Finally, what is the JsonFX.dll and where is its source code? nvm, found the link.
  10. no, it doesn't touch any controls. it's probably another plugin.
  11. Okay, thank you for the details. I'll look into this. It's pretty clear that I made a math mistake in the locLatitude and locLongitude auto code. Update: fixed- it's those damn radians and degrees /update In the mean time, if you edit the runway to either have locLatitude = -2.055499 locLongitude = -271.2791 or locLatitude = -2.145115383 locLongitude = -271.2076368 it'll work for now. The first option is using the touchdown point as the loc center as well, the second is figures I just did in the newest version of the code, and distance and bearing check out.
  12. Money already is irrelevant. In KSP, the only things we can spend Funds on are rockets (and planes and mechanical spiders and etc). To get funds people do contracts. Contracts are specific objectives. So do enough objectives get a rocket. With EL + Kethane the player uses mined parts and fuel to build rockets. Mining requires specific objectives. So do enough objectives get a rocket. The key is that Funds are a medium of exchange, they hold no inherent value. They are just a way to connect (build & fly small rocket without crashing) and (be able to build new big rocket). Mining fulfills the same purpose.
  13. I was so suspicious that I tried this on an entirely different install than my career save. I'm very glad I did
  14. icymi http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86682-Appilcation-Launcher-and-Mods?p=1280014#post1280014
  15. Aside from what FleetAdmiralJ said, there may be some differences in how the part is activated. I had to test a nuclear engine in orbit and pressing spacebar would not activate it, right click on it revealed "Run Test" which started the engine up as if I had staged it.
  16. I was wrong about RUI* (it may be useful drawing parts of buttons) We probably want to look at UIApp. This is going to be easy
  17. Just for any potential modders seeing this topic, steps 1&2 are easy enough to do http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50384-WEB-Parachute-Calculator-Updated%21?highlight=parachute
  18. It seems to me that the place to look is RUI* I'm an idiot If past is any indication, Mu will post some documentation within the next week or so. Also if past is any indication, someone will figure it out by then too
  19. Neat. Not for me, but it did take me a bit to get used to designing for mach tuck and exploiting slats (they seem to work at increasing AoA before stall, but it could just be additional lift area/placebo), and I've got a pretty decent understanding of aero. I can see the lack of mach effects being a huge difficulty reduction for the spaceplane crowd.
  20. Company names and pictures are in GameData/Squad/Agencies It looks pretty easy to add/change companies using module manager, but this is untested. That's almost as easy as I was hoping it would be. Thanks for taking the time to figure this all out.
  21. For me, the portraits are more CCTV like (slow frame rate, possibly grainier, but very subtle) like how it used to be before ~.19-.20. Between then and .23.5 the portrait animations were very smooth. In the changelog it says the old C7 radiator and nacelle now are intakes and small fuel tanks. But the changelog hides the fact that the radiator is now backwards to be more like an intake (this is stated in the part description basically ). The radiator looks pretty cool. Link to full size
  22. For me, the portraits are more CCTV like (slow frame rate, possibly grainier, but very subtle) like how it used to be before ~.19-.20. Between then and .23.5 the portrait animations were very smooth.
  23. I am assuming you mean the big station hub thing? If so 1) Yes, you need to add docking ports for each side you want to dock to. 2) You shouldn't need to add a separator. A docking port can be in the middle of two parts in the VAB/SPH, and right clicking the part once in flight will allow you to "Decouple" the part. 3) If each node will have equal TWR (or thereabouts), you don't need anything else for a reasonably sized vessel. However, I'd remind you that if your docking is anything less than perfectly aligned, you will create a rotation when you fire the engines (assuming that my mental picture of what you're planning is correct) To help with problem 3, many people use multiple docking ports to attach two items (it can be tricky getting the spacing of them perfect though). This example: | is a fuel tank, ^ is an engine, - is a docking port. | | | | - - | | | | | | - - | | ^^ I hope this helps.
  24. I've not been able to get a seafaring hack to work, but primarily because I can't get the transforms figured out.
  25. Good morning, Today's link is to v0.3.9, the 0.4.0 release candidate (assuming no bugs are found, 0.3.9 becomes 0.4.0). Please be aware that this download is not fully tested (particularly the Custom Runway feature) in all types of vessel, bodies, flight states, etc. For this reason I am not updating the main post yet. The link to the github download. Do not use unless you are still in KSP .23.5, use v0.4.0 or higher ===v0.3.9 Changes=== *RPM keys are now softcoded to prop.cfg file definitions. This should allow much more flexible adaptation of the HSI to various RPM props. *RPM now features same text overlay as standalone, including runway elevation. *Included MM configs updated to reflect this -New Features: *Custom runways from in game. Position your vessel at the desired touch-down point and either use auto heading and elevation or use your own (auto based on current vessel's orientation and elevation). Custom runways do not have marker beacons (can still be added in .cfg). Custom runways saved to separate file. Custom runways can be deleted in game. The custom runway GUI can be accessed from the Toolbar.
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